Toy Story Mania queue is a mess


Premium Member
Yes, Americans (and sometimes tourists from other countries where respect for property doesn't exit) do seem to have a big problem with this.

I also didn't notice these problems in the Asian parks, even on seriously crowded days, they are much more behaved and respectful.

I feel bad for the imagineers and cast members who try to build things for the guests, but end up being destroyed.

Maybe we should create an Unofficial Disney Etiquitte Guide to post on forums for people visiting...hmm....


Well-Known Member
I saw signs of this last year when I was waiting in-line. The log cabin had scratch marks/carvings in it that had already been painted over.

I'm not excusing the actions by guests, it's despicable to me too, but this is a slow moving queue that gets boring quickly because you stand in the same place for several minutes at a time. There's nothing really to entertain guests while waiting, other than Mr. Potatato head, but he's only entertaining for a few minutes, then he kinda gets annoying. I'm sorry but I think the imagineers failed to understand how bored guests get while waiting in line and what they'll do to occupy their time. Perhaps they need to go stand in that line for a while themselves to see what it's like.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps they need to go stand in that line for a while themselves to see what it's like.

They've spent more hours waiting in those rooms than any guest thus far, I asssure you.

That also reminds me, that they've added some covering to the Cabin to stop the scratching on the actual structure. They've really been quite pro and retro active on keeping the quality of the queue in tact-more so than any other attraction really. It's just an uphill battle I'm afraid.


New Member
Perhaps they need to go stand in that line for a while themselves to see what it's like.

I fear that they'd be too interested in the animatronic they worked hard on and all the detail and probably not notice the wait. But then again on a line like SM's they might notice somethings wrong...


Well-Known Member
And it's why I am happy that our TOT (OT, I know! :rolleyes:) doesn't queue through the main lobby & pass right through easily removable items like at either DL or TDS (I forget...). There's always that one person that has to touch everything!

They've actually re-arranged the furniture in the lobby of Florida's Tower since it first opened. The mahjong table on the far left used to be right next to the queue on that side, most likely because of Guests reaching out. And I think the "Concierge" desk on the right used to be closer to the queue ropes than it is now.

As for the TSMM queue... If *only* there was a way to speed up the wait in that queue so that the Guests were always moving through the line at a slow pace, with no time to stop, climb on and damage things... If only there was something they could get rid of that would accomplish that... :lookaroun

When I was in Tokyo DL (about 10 years ago, or so), I remember that (A) the CM's wiped the seats clean (on Splash) in between each load/unload and (B) it was considered inappropriate to use the seat as a "step" (to get in / out of the vehicle). A lot of Japanese folks dress up for a day in the parks so it would be rude to have a foot-print on your pretty skirt.

As for TSMM, I, too, noticed in August that it was a bit messy, although like someone else said, I attributed the crayons as "that's what I used to do with mine", so it did help the look (of a kid's playroom). A lot of the bumps and dings, I bet, are because of the electric wheelchairs / scooters.


Active Member
Original Poster
Two types of mess

Thanks for the feedback. Our observation was that there were two issues with the queue. The first is damage from guests, which was pretty bad. We saw kids and adults climbing all over the props. It seems like that part is out of control and the staff has justifiably given up.

But the second was dustiness and dirt. It seemed like it had not been dusted or cleaned in quite awhile. Now maybe the dust accumulates quickly, but I was very surprised at the amount of dust on top of everything.

Kinda sad really...


New Member
Word. Hopefully it gets fixed, soon...What's with Toy Story attractions and bad queues? BuzzSRS is terrible,too.

I know Buzz is terrible!

The way I look at it is, people in general are animals! You do see a lot more of this and stuff like grafitti in Amercia however. It's is not all Americans I personally hate stuff like that. The way I was raised is you don't go into someone elses house (in this case WDW) and mess it up.

I think it is more generational than ever people just aren't raised with the same values anymore. Infact the other say at TDS someone... How can I put this in a nice way? Some one went to the bathroom in the dressing room #2 :hurl:


Well-Known Member
I blame a lot of it on the parents. I see so many kid's unsupervised. It's so bad that my 9 year old daughter notices when other kid's are being unruly. I see parents even watching as their kid's are climbing or stepping all over things that are not supposed to be touched. Gives the rest of us "Americans" a bad rap.


New Member
I blame a lot of it on the parents. I see so many kid's unsupervised. It's so bad that my 9 year old daughter notices when other kid's are being unruly. I see parents even watching as their kid's are climbing or stepping all over things that are not supposed to be touched. Gives the rest of us "Americans" a bad rap.

I took a couple of classes like Gen-X films and some other American Culture classes that all said that kids that grew up in the 80's (for the most part people don't flame me I understand some of you are good parents) or Gen-X will be by far the worst parents to there kids in the last 100 years.


Active Member
I blame a lot of it on the parents. I see so many kid's unsupervised. It's so bad that my 9 year old daughter notices when other kid's are being unruly. I see parents even watching as their kid's are climbing or stepping all over things that are not supposed to be touched. Gives the rest of us "Americans" a bad rap.

That is the way I see it too. On my DD first visit to Space Mountain, she dropped her stuffed Bambi on the other side of the railing in the cue. Even though she could see it, she thought it lost forever, because she knows not to cross the bars, ropes, railings, whatever. (She did however crawl under to get her Bambi.) It is all in the upbrining and what values they have been instilled with. My kids (9 and 7) were disgusted by other kids that just threw wrappers from their candy on the ground during our last visit during MNSSHP, (not that there are trash cans every thirty feet in WDW). They also notice drivers and others who throw their cigarette buts out the window. Can't tell you how many times a day I hear...'Dad, someone is littering.'


Premium Member
I mentioned in my post how WDW has much worse issues with guests destroying things than other parks in Hong Kong and a GENERAL statement would be that those guests in the Asian parks tend to treat things with more respect.

Generalizations are fine if they are CORRECT. It's when you point to someone, say they are American, therefore they MUST be one of those people that destroys things....that is wrong.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
I mentioned in my post how WDW has much worse issues with guests destroying things than other parks in Hong Kong and a GENERAL statement would be that those guests in the Asian parks tend to treat things with more respect.

Generalizations are fine if they are CORRECT. It's when you point to someone, say they are American, therefore they MUST be one of those people that destroys things....that is wrong.

Exactly. I was too incensed to say it. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I took a couple of classes like Gen-X films and some other American Culture classes that all said that kids that grew up in the 80's (for the most part people don't flame me I understand some of you are good parents) or Gen-X will be by far the worst parents to there kids in the last 100 years.

I am a child of the 80's I don't think this would surprise. I have noticed less and less respect from kids every few years. I have seen many parents with young kids giving into them too easily. I also hate that parents have there 8 year olds with cell phones and that they text.


New Member
I am a child of the 80's I don't think this would surprise. I have noticed less and less respect from kids every few years. I have seen many parents with young kids giving into them too easily. I also hate that parents have there 8 year olds with cell phones and that they text.

Like I said not all children of the 80's are bad parents but after studying this it does make sense that a lot of them would be.

Divorce rates were the (I think or it might have been just the biggest jump) the highest ever during the decade of the 80's. This with the combination of cable and more mothers working full time.


Well-Known Member
*Walks into the thread.

*Finishes his Coke.

*Sets it on top of the trashcan.

"They'll flame, flame, flame, flame, flame; & blame, blame, blame!
They'll rip you into shreds,
This thread's not my thing, & I'll let it go now."


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