News Tiana's Bayou Adventure - latest details and construction progress


Well-Known Member
I'm actually surprised that significant work has already been done on the interior sets. I sort of expected there to still be a lot of bare steel and concrete. At this rate, I wonder if those aspirational goals to get this open closer to July actually end up happening... Eh @ToTBellHop ?

Objectively speaking, I would say the photos shared inspire some "cautious optimism" at least. It has physical sets and I don't see a whole lot of opportunities in there to cover everything in flat video screens. Should look much more lively once the AA's and show lighting are in.

Where are all the animatronics?
Not installed yet. They'll be some of the last things that go in, as is always the case. :rolleyes:

Just remember, you’re seeing what Disney wants you to see. If the best they can offer at this point is some detailed leaves (of which Splash had plenty) then celebrating WDIs success might be premature.
Splash was loaded with AAs in every show scene. Months out of TBA and nothing…just leaves.
They were promoting the Shamen AA months out. Same with MMRR.

Here you have a wide angle shot of a show scene and nothing.
While I'd be shocked if this ride is nearly as good as Splash, even I think some of these "see, checkmate, no AA's" posts are incredibly dumb. As are the "they would have shown them by now if they exist" argument.

It is clear to me at this point that Disney is holding back a lot of information and details on the ride. We're relatively "close" (by Disney standards) to the ride's opening and it's kind of crazy how much work they got done on the interior before they actually showed anything. No virtual ride through, and the only AA they've even teased so far was a static and very unfinished endoskeleton of Louis. I also know for a fact that they've been holding onto a number of other critter figures long before that brief D23 tease.

I don't think they're holding back out of concern over backlash either. I was told last year that there is actually genuine passion behind this and a desire to create something that can be a worthy successor to Splash. And i'm not talking about Charita Carter or Carmen Smith, who are figureheads at best (there are tons of actual creatives working on this). I myself doubt they can accomplish this. But I think it at least bodes well to have creatives with that sort of mindset involved, and I at least expect Tiana will be closer in quality to its predecessor than any of the other classic amazing E tickets they've replaced over the years.

Keep in mind that Splash Mountain was my favorite ride at WDW, and I am also going to be brutally critical of Tiana if it can't come close. I still have a lot of concerns about it.

According to Mickey Views, Iger got a much better look at things so far and thinks it’s “really boring”

1- The video claims the sets are only "slightly tweaked" versions of the ones in Splash, which isn't correct. It was a full gut and rebuild AFAIK, which the photos have shown.
2- I don't believe the claim that Iger saw it or said it was boring.
3- If Iger DID say that, good. Iger disliking something is a great sign IMO. He doesn't like the parks, and probably thought Splash Mtn and other classic E tickets boring too. Him disliking something is one of the best endorsements I can think of...
4- The comment about there being "17 new original AA characters" lines up with what my source said last year, and is now old info that was also misinterpreted spectacularly by that person narrating the video. The ride doesn't have only 17 AA's in total, the statement was that they created 17 brand new characters specifically for this ride that were not in the PATF film (which would manifest as AA's). That does not include duplicates of these characters that will appear in different scenes as you progress through the ride. Nor any other minor critters who aren't main characters. Nor does it include the returning characters from the film. Which include Tiana, Naveen, Louis, Mama Odie, Eudora, Charlotte, Big Daddy, and Naveen's family. Tiana, Naveen and Louis will also have multiple AA's placed throughout the ride.
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Well-Known Member
I'm actually surprised that significant work has already been done on the interior sets. I sort of expected there to still be a lot of bare steel and concrete. At this rate, I wonder if those aspirational goals to get this open closer to July actually end up happening... Eh @ToTBellHop ?

Objectively speaking, I would say the photos shared inspire some "cautious optimism" at least. It has physical sets and I don't see a whole lot of opportunities in there to cover everything in flat video screens. Should look much more lively once the AA's and show lighting are in.

Not installed yet. They'll be some of the last things that go in, as is always the case. :rolleyes:

While I'd be shocked if this ride is nearly as good as Splash, even I think some of these "see, checkmate, no AA's" posts are incredibly dumb. As are the "they would have shown them by now if they exist" argument.

It is clear to me at this point that Disney is holding back a lot of information and details on the ride. We're relatively "close" (by Disney standards) to the ride's opening and it's kind of crazy how much work they got done on the interior before they actually showed anything. No virtual ride through, and the only AA they've even teased so far was a static and very unfinished endoskeleton of Louis. I also know for a fact that they've been holding onto a number of other critter figures long before that brief D23 tease.

I don't think they're holding back out of concern over backlash either. I was told last year that there is actually genuine passion behind this and a desire to create something that can be a worthy successor to Splash. And i'm not talking about Charita Carter or Carmen Smith, who are figureheads at best (there are tons of actual creatives working on this). I myself doubt they can accomplish this. But I think it at least bodes well to have creatives with that sort of mindset involved, and I at least expect Tiana will be closer in quality to its predecessor than any of the other classic amazing E tickets they've replaced over the years.

Keep in mind that Splash Mountain was my favorite ride at WDW, and I am also going to be brutally critical of Tiana if it can't come close. I still have a lot of concerns about it.

1- The video claims the sets are only "slightly tweaked" versions of the ones in Splash, which isn't correct. It was a full gut and rebuild AFAIK, as shown earlier today.
2- I don't believe the claim that Iger saw it or said it was boring.
3- If Iger DID say that, good. Iger disliking something is a good sign IMO. He doesn't like the parks anyway, and I would be willing to bet he finds Splash Mtn and other similar classic E tickets boring too. Him disliking it is one of the best endorsements I can think of...
4- The comment about there being "17 new original AA characters" lines up with what my source said last year. That does NOT mean there are only 17 AA's in total in the ride, which is what the person in the video is saying. It means that there are 17 brand new characters that were created specifically for this ride (as AA's). That does not include duplicates of these characters that will appear in different scenes as you progress through the ride. Nor any other minor critters who aren't key characters. Nor does it include the returning characters from the film. Including Tiana, Naveen, Louis, Mama Odie, Charlotte, Big Daddy, and Naveen's family.
I haven’t heard anything solid but I do think a late summer opening seems possible. Whether they do it is a different discussion. They may not want it until later in the fall and just slow down work once the outside looks presentable.

Logic would suggest they’ll want it ASAP while it’s still hot out but they aren’t always logical…keeping DL’s ride open this past winter and then closing in May was rather silly. Why not close it when ours went down and open it before it gets chilly in Anaheim in late 2024?


Well-Known Member
The new temporary walls confuse me a bit, because they imply part of the queue will re-open soon, but that won't really allow access to anything that we can't already get to, right? Is there an emergency exit for the train or something they're trying to put back in operation, or will they maybe be re-doing the area in front of the restroom and redirecting guests through the queue to the actual facilities while that work takes place?
I think you’re on the mark with the last guess, it looks like work is entering a different phase where they’ll close off the restroom courtyard and former laughing place playground for reconstruction.


Well-Known Member
To be fair, even if the Iger thing is true (and I kind of doubt it) -- he probably would have called Splash Mountain boring too.
Haha, that's what I said. And again, while I don't believe that claim at all, Iger disliking something and considering it boring is a ringing endorsement by my own standards. The video stinks of clickbait though and has other incorrect assumptions aside. So again, I don't buy it. Though if it were true, i'd be more concerned with him making a lot of really stupid demands like tearing out scenery to install videos...

I haven’t heard anything solid but I do think a late summer opening seems possible. Whether they do it is a different discussion. They may not want it until later in the fall and just slow down work once the outside looks presentable.

Logic would suggest they’ll want it ASAP while it’s still hot out but they aren’t always logical…keeping DL’s ride open this past winter and then closing in May was rather silly. Why not close it when ours went down and open it before it gets chilly in Anaheim in late 2024?
True, they could just sit on it for a while. Like even in a pretty much completed state. But it was always stupid to target a late year opening and does indeed make the most sense to get it open during the summer months. Even Florida gets cold during winter, enough to make a ride on a potentially soaking log flume extremely unpleasant.

While I don't know what "late 2024" meant for the original time frame (presumably December or maybe November), I had heard earlier this year that some of the imagineers were pushing hard to get it done much earlier. With the most aspirational being 5-6 months earlier. That was the most aggressive timeline though and I didn't expect them to approve it, but we'll see. They're certainly going fast right now...


Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb.
Premium Member
I don't think they're holding back out of concern over backlash either. I was told last year that there is actually genuine passion behind this and a desire to create something that can be a worthy successor to Splash. And i'm not talking about Charita Carter or Carmen Smith, who are figureheads at best (there are tons of actual creatives working on this). I myself doubt they can accomplish this. But I think it at least bodes well to have creatives with that sort of mindset involved, and I at least expect Tiana will be closer in quality to its predecessor than any of the other classic amazing E tickets they've replaced over the years
Yeah so great that even Tony Baxter, lending his name as a symbolic participant in the design, gave up on it.

There were even credible reports that some of the imagineers working on this took glee in destruction of set pieces from Splash, so I won’t share the same optimism that you have about the creatives on this.


Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb.
Premium Member
If I'm not mistaken, the Shaman animatronic was not shown in situ in the promotional materials you're referring to.

The earliest previews with animatronics I could find for Runaway Railway are from February 2020, shortly before the opening. The animatronics are conspicuously absent from this December 2019 teaser:

I'll gladly acknowledge my error if I'm wrong.

The Shamen was featured in promo material and via concept art as early as 2015.

The AA for MMRRR were featured as early as 2018 in concept and promotional material.


Well-Known Member
There were even credible reports that some of the imagineers working on this took glee in destruction of set pieces from Splash, so I won’t share the same optimism that you have about the creatives on this.
I heard "credible reports" that Kathleen Kennedy has been fired for the 700th time as well. Stop believing culture war idiots on twitter.

The "optimism" i've reported about the creatives is not my own. I'm merely relaying information about what was shared by someone who was connected with people involved in the project. And prior to late last year, this optimism did not exist whatsoever. The source hated the project as much as (if not moreso) any of the most negative people here. The original plan was awful. This opinion did a complete 180 after they learned the new plan. And while I can only go on second hand opinion here, I was also given a lot of objective details that have since been confirmed as true. So until I see the final version of the ride, i've decided not to automatically assume it will be garbage for a change. Likewise, it will take a lot to convince me it's actually good as well.

I don't think this will go down as another Imagination v2/3. Or the countless other replacements for classic E tickets that I've hated. What extremely little has been shown of this attraction looks like a cut far above anything they've built in multiple decades.

The Shamen was featured in promo material and via concept art as early as 2015.

The AA for MMRRR were featured as early as 2018 in concept and promotional material.
I don't really understand. Is your argument that the lack of animatronics in the photos means there aren't going to be any?

It's your right to hate the ride if you want. But it is going to have animatronics. Quite a lot of them. A fact at this point that Disney and many others have confirmed, not rumor. Disney keeping them hidden doesn't prove their nonexistence.

This statement alone kills any credibility I have for Brayden’s statements. 17 total animatronics is comical, there are more than 17 shown in the concept art released combined, and “dozens” indicates at the very least 24
Someone here who claimed to know things said it was at least twice even that number. That's quite a lot, though whether it will have as many as Splash, I don't know. My biggest concern at the moment is that the finale is properly filled out. While I'm currently inclined not to assume Splash Archive's claims about it being sparse are accurate (given my reasoning as stated multiple times before), it would indeed ruin the ride if that was a relatively empty scene.


Well-Known Member
Yeah so great that even Tony Baxter, lending his name as a symbolic participant in the design, gave up on it.

There were even credible reports that some of the imagineers working on this took glee in destruction of set pieces from Splash, so I won’t share the same optimism that you have about the creatives on this.
Can you point me to one of these credible reports?

Homemade Imagineering

Well-Known Member
@cupofchai Now that we’re further along in the process has your information changed or relatively the same? I’m curious whether those previous finale renders align with what you described as being an impressive finale, if I’m not mistaken. I’m hoping most of this is hearsay, the 17 animatronics claim is hilarious to me. I’d also wager the Bob Iger claim is complete BS, there’s no way any of the AAs have been installed in the middle of a construction zone (way too early to make judgements). Even splash looked this way early on according to Dave Ensign’s backstage videos before opening


Well-Known Member
The Shamen was featured in promo material and via concept art as early as 2015.

The AA for MMRRR were featured as early as 2018 in concept and promotional material.

They’ve likewise already previewed a bunch of AAs in promotional material for TBA as well. I’m confused what you are concluding, that there are no animatronics on this ride?


Well-Known Member
The Shamen was featured in promo material and via concept art as early as 2015.

The AA for MMRRR were featured as early as 2018 in concept and promotional material.
How early did they show the AA’s in the actual show scene… because we did see Tiana snd Louis in concept art

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