News Tiana's Bayou Adventure - latest details and construction progress


Well-Known Member
I’m here now and in need of advice. We have the 4 park, 4 days pass. We were going to go to Magic on Friday (our last day) so we could do the new ride. However, now we’re worried that the whole park will be mobbed because of the grand opening. We’re thinking it may be better to just go to Magic on Thursday and we’ll simply catch Tiana next time we’re down. Am I overreacting? I’ve never been here when a ride opens.
Catch it next time


Well-Known Member
So when they have issues like these on a new ride, is WDI called back in to troubleshoot or is this just something for maintenance to deal with (at the expense of other MK attraction maintenance)?


Well-Known Member
Do you think they do extensive testing before opening to the general public because it never happens?
No I don't think that actually. And I am well aware there are always issues when working the kinks out on a new attraction. But I'm sure this isn't a normal level of problems, especially this close to opening to the public, which is why I asked the question. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
1. Oh my god. They’re actually serving gumbo FOR LUNCH in the central Florida heat.

Get ready to watch y’all’s step folks, cause Liberty Square won’t be the only land with a brown river on the pavement!

2. Sweet Potato Fries (cries?) on gumbo?!

Everyone knows if you want potatoes in gumbo, a. They can’t be sweet and b. They’re only acceptable as a lump of potato salad as a substitute for the rice.

My god, you don’t have to be Gordon Fn Ramsay to get even this right!!!!

My mawmaw would have skinned me alive had I ever tried this bullcrap in the kitchen.
Re-read the ingredients closely, maybe that's why this culinary atrocity is made with "Sweet Potato Cries"......😂😂😂

Brer Oswald

Well-Known Member
We don't know what THIS bad yet. It's not several months out from opening. In fact, it hasn't even opened yet.

I'm not saying it will all sort out soon. Just that, this is still technically previews. And comparing it to rides that had issues months after it opened isn't apples to apples... yet.
Scroll down two messages and you’ll find out what’s wrong. Frozen doesn’t have temperature/humidity problems to the level of Splash.


Well-Known Member
Two days to go! :confused:



President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Scroll down two messages and you’ll find out what’s wrong. Frozen doesn’t have temperature/humidity problems to the level of Splash.

We all know you want to have that argument, or, indeed, any argument. But you changed the topic.

You were comparing the problems of TBA while it is previews to the problems other new/rethemed rides have had months out of previews.

You're still comparing apples to oranges and simply pointing to some current problem doesn't change that.

Is there some other whataboutism you want to jump to in order to keep deflecting?


Well-Known Member
two questions…
1) has there ever been a legit dangerous fire on a Disney attraction?
2) how do we think this process would go if there was a real fire? Would the cast members still be going car to car or boat to boat explaining how to lift the restraint bar or would everyone just be screwed?

Something to keep you up at night I guess 🤔

Brer Oswald

Well-Known Member
We all know you want to have that argument, or, indeed, any argument. But you changed the topic.

You were comparing the problems of TBA while it is previews to the problems other new/rethemed rides have had months out of previews.

You're still comparing apples to oranges and simply pointing to some current problem doesn't change that.

Is there some other whataboutism you want to jump to in order to keep deflecting?
What are you talking about? Both attractions had sensor issues, but Frozen didn’t have it this bad because the environment of that show building isn’t as hot or humid as the showbuilding for Tiana.


Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb.
Premium Member
two questions…
1) has there ever been a legit dangerous fire on a Disney attraction?
2) how do we think this process would go if there was a real fire? Would the cast members still be going car to car or boat to boat explaining how to lift the restraint bar or would everyone just be screwed?

Something to keep you up at night I guess 🤔

CFTOD has extremely stringent building codes. Additionally Disney, to their credit, goes above the minimal code requirements for how design and install the various systems (fire alarms, sprinklers, emergency lighting, exit signs, etc.), they also over engineer almost everything for redundancy.

This is not to say that a real fire or other type of emergency could not occur, but this is one area where they do excel at. (I spent an entire day with one of their life safety vendor/supplier engineering and sales rep for training and the things they do are above and beyond).

But in terms of if there is an emergency, each building and attraction has a building life safety plan which ideally all CM are trained on to deal with various types of emergencies. That being said most CM are not trained first responders with access to PPE. While they can assist first responders, they are not supposed to put their own lives in danger to perform evacuation and rescue functions.

If you're ever in a situation like you're describing, listen to instructions and be aware of what is happening around you. The worst thing to do is start freelancing or panicking.


Well-Known Member
So, since they clearly can't be bothered to keep Tiana's Bayou Adventure maintained, are we so sure that them letting Splash Mountain fall apart was because they were closing it and didn't see the point in repairing it? Or is it just another example of maintenance going out the window since Bob Iger took over?
I honestly think it’s twofold…first: TWDC thinks, “Well, it’s new, the guests won’t care if it’s not 100%” and secondly: TWDC just doesn’t care. It’s a slap in the face from BOTH of Mickey’s hands…

Rich Brownn

Well-Known Member
two questions…
1) has there ever been a legit dangerous fire on a Disney attraction?
2) how do we think this process would go if there was a real fire? Would the cast members still be going car to car or boat to boat explaining how to lift the restraint bar or would everyone just be screwed?

Something to keep you up at night I guess 🤔
Disneyland's Pirates shortly after opening. After that they changed the fire effect to look less realistic as it confused the fire fighters

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