There's A Human in the Human Tank: A November 2011 Trip Report

So here we are, it’s June, and I’m just now getting around to posting our Thanksgiving trip report. Sigh.

I was MIA on the boards for the first few months of the year mostly due to chaos and craziness at work. Don’t those people know that’s when I get most of my trip reporting done?! While work has slowed down quite a bit since the first of April, we have remained crazy busy at home. We bought and moved into our house in mid-December so quite a bit of time has went into all that that entails, from painting, to making curtains, decorating, purchasing new furniture, etc. But that’s not the only thing that’s kept us busy…

Because, you see, there’s a human in the human tank!


And well, we’ve been doing our best to prepare for the little one over the course of the last few months. So, please forgive me, my time has been spent nesting, buying every adorable baby item I see, and designing/pinning the cutest nursery on the planet.

The details...
- The little monkey is a boy, and we’re keeping his name a secret for now. But rest assured, he does have one!
- I’m at the end of my 37th week… ACK! That means, full-term. So really, he’ll be here any day now.
- He’s due to arrive on July 2nd and he’ll likely be introduced to the world via Instagram! Brett’s account, or mine, you never know.

We’re already planning his first Disney trip. You know, because that’s the first thing you do when you find out you’re having a baby! Granted, after doing the math, it became apparent that he actually came home with us at the conclusion of our Food & Wine Festival trip last fall. And he’s returned twice since, which leads us to this particular trip report – so let’s get to it.

This time around it’s not just Mr. and Mrs. Hollybelle, but Mama and Papa Hollybelle, as well! Also known as Kim and Rick! Here we all are, on one of our previous vacations, at the famed Maho Beach in St. Maarten:


We planned this trip around Thanksgiving because it gave us some vacation days to work with. With Brett’s current job, he gets next to no time off, so we’ve begun to find ourselves at the mercy of ridiculous holiday pricing when it comes to booking vacations. Initially, we had made our reservations for Port Orleans French Quarter, but without an AP rate, the price was a little tough to swallow. So when my mom came across a rock bottom deal for the Dolphin, we jumped on it and switched resorts.

As has been the case with a few of my last reports, this one is going to be heavy on the photos and light on text. Heck, I’m doing good to remember which parks we went to on which days.

So, as the anticipation over upcoming summer vacays mounts, is everyone ready for a healthy dose of holiday spirit and Christmas decoration?! :cool:


Well-Known Member
Welcome Lucas! Congrats to the new mom and dad! He is just adorable!!! :D

I have to say that I am a little surprised his name isn't Mickey, Chip or Stitch.


Active Member
Congrats! He really is beautiful! Others have said it, but it really is a whole different kind of magic seeing Disney through the eyes of your children. We've recently added to our family as well (although he's number 4), and I can't wait to take him along next time.

Also, glad to see the Garden Grill getting some love! Our family loves it, the atmosphere is great and we've always had amazing character interaction. Its always a nice break from the craziness of the parks, and so much move low-key than the character buffet meals.

Best wishes with your new little peanut!


Well-Known Member
Well, I followed the trend and checked him out and he is SO ADORABLE!!!! Precious.

It's serious baby fever at this house. Precious pictures like that don't help. Ha! Lucky for us, we have 3 friends having/ have just had 5 babies over the last month (3 friends = 5 babies because one is having triplets. TRIPLETS.) Triplets are due on Tuesday at 34 weeks, so barring any trip to the NICU (and any actual relatives that try to stand in my way :D) I'll be in baby holding heaven by Wednesday! So exciting.

But even more exciting for you! Hold him tight and sing him sweet Disney lullabies. Next thing you know he'll be out of the stroller and not even wanting to hold your hand in the parks. :cool: It will all go by in the blink of an eye!
Congrats! I'll guess I'll have to wait until you update this thread, I can't seem to find/ load your instagram account. Loved the trip report, and hope everything went well.


Well-Known Member
Congratulations Holly and Brett! I can't find your instagram account either. Can't wait to see pics when you update the report! So happy for you guys!


Congratulations to you both on the birth of your son.
Thanks for another brilliant trip report. I always love reading your reports.



New Member
Oh my goodness, Holly. Congratulations on your little bundle of joy! Parenthood is wonderful. Enjoy every moment because it goes by way too quickly (I say as my twins approach their senior year!). I know you can't wait to introduce your little guy to WDW and make some fab memories. Seeing WDW through your child's eyes is simply the best...I can't tell you how many time I got tears in my eyes watching my two enjoy the "magic" when they were little! Now, some of their friends are helping to make magic by helping out the characters, if you get my drift!! The time goes by way too quickly!! Congratulations and best wishes to your now expanded family!!


Congratulations Holly & Brett!! Welcome Lucas!!!

Wow - I haven't been around lately and what a wonderful surprise to see your trip report.
I couldn't be happier for you and your new human! I know everyone says it but really enjoy
every minute, because it does go by too fast. My daughter is almost 11 and I can't believe it.

We stayed at the Dolphin last December, about a week after you left. My husband and I had
stayed at the Swan about 12 years ago so we knew what to expect. My daughter however did not and she did not love it. She said it didn't feel like we were staying in Disney. She missed the ambiance of the Disney resorts,
the cast members, food courts, pretty much everything. We loved the proximity to Epcot and HS and the price
(we have a credit card that earns points for the S&D and you can get really good deals).
We actually had the Swan booked for this October using just points (very cool) but after a surprise (decided 15 hrs. before leaving) April trip to Pop Century we decided to stay there again in November and keep our
points for something else. My daughter LOVED Pop - we all did - the cast members/Chefs went above and beyond
in the food court for her food allergy and that is what we love about Disney in general - they make
a scared little girl feel very safe and happy.

Thanks for a great trip report as usual and enjoy your time with Lucas, I must find out what instagram is so I can see your little sweetie! I'm so looking forward to the first trip report with him - it's amazing how much it
changes the Disney experience but it's so much better!!!


New Member
Omg, Lucas is absolutely STUNNING!!! What an adorable baby, and man do I hope I have a little redhead someday! Congratulations Holly and Brett! What a great family! :)

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