The ride absolutely set up the characters. First lift hill, Brer Frog is telling stories about Brer Rabbit, saying he’s looking for adventure, but Brer Frog thinks he’s heading for trouble.
Second lift hill, you’re introduce to the world of the critters. Brer Rabbit and Brer Bear’s houses are labeled. Brer Rabbit is singing the song energetically. Brer Bear is snoozing. Paints the type of characters they are before you even see it.
The first scene with the Brers, you have Fox scheming about trying to catch the rabbit. He has a book labelled “How to catch a Rabbit” right next to him. Why is he trying to catch a rabbit? He’s a fox. You aren’t going to ask why a cat would chase a mouse.
Yeah it’s simple and relies on preconceived constructs, but there still is setup. It’s told through dialogue, visual cues, musical lyrics, scene composition, etc. I had no pre-existing knowledge of the characters and stories, yet I still got the gist of it and fell in love with the attraction because of its theming on my first ride. And here’s the kicker… I COULDN’T EVEN SEE PROPERLY

. I rode without my glasses. Most things were blurry.