Timekeeper gone for good.

General Grizz

New Member
scottnj1966 said:
The show is seasonal. The front area has always been used the last couple years for buzz to sign autographs.

It will open during peaks times.

Alot of people are getting out of hand here. No reason to get upset.
I'd be upset if my favorite attraction was sitting there, closed, in the dust, ready for operation, and having its queue area as a Meet and Greet. . .


Well-Known Member
The ONLY attraction that most of us would ever accept in place of Timekeeper would be an updated Horizons; ride CoP, then cross Tomorrowland and experience its sequel.

Hey...if WDW insists on getting rid of TK, why not replace it with Horizons? Then they could put Adventures Through Inner Space, another classic, in the WoL pavillion... :sohappy:

(I may dream, may I not?)


Well-Known Member
Montu said:
You're attacking us!!!1!

Besides I have more posts than you so you obviously don't know as much!!!1!!11!!!
Sorry I just wanted to say "Huh?" to this post...

Now that I got that out of the way...I saw TK once in my life. I don't think it's been open when I visit WDW, but I visit in the off-season. I don't remember much of it, but it was cute. It's not something I'd put on my must-see list, but then again some don't put Splash on their must-see list. Point is, if it does go, I'm sorry for those of you that truly enjoy the attraction. I know that if they took away one of my favorites, it would be sad.


Account Suspended
Montu said:
You're attacking us!!!1!

Besides I have more posts than you so you obviously don't know as much!!!1!!11!!!
:lol: Gosh that gave me a good laugh! My land, I guess everyone knows that the more posts you make the more you know! *sarcasm* BTW I've been thinking maybe they SHOULD keep this attraction because we might be seeing a Stitch meet and greet if it's closed! *shudders* Make the bad Stitch go away mommy.... :(


Well-Known Member
Oh god, they need to make SGE seasonal not TK. LOL!!! Timekeeper is 10x more entertaining that SGE will ever be. If it were up to me, everything stitch and/or relating to stitch, would be put in a pile in the middle of Tomorrowland and burned.:fork: This is not entirely because I dislike stitch, I just really dislike the way Disney is shoving him down our throats.:mad:

I have only seen TK once or twice over the past few years, its not tops on my list but I liked it because it was a creative attraction full of beautiful cinematography. Unlike SGE which is just a cheap piece of ______!!

:o Sorry, I'm just really really really sick of stitch.


New Member
dxwwf3 said:
Well the Timekeeper queue has already been a gift shop, and now it's a meet and greet, so no way will it close now.

It has also been a break room for Buzz and his greeters. I like Timekeeper. I hope it doesn't go away...



New Member
PurpleDragon said:
Oh god, they need to make SGE seasonal not TK. LOL!!! Timekeeper is 10x more entertaining that SGE will ever be. If it were up to me, everything stitch and/or relating to stitch, would be put in a pile in the middle of Tomorrowland and burned.:fork: This is not entirely because I dislike stitch, I just really dislike the way Disney is shoving him down our throats.:mad:

I have only seen TK once or twice over the past few years, its not tops on my list but I liked it because it was a creative attraction full of beautiful cinematography. Unlike SGE which is just a cheap piece of ______!!

:o Sorry, I'm just really really really sick of stitch.

I agree with you 100%. I haven't even seen the movie yet, but I don't want to anymore. When you are at the parks, that is ALL you see everywhere you turn...Stitch on the monorail...(and his voice...aaaakkk!) Stitch as your driving into and out of MGM, Stitch balloon at TTC....ENOUGH with him...What happened to Mickey? Perhaps a Donald or two?


Well-Known Member
I had to chance to ride TK or SGE....I went with SGE so fast it wasn't even funny.

TK is a good show, don't get my wrong, but its just so out dated. If it got a updated video or something then by all means I would go see it. Otherwise its time for something new.

I would not mind it being turned into a restaurant . In fact I think it would do so much better as a restaurant then it is doing right now. 360 movie playing while I eat...HAHA awsome. Only thing is...ya need like a hour movie loop.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
wow, i thought i was going to have to give my R.I.P. to it and call Kasey Kasum (sp?) this weekend and plug it on the special request dedication during his top 20 countdown.

wow, that was a close one.


Account Suspended
Watch out everyone! If you post a negative comment against certain poster's "precious" Timekeeper attraction you may get a negative rep. point! I can't believe people actually give negative points because someone disagreed with their point of view. So glad everyone is so open-minded! hehehe


Well-Known Member
DizkneeBoi said:
Watch out everyone! If you post a negative comment against certain poster's "precious" Timekeeper attraction you may get a negative rep. point! I can't believe people actually give negative points because someone disagreed with their point of view. So glad everyone is so open-minded! hehehe

That's how the world is... sometimes. Closed minded. Don't like it, tough.


New Member
I was told by a castmember in October 04, that TimeKeeper "will close for good when the MK closes for good" that it was "part of the deal". Same with COP.
I don't know what "deal" he was talking about, but none of my business.

I think it's kinda cool....could use a little updating, but entertaining.

General Grizz

New Member
DisneyTraveler said:
I was told by a castmember in October 04, that TimeKeeper "will close for good when the MK closes for good" that it was "part of the deal".

I think it's kinda cool....could use a little updating, but entertaining.
That's one of the strangest reports I've ever heard. . .

Welcome to WDWMagic!


Account Suspended
DisneyTraveler said:
This castmember told me that they were personally designed by Walt and that they would now be "seasonal", but never close for good.
Well that castmember must have been smoking crack because Walt had been dead for like 20 plus years before that attraction was even created.

General Grizz

New Member
Walt Disney passed away in 1966. He had no involvement with Transportaurium/Timekeeper, but he certainly had a lot to do with the invention of CircleVision theatre.

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