Here's what I'm expecting the retheme to be like:
- Most of the America Sings animatronics are removed. Replacing them are... nothing! Just long stretches of no animatronics whatsoever. Mainly just empty scenery. There's the occasional screen here and there.
- There are SOME new animatronics, but the ones that aren't main characters (Tiana, Naveen, Louis, etc.) are primitive plastic-y ones that barely move a la most of the animatronics in the Little Mermaid ride.
- Tiana and Naveen only appear twice: once during what was the "How Do You Do" scene (where Brer Fox and Brer Bear are now) and again during the finale.
- Brer Rabbit on the handcar isn't replaced by anything.
- Brer Rabbit giggling in the patch of flowers isn't replaced by anything.
- The Laughin' Place is stripped of animatronics. Now there's just lights representing fireflies.
- The scene of Brer Fox catching Brer Rabbit is replaced by Louis stuck in a prickler bush while Dr. Facilier stands where Brer Fox is. No explanation is given as to why Dr. Facilier is there. This is also Dr. Facilier's only appearance in the attraction.
- Either that, or Dr. Facilier isn't in the ride at all, the voodoo spirits just decide to pick on us for the heck of it.
- The "Burrow's Lament" sequence has no animatronics or scenery whatsoever. Everything is painted black and the lights are dimmed. Projections of the tiki masks are put on the walls.
- Brer Fox's shadow is replaced by Dr. Facilier's.
- Since Disney doesn't do hand-drawn animation anymore, all of the animation on the screens is outsourced and looks like crap.
- The scene of Brer Fox being attacked by Brer Gator is replaced by nothing.
- The retheme as a whole is cheaply-done and a massive downgrade, but everyone loves it anyway and dub it an improvement because it's not racist.
- Disney World's retheme is even worse, with even LESS animatronics, even MORE long stretches of just empty scenery, and it being obvious that the retheme was designed with the Disneyland version in mind. A very poor job is done of dressing the scenes to make it look like you're in a bayou.
- The retheme takes a very, very, very long time to complete on both coasts. Like, at least three years.
- Disney learns nothing and tears out more classic attractions under the guise of making the parks more "inclusive" or whatever. Mr. Toad, It's a Small World, the Enchanted Tiki Room, and Peter Pan's Flight are among the victims.
- Frederick Chambers posts more ideas for attraction rethemes online in the hopes that people will demand Disney do them as well.