This Wand Update is Pretty Bare Bones - 8/3


Naturally Grumpy
From what I understand, about 500,000 tiles were sold of the roughly 750,000 available slots or about 67%. If you figure 3 people on average per tile, that would mean about 1.5 Million people thought it was a good addition and worth the money.

That being said, betweem 1999 and 2007 roughly ~60 Million people visited Epcot (granted a decent percentage are repeat visitors). Bottom line is that if the LaL was moved, it would be a minority that would complain as only a fraction of the visiting population felt it was worth the money.

Disney can still keep their end of the bargain and just move the LaL plaques to another part of the park that is not so contraversial or in many folks view - poorly thought out.

I don't know that you can use that figure as an accurate vote of confidence. First, you have a number of repeat users, probably 5-10% (just a guess), but probably to a larger extent, "free" tiles have been given away in various packages for years...and even with those "free" ones, many have not bothered to redeem.


Probably the way the put them up. That being said I have no idea how they put them up there.

Does anyone know how they put the stars on top of Spaceship Earth?
The Imagineers magnetized the stars and borrowed the aircraft from Indiana Jones Stunt show...They then did a fly by and opened the cargo hatch to let them fall into random placement.


New Member
Wow...Thats much dirtier than I envisioned. It's probably all of the smoke particles that are rising to the top from the fires that take place during the SSE attraction...:lookaroun

It's probably mildew or something similar that is common in high humidity areas with little cold weather.



OK, now with it's removal happening, I want to give my official thoughts on the wand.

When the wand structure was put up next to Spaceship Earth for the Millennium Celebration and it had the huge "2000" numerals on it, I thought it was great. I think it really helped welcome the new millennium in a huge way but also having that Disney touch to it, mostly the Mickey Mouse glove and arm to attest to that.

Once the Millennium Celebration ended, you thought it would be taken down because it did look like a temporary structure. As others have said, it looked like cardboard cut-outs over a steel structure. But what was my reaction when the wand remained but the "2000" was replaced with "Epcot"? I liked it, I really did. I think my reasoning as to why I accepted it was because the Millennium Celebration is a personal thing to me, as my last trip to WDW was during 2000.

So even though they decided to keep it for what looked like on a permanent basis, I had a feeling it's time would come eventually to be taken down, even though deep down I would be sad to see it go. Why? Well as I all ready mentioned it looked like cardboard cut-outs, so I think when they were building it, it was not expected to stay there beyond 2000 and become a permanent addition to Spaceship Earth. If they knew right from the get-go it was going to be permanent, they may of spent the extra money to make it a three-dimensional structure, such as the Sorcerer's Hat at the Studios. So the question begs, if that was the case why did they decide to keep it? It's anybody's guess, but I think money issues is most likely the case. Also because of that, probably just changing the "2000" to "Epcot" was a cheaper, less expensive solution for the time-being.

Am I happy the wand structure is going away? Well I'm middle of the road about it. One side of me is sad because one memory of my last trip to WDW is going away, but the other side of me is saying it will be nice to see Spaceship Earth in its original splendor once again. As Jim McPhee said in the announcement that the wand is coming down, it was a big icon or "enhancement" if you will to Spaceship Earth that served the park well in it's almost eight years of being there. But alas, Spaceship Earth is moving to bigger and better things and we just have to move forward.

I think Jim McPhee is making the right moves for Epcot, it looks like he wants to shape it up back to how it used to be. It also helps that he actually does care about the park's 25th Anniversary coming up and he wants to make it special for us, the fans of our Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow. So in closing, farewell wand, in my eyes you served Epcot well as a beacon for the millennium and as a temporary "enhancement" to Spaceship Earth. So, here's looking to "a great, big beautiful tomorrow!" :)


Well-Known Member
I read on one of the popular imagineering blogs (either reimagineering or Epcot Central) that the guy who originally designed Epcot Center's entrance also designed the Leave a Legacy entrance. However, he didn't include the ridiculous painted monoliths on the legs of Speaceship Earth. It was a cheap, after the fact 'addition' to LaL and it shows.

There were also several other enhancements such as greenery, etc... that were supposed to go in with them that didn't happen as well as them being transluscent. I clear one might not have been too bad, but the implementation we got just was awful.


Well-Known Member
OK, now with it's removal happening, I want to give my official thoughts on the wand.

Wait a second...So that thread I read earlier titled, "Spyne's Official Thoughts on the Wand," was actually unofficial?! Wow, this changes a lot, I thought your official position was that SSE be renamed Mayor McCheese's Happy Geosphere! Now I know the truth! :p

Just kidding. Good points! :sohappy:


Wait a second...So that thread I read earlier titled, "Spyne's Official Thoughts on the Wand," was actually unofficial?! Wow, this changes a lot, I thought your official position was that SSE be renamed Mayor McCheese's Happy Geosphere! Now I know the truth! :p

Just kidding. Good points! :sohappy:

Veeeery funny Mr. Figment. :lol: It's OK, I know you're kidding. :)

By the way, I forgot to mention. Geez, I do hope they fix that black spot on poor Spaceship Earth, it looks bad. :( I bet they will once they're on the roof of SSE to take the stars off. Hopefully.


Well-Known Member
I don't think that they do work over Sat & Sun nights, but I may be wrong, it might be over Fri & Sat nights.

They've been working Mon-Fri, very early mornings pretty consistently since the project started. I think there was only one or two days that no work happened on those days, and it may have been due to weather conditions.

I can't tell if anything's gone from the wand from the webcam, but looking at the time-lapse there *were* flashes of welding light from the wand at 3AM this morning.



Well-Known Member
OK, now with it's removal happening, I want to give my official thoughts on the wand.

When the wand structure was put up next to Spaceship Earth for the Millennium Celebration and it had the huge "2000" numerals on it, I thought it was great. I think it really helped welcome the new millennium in a huge way but also having that Disney touch to it, mostly the Mickey Mouse glove and arm to attest to that.

Once the Millennium Celebration ended, you thought it would be taken down because it did look like a temporary structure. As others have said, it looked like cardboard cut-outs over a steel structure. But what was my reaction when the wand remained but the "2000" was replaced with "Epcot"? I liked it, I really did. I think my reasoning as to why I accepted it was because the Millennium Celebration is a personal thing to me, as my last trip to WDW was during 2000.

So even though they decided to keep it for what looked like on a permanent basis, I had a feeling it's time would come eventually to be taken down, even though deep down I would be sad to see it go. Why? Well as I all ready mentioned it looked like cardboard cut-outs, so I think when they were building it, it was not expected to stay there beyond 2000 and become a permanent addition to Spaceship Earth. If they knew right from the get-go it was going to be permanent, they may of spent the extra money to make it a three-dimensional structure, such as the Sorcerer's Hat at the Studios. So the question begs, if that was the case why did they decide to keep it? It's anybody's guess, but I think money issues is most likely the case. Also because of that, probably just changing the "2000" to "Epcot" was a cheaper, less expensive solution for the time-being.

Am I happy the wand structure is going away? Well I'm middle of the road about it. One side of me is sad because one memory of my last trip to WDW is going away, but the other side of me is saying it will be nice to see Spaceship Earth in its original splendor once again. As Jim McPhee said in the announcement that the wand is coming down, it was a big icon or "enhancement" if you will to Spaceship Earth that served the park well in it's almost eight years of being there. But alas, Spaceship Earth is moving to bigger and better things and we just have to move forward.

I think Jim McPhee is making the right moves for Epcot, it looks like he wants to shape it up back to how it used to be. It also helps that he actually does care about the park's 25th Anniversary coming up and he wants to make it special for us, the fans of our Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow. So in closing, farewell wand, in my eyes you served Epcot well as a beacon for the millennium and as a temporary "enhancement" to Spaceship Earth. So, here's looking to "a great, big beautiful tomorrow!" :)

Nicely stated.

Now, here are my views.
My first time visiting Epcot was in 1997. I went to WDW in 1971 with my family. I had not been to WDW for 25 years. When we had saved enough money to visit for the first time (and I convinced my other half to go), I was so excited to the MK again AND two "New Parks" ! When we went to the MK my heart SANK! "What did they do to Cinderella Castle?" I thought (this was before I had the internet). The one shining Icon of the MK had been turned into a short, squat piece of CHEESE! I've studied/worked in architecture and design for MANY years and and thought that the least they coud have done was put the "cake overlay" in the same perspective as the Castle. Did they?...NO. They made this beautiful "forced perspective" Icon into a short little piece of....Cake. Thankfully, we went back after the overlay was gone so that I could revel in it's beauty again (as an adult, knowing more how they accomplished this stately edifice).
During our trips in '97 and '98 I also marveled at the great Geosphere that was in Epcot. When we returned for our Dec. 1999 trip to WDW, the "wand" was up for the Millenium Cellebration. I thought it was nice for that time (even though it diminished the SSE), then when they switched from "2000" to "Epcot" I was heartbroken. Why? Well, I thought that it was just an overlay for that one celebration and then be gone. If you couldn't figure out that you went to Epcot from waiting for the bus marked "Epcot" from your resort, or from following the signs to get there (and paying for parking at "Epcot" then taking the tram to "Epcot" and then entering the gates marked "Epcot" ) and picking up a Park Map for Epcot, the you should be evicted from the gene pool:lol: . Also, during that time we saw the construction of "Dinorama", the other "BIG CHEESE" of WDW. I was resigned to look at that "wand" for quite a while.
Now that's it almost gone, I can again enjoy thse scope of this architect's dream.

And, I hope that Disney will never again "stoop to the lowest common denominator" again. Even after they put "the hat" up in Disney/MGM Studios, I've sill talked to people from overseas saying "we went to Universal yesterday and did the Star Wars ride". :ROFLOL: :ROFLOL:


Active Member
They've been working Mon-Fri, very early mornings pretty consistently since the project started. I think there was only one or two days that no work happened on those days, and it may have been due to weather conditions.

I can't tell if anything's gone from the wand from the webcam, but looking at the time-lapse there *were* flashes of welding light from the wand at 3AM this morning.

Thanks for clearing that up, I saw those welding sparks too, I just wish that the webcam was from the other side of SSE
They've been working Mon-Fri, very early mornings pretty consistently since the project started. I think there was only one or two days that no work happened on those days, and it may have been due to weather conditions.

I can't tell if anything's gone from the wand from the webcam, but looking at the time-lapse there *were* flashes of welding light from the wand at 3AM this morning.


Thanks for the info Rob


New Member
didn't we have a earlier post that mentioned A/C repair was going to take place at SSE? If that is the case then I bet they will remove the stars all in one job with the A/C, seems the post mentioned that the A/C would have to be removed through a roof panel. The last few times I rode SSE, the A/C seemed to be off or hardly working.


Well-Known Member
I had forgotten about the AC. The last few times I had ridden SSE it did seem much warmer than it normally does.

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