Disney is all about mediocrity now and its what they want, which is happening across the country unfortunately which really goes into a whole other different topic for another thread... However, for many this is going to be the last straw. I cant help but think something will come from this sooner rather than later...This is one they can't ignore. They had to deliver on this and they didn't. Was it going to be as great as Splash? No, most of us knew this. But it should have been better than the empty barren/story/music mess they just debuted.
and obviously the budget went to the figures and the finale,,,while the rest was left empty except for glowing trees as filler. That's bad imagineering and allocation of funds that should have been made sure it was used properly across the project. Id say more funds went to the queue once again, more than necessary. Turning the entire indoor scenes dark so you dont have to populate it with anything other than a couple figures and clusters of (enormous, I don't get it, except for looking like its filling space) figures is an epic fail. That doesn't even include the story muck, music issues, lack of charm and gags and everything else that is missing. It would have killed them to reuse the hanging possums or singing gators? something? the thing is all humans now which is so boring except for a giant louis and a few huge strumming animals. Won't even start on Naveen not being present....we have all already said it.