Tomorrowland Speedway Accident


Well-Known Member
The Magic Kingdom is not remote or secluded. Once upon a time that was true but those days are long gone.

The nearest Paramedic with transport is just a few hundred feet from an auxillary entance to the the park. The closest hospital, unless it was severe trauma, is in Celebration which is about 10 to 12 miles away by Ambulance. The next closest is also about 15 miles away. The level One Trauma Center is located at Orlando Region Medical Center in Downtown Orlando. Given the traffic of Spring Break, airlift would definitely be the easiest way to get there.


The Magic Kingdom is not remote or secluded. Once upon a time that was true but those days are long gone.

The nearest Paramedic with transport is just a few hundred feet from an auxillary entance to the the park. The closest hospital, unless it was severe trauma, is in Celebration which is about 10 to 12 miles away by Ambulance. The next closest is also about 15 miles away. The level One Trauma Center is located at Orlando Region Medical Center in Downtown Orlando. Given the traffic of Spring Break, airlift would definitely be the easiest way to get there.

Have to agree with this.

Air Med evac is done on a protocol the pre hospital care provider must follow, evaluating time travel to nearest Level 1 trauma receiving hospital, If a patient fits the criteria for a Level 1 trauma center the pre hospital care provider then must make the decision on the mode of transport air vs ground , Time is your factor. Sounds like it was a good call on behalf of RCFD EMS for a air med evac.

Determination of a patient destination is a tricky one something that may seem mundane and simple and be able to be cared for at any hospital to the public might be viewed different from a care givers point and medical protocol usage

Any way hope the CM is OK.


Well-Known Member
Reportedly some guests got out of their car in the middle of the ride, the cast member went to assist them and another car hit that person. The cast member had to be airlifted out. Both Speedway and the TTA were evacuated following the accident.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I wouldn't think one could sustain any serious injury at the tomorrow land indy speedway... Time to close down the attraction...:shrug:
I could see if the cars traveled at a fast speed not being able to get out of the way but these cars are not that fast and the cast member should have been able to move unless he/she was not paying attention.. I am picturing the scene from Austin Powers where Austin is driving the Steamroller at one of Dr. Evils Henchmen
You would be surprised at how little it takes to seriously or fatally injure a person. When I was around ten I had a very minor wreck on my bike and hit my head. I had no scratches, cuts or bruises. Three hours after the accident I was in a coma. Had my parents not noticed the signs of a concussion before that happened and took me to the ER I would have been dead. All without a scratch on me.


Well-Known Member
Sentinel Story

Jason Garcia said:
A Walt Disney World employee broke his leg Sunday afternoon after he was struck by a guest driving a car at the Tomorrowland Speedway in the Magic Kingdom, authorities said.

The unidentified employee was airlifted to Orlando Regional Medical Center in stable condition, said Bo Jones, deputy fire chief with Reedy Creek Emergency Services.

The accident occurred just before 1 p.m., Jones said. Disney temporarily closed the attraction but re-opened it less than three hours later.

The gas-powered ride vehicles used in the Tomorrowland Speedway have top speeds of 7 mph.


Well-Known Member
That's it! This ride NEEDS to go before anyone else gets hurt. Please Disney, remove the Tomorrowland INdy Speedway and replace it with a futuristic attraction. :lookaroun


Well, in Disneyland, Autopia (the equivalent attraction) was nicknamed "blood alley" According to More Mouse Tales "Accidentally and not so accidentally, drivers have bumped, thrown, even chased and run down ride operators". As of 2004, there had been 71 personal injury lawsuits filed regarding the attraction, far ahead of the 2nd place Matterhorn with 48. The need to airlift someone is probably newsworthy, but not the injury itself. This stuff has been happening since the beginning; it was just much easier to hush up before cell phone cameras, twitter, these boards, etc.

Please don't think that means there's any lack of concern for this particular CM on my part; hope it's a quick recovery.

A bientot.

PS: Far be it from me to try and tell anyone how to run things, but perhaps these threads on the same topic should be combined.


Well-Known Member
Is it bad of me to kinda hope that this may cause Disney to consider getting rid of the Speedway... :shrug:

I think it is a ride whose time has passed at least in that format. There is nothing like a ride that spews fumes and consumes fuel in the middle of an otherwise relaxing park that takes the environment into account in so many other ways.


Well-Known Member
Neck, back or head injuries would need the fastest, smoothest evac. Injuries quite possible in hitting concrete or a metal rail from a fall or tumble. Assuming it was a fall and nothing more serious.

Yeah. The first thing that came to my mind was he/she may have hit their head. That with the traffic and it's not surprising the CM would be airlifted. Once upon a time my mom worked in ORMC's ER admissions. Crazy stuff. And that was like 25 years ago. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Let me know if you had similar thoughts on space mountain, cause I am going to ride it Friday:lol:

No, no thoughts on Space Mountain... you should be fine! :lol:

My husband said he saw someone chase a CM when he was waiting to park the car. Crazy!!!

I like the Speedway b/c my kids like it... it's fun for kids to drive! But I'm sure there's a way to do it that has less fumes involved. It could do with some scenery along the track as well! The queue was in pretty bad shape last week. The rails had tons of paint missing/scratched off on them. Not very "Disney like"!

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