Yeah but I was clickbaited by a ITM article and you know how those are!
It was all like BIG DETAILS REVEALED ABOUT TIANA RIDE PROGRESS and I was like ooo did they add a real plot? but no.
I actually tried REALLLY hard to like this ride. I am actually a fan of the movie. I think Tiana is cool! It's just that I want a ride where you do more than just plan for and attend a celebration. It's like riding a ride that takes you through a supermarket where you pick out some food and then go to see people dance for 2 minutes. When it comes to water rides, If there is a waterfalls, there needs to be peril! Nobody sends someone over a waterfall because they want to be their friend!
Also stop taking me so seriously. I'm complaining but I'm trying to complain in a silly over the top way to make me feel better.

!!! I mean come on I said the word EXPLODEY!