Tiana's Bayou Adventure: Disneyland Watch & Discussion


Well-Known Member
Okay, let’s stop there a moment. Critter Country has been a mishmash of Song of the South, the remnants of the once-beautiful Bear Country and a freaking stuffed bear from England.

The Song of the South elements, all brought in with Splash 1.0, have been the dominant visual theme.

Splash is being completely rethemed to take it as far away from SotS influences as possible.

So why should we think ANY of the area is going to look like it used to? I would suggest that Splash was the only reason for Critter Country to begin with, so I’d be happy if the entire area became bayou-themed—and renamed—and Pooh is eventually sent to the Disney Disappointment Hall of Fame and replaced by Alligator bumper boats.

The Mark Twain spiel says TBA is going in Critter County . Critter Country is a rustic forest setting full of pine trees and logs/wood. That mural would look out of place there. Aesthetically the Winnie the Pooh exterior and facade blended in just fine with Splash/ Critter Country. IMO that mural has nothing to do with a bayou setting either so not sure what you’re getting at.
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Well-Known Member
That’s exactly what I’m saying. I can barely see the mural through the scrims.
"I can barely see the mural through the scrims."


Rich T

Well-Known Member
The Mark Twain spiel says TBA is going in Critter County . Critter Country is a rustic forest setting full of pine trees and logs/wood. That mural would look out of place there. Aesthetically the Winnie the Pooh exterior and facade blended in just fine with Splash/ Critter Country. IMO that mural has nothing to do with a bayou setting either so not sure what you’re getting at.
I’m saying a theme park riverboat spiel is not necessarily anything to bet on the future by, and that—if the entirety of what was Splash Mtn.’s exterior is becoming bayou-themed… why would the remaining elements of the rest of Whimsical Woodsy Land That’s Sorta American But With a Huge Section Taken Over By a British Stuffed Bear necessarily remain rustic?

I could be wrong. But it makes more sense to me to just eventually lose Critter Country completely. Bear Country was created for CBJ. Critter Country was created as a way to combine CBJ and the Song of the South characters. Both attractions are now gone and Pooh has never made sense there. There is no reason to keep the Critter Country theme anymore.

Rich T

Well-Known Member
Looks like something from a preschool classroom, daycare, or a children's ward at a hospital.

I don't like it.
I posted this earlier but I think it’s important:

Anything out of context can look like it won’t work.

Let’s see what the finished project, as a whole, looks like.


Well-Known Member
I’m saying a theme park riverboat spiel is not necessarily anything to bet on the future by, and that—if the entirety of what was Splash Mtn.’s exterior is becoming bayou-themed… why would the remaining elements of the rest of Whimsical Woodsy Land That’s Sorta American But With a Huge Section Taken Over By a British Stuffed Bear necessarily remain rustic?

I could be wrong. But it makes more sense to me to just eventually lose Critter Country completely. Bear Country was created for CBJ. Critter Country was created as a way to combine CBJ and the Song of the South characters. Both attractions are now gone and Pooh has never made sense there. There is no reason to keep the Critter Country theme anymore.

I’ll take that bet. I’m betting Critter Country stays as is. I mean it seems safer to go with the spiel Disney has on the Mark Twain than to go against it no? Lol you guys are too much.

Pooh isn’t going anywhere nor are they changing the facade/ exterior. The Pine trees aren’t going anywhere and if Hungry Bear survived Tiana’s Palace it most likely isn’t going anywhere anytime soon either. Critter Country will look more or less as it does today outside of whatever they are planning for the TBA entrance. The mural will look out of place. Now whether it will be a blink and you miss type thing remains to be seen. That’s an argument I’m willing to hear. That it won’t matter because there are one thousand other things at a theme park grabbing your attention. Hardly what we’ve come to expect from Disney standards though but that’s been slowly changing for the worse which you seem to acknowledge everywhere else except when it comes to TBA because you’re excited about the change. It’s ok, we’re all biased in one way or another.


Well-Known Member
I’ll take that bet. I’m betting Critter Country stays as is. I mean it seems safer to go with the spiel Disney has on the Mark Twain than to go against it no? Lol you guys are too much.

Pooh isn’t going anywhere nor are they changing the facade/ exterior. The Pine trees aren’t going anywhere and if Hungry Bear survived Tiana’s Palace it most likely isn’t going anywhere anytime soon either. Critter Country will look more or less as it does today outside of whatever they are planning for the TBA entrance. The mural will look out of place. Now whether it will be a blink and you miss type thing remains to be seen. That’s an argument I’m willing to hear. That it won’t matter because there are one thousand other things at a theme park grabbing your attention. Hardly what we’ve come to expect from Disney standards though but that’s been slowly changing for the worse which you seem to acknowledge everywhere else except when it comes to TBA because you’re excited about the change. It’s ok, we’re all biased in one way or another.
Maybe the rest of the wall/building will be a special finger painting offering at $99 per child up to age 10?

Disney Irish

Premium Member
To me whether DL's Tiana stays as part of Critter Country or not is irrelevant. The ride itself is based in New Orleans, that is how its being themed. The mural, artistic style aside, is focused Louis and what appears to be New Orleans. For example the Tabasco pepper, which is the main ingredient in Tabasco Sauce is bottled on Avery Island the inspiration for the rides story.

So it all fits to me.


Well-Known Member
To me whether DL's Tiana stays as part of Critter Country or not is irrelevant. The ride itself is based in New Orleans, that is how its being themed. The mural, artistic style aside, is focused Louis and what appears to be New Orleans. For example the Tabasco pepper, which is the main ingredient in Tabasco Sauce is bottled on Avery Island the inspiration for the rides story.

So it all fits to me.

Fits aesthetically?

Disney Irish

Premium Member
Fits aesthetically?
It fits the theme and story being told within the ride which is all based in New Orleans, which as I covered is fully on display in the mural.

As for the aesthetics of the mural itself, now that is the critic on the artistic style. Not my personal style that I would have picked, but one can say that you can see similar styles in actual murals in and around New Orleans today. Some posters keep making the comment that it looks like a kindergartner did it. With one story element that can be explained away, Tiana said the kids of the workers they could paint a mural of Louis and New Orleans on the building.

Point is it all fits within the confines of the ride itself to me, the surrounding land is irrelevant.


Well-Known Member
It fits the theme and story being told within the ride which is all based in New Orleans, which as I covered is fully on display in the mural.

As for the aesthetics of the mural itself, now that is the critic on the artistic style. Not my personal style that I would have picked, but one can say that you can see similar styles in actual murals in and around New Orleans today. Some posters keep making the comment that it looks like a kindergartner did it. With one story element that can be explained away, Tiana said the kids of the workers they could paint a mural of Louis and New Orleans on the building.

Point is it all fits within the confines of the ride itself to me, the surrounding land is irrelevant.

Irrelevant how it fits with the land? That’s an interesting/hot take on a Disney theme park forum. Not sure how it fits with the ride either considering it’s supposed to be set in 1920s New Orleans.
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Well-Known Member
Also @Disney Irish interesting that you could easily come up with that explanation for the mural (although kids traveling back in time from the future would make more sense) but find it absolutely impossible to come up with a reason that Dr Facilier would come back from the Other Side. You guys are really displaying some inconsistencies on the thread.
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Rich T

Well-Known Member
I’ll take that bet. I’m betting Critter Country stays as is. I mean it seems safer to go with the spiel Disney has on the Mark Twain than to go against it no? Lol you guys are too much.

Pooh isn’t going anywhere nor are they changing the facade/ exterior. The Pine trees aren’t going anywhere and if Hungry Bear survived Tiana’s Palace it most likely isn’t going anywhere anytime soon either. Critter Country will look more or less as it does today outside of whatever they are planning for the TBA entrance. The mural will look out of place. Now whether it will be a blink and you miss type thing remains to be seen. That’s an argument I’m willing to hear. That it won’t matter because there are one thousand other things at a theme park grabbing your attention. Hardly what we’ve come to expect from Disney standards though but that’s been slowly changing for the worse which you seem to acknowledge everywhere else except when it comes to TBA because you’re excited about the change. It’s ok, we’re all biased in one way or another.
I don’t bet. 😃 I could be wrong, sure. But, again, Critter Country was created to house two attractions that no longer exist (and the canoes—I feel guilty that I keep forgetting them). If the main purpose of the area now is as a holding tank for TBA, why keep the Critter Country theme? For one restaurant? (Pooh’s entry can be themed to a community library and the canoes can adapt to anything).

At least DL has some choices here that kinda make sense. MK is the one that’s really going to be interesting to see if and how they pull it off.

Re: my perceived pro-TBA “bias”, (and, yes, I’m aware I keep speaking up for it while criticizing other aspects of today’s Disney.): Yes, I’m glad about the change but—also—yes, I’d currently be happier if it was sticking with the perfect-for-Splash’s-layout movie plot. And I don’t care much for the new backstory… but it’s just a backstory.

I keep speaking up for TBA because I’m bothered by the onslaught of hate and doom-speak that erupts over the pieces of a puzzle that have yet to be assembled into a whole and readied for an audience. If I was directing a major play, I sure wouldn’t want social media dissecting every prop, background and drone footage through a window of rehearsals.

I waited until I actually rode Frozen Ever After to make my final judgement call, and now I can say with a clear conscience that I personally think it is the dumbest ride I have ever been on (great queue, though!)

I could wind up thinking TBA is an awful retheme. Or I could love it. I’m looking forward to finding out, and seeing completely unexpected things appear such as that mural (which I’m starting to love just because of the reaction it’s getting), has me intrigued because they are clearly not sticking to the traditional here.

And, y’know, if the flume still soaks passengers I won’t ride it more than once either way. 😃 I am DONE with the soaking, theme parks everywhere!
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Disney Irish

Premium Member
Irrelevant how it fits with the land? That’s an interesting/hot take on a Disney theme park forum. Not sure how it fits with the ride either considering it’s supposed to be set in 1920s New Orleans.
Why can't the mural be set in 1920s too? Just because it was done by a modern artist doesn't mean it can't be from the 1920s, especially if we say it could have been done by the kids of the workers.

As for it not having to fit in within the land around it, there are other examples of rides that don't fit in their lands. Dumbo is set in America yet its in a land that was rethemed to a Bavarian Village in 1983. Same can be said about Pinocchio, its set in Italy not in Germany. Same with Peter Pan, Toads, and Alice, set in England not Germany. Heck even Sleeping Beauty is alluded to be set in France. In fact the only ride in FantasyLand that fits the aesthetic theme of the land is Snow White.

So the mural doesn't have to fit the land around it, it just has to fit the ride that its part of.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it fits 1920s art styles. I could be wrong. I don't think it's terrible, I just don't think it's good and am generally tired with everything starting to lean away from skill and aesthetically pleasing in the current era.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
Also @Disney Irish interesting that you could easily come up with that explanation for the mural (although kids traveling back in time from the future would make more sense) but find it absolutely impossible to come up with a reason that Dr Facilier would come back from the Other Side. You guys are really displaying some inconsistencies on the thread.
I've explained this many times before in this thread. It just doesn't fit the story they are telling in my opinion because it happens after the movie when he is suppose to be gone. If they happen to add him somehow and it makes senses, cool so be it. But as of now based on what we know it doesn't make sense at least to me.

Honestly outside of some on forums like this, I personally doubt many guests are going to even be question why he isn't there.

Also I don't see any inconsistency in any of my postings. Everything has to fit based on the story being told and theme within the ride itself. This is not a book report ride, Facilier doesn't need to be there just because he was part of the movie.


Well-Known Member
A little off topic but was just reading about the upcoming Fantasy Springs rides and the Tangled ride is described as a “romantic boat ride” and the Frozen boat ride as a ride about sisterly love. We already know TBA is most likely not including Facilier. The new BATB ride pretty much omitted any suspense. I think they need to be careful as they are beginning to neglect the things that have always made Disney attractions appeal to the whole family. My daughter is only three and her favorite ride was already POTC. Kids are drawn to the adventurous/ mysterious/ weird/ scary just as much as we are. A lot of the newer rides are one note and dumbed down a bit. My theory is that this in great part due to Disney acquiring Lucasfilm and Marvel. It seems that they re content only using the Marvel and Star Wars IP for the adventurous rides and are focused on making the Disney stuff as safe and cookie cutter as possible. That’s unfortunate for all the new rides coming to the parks that are based on Disney IP.

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