The weather is here...I wish you were beautiful...or something like that!

Hello again, my WDWMagic peeps! Welcome back for another installment in the many adventures of SweetPee's family!

Not gonna get too organized or crazy piecing this one together. It's against the rules after such a kicked-back journey. If you don't know us yet, check out a few of the old reports in my signature. There's more than enough there for you to get to know us.

No big who, what, when, or where's for ya this time, either. Wanna know? Read more. Sometimes you just gotta go with what you get and enjoy the ride. Hope you'll come along. The more the merrier. Let's hit the highway yet again....:wave:


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I was joking about the quilt... but you know if you ever feel the urge to make one... :lookaroun :lol: I've made the felt rag blankets with the kids before for a charity, I actually enjoyed it. I found it relaxing!

You know, I would so be all over that!!! My kids would be off in the kids club anyways. Aidan is asking about them all the time. I'm not sure how he knows so much about them. Is there a resort channel that advertises them or something? He's always talking about the different things to do on board, and I'm like, how the heck do you know that!?!
It would be a blast... *wheels in my head start turning*

Yes, I think they *do* have a channel advertising the cruises at WDW. LOL! Aiden is conspiring against you. Methinks you should listen. I can tell you my teenagers were goooone the majority of the cruise. They love that independance. Dinners together are required and if we have to get up early for something I make them come in around midnight or so. This means mom & dad get a loooot of quality time which is a huge luxury. Love the slower pace when we need it but having plenty to do if we decide we want to be on the go, too. It's so amazing!

I take it you found the three covered huts and secured yourself a spot in one of them. Those huts are just one of the many, many reasons why we absolutely love TL.

Your pictures are cool, and your trip report is a fun read ... as usual!

Well, we sorta found those huts. We landed on some loungers in the shade trees nearby but that was by choice. It wasn't hot at all. When we took our naps in the shade we both woke up because we got cold from the breeze. We did eyeball the cabanas scattered about. I know they're pricey but us not being beach people and really loathing the stinkin' sand, having the hard surface floor would be perk enough to sell us. That's sad, huh? Of course I'd be the nut-job asking where I could find a broom.... :lookaroun


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Eeeek! I am in trouble now. I just showed my husband the pics from your plane ride. He said he is soooo doing that next time. I am not sure I want to get into an itty bitty plane over the water! :eek: Little planes scare me. I have never been in one but they still scare me!!! I even told him the price and he said he didn't care. Oh boy......:lookaroun


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These are "Man Cay" and "Woman Cay". Not exactly sure how they got those names but whatever.


More amazing colors:



This is Man Cay again. The line going from one end to the other used to be a road. Apparently at some point a looooong time ago our military had warehouses here where they stored things. They eventually abandoned the island but then drug runners took up shop here storing their bounty in the old warehouse structures. To prove a point, in the early 80s the DEA descended on the island in the pre-dawn hours at a rare time when there was a westerly wind. They set fire to the island and burned the entire thing to the ground. That westerly wind carried the smoke to Key West to make a show to the "pirates" on the island. This is what's come back on Man Cay.



Ever wanna own your own private island??? We think Nicholi said for the bargain price of $4 million USD this island complete with desalinization plant, generators, etc. can be yours!



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Just 1 more!


This was Tracey's view as the co-pilot:



The pier area to the lower right I think is Mallory Square:


It's like cows in a pasture but it's sailboats in a harbor:


This is interesting. This is a special forces training facility:



See that tallest building in the middle of the facility? That's a deep water diving tank. Nicholi said there's like 60 feet of water above the ground level and 60 feet below. Or maybe it was 30 & 30. Either way...whoa! Amazing!


And now, the best part of the whole ride! Yep, the splash down and water landing/takeoff! It was cool how Nicholi did this. He'd do a hard banked turn to the left, cut the power, and we'd be banking in a nose-down position. I watched him. He would scan the entire harbor closely watching for other watercraft. I expected this. Jimmy Buffett talks about the importance of scanning the entire area when taking off/landing on the water. A surprise wake from a speed boat is what caught him and caused him to flip a plane many years back. You can tell when we come into contact with the water because it's extremely bumpy. The sound is loud. It's a chop/slap sound. Very rough. When we do our full landing and we are floating around the water you see is only a few feet deep. Perfect place to set a sea plane down, I suppose. Calmer water & no boats zipping around there.

Also, when the plane is on land or slowed like when we were down low Nicholi pushes the window & door open. This is because there's no air conditioning. It's hot! Pushing the door open a little gets a great breeze flowing in and it's instant relief.

With my still weak stomach, the heat, and all the banking & turning I started getting really nauseated at the end. We got back down onto the ground at just the right time.



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Eeeek! I am in trouble now. I just showed my husband the pics from your plane ride. He said he is soooo doing that next time. I am not sure I want to get into an itty bitty plane over the water! :eek: Little planes scare me. I have never been in one but they still scare me!!! I even told him the price and he said he didn't care. Oh boy......:lookaroun

LOL! I'm sorry! Well, you should give it a try. How many people do you know who've done that? Small planes aren't so bad. You need to understand that it's all the same sensations of the big planes but more exagerated because it's so small. Plus, this is how I think: when it's my time to go it doesn't matter where I am or what I'm doing. I've seen so many people die unexpectedly from the most strange occurances. You just know that fate is real. So to me, if it's my time, it doesn't matter if I'm in a little plane bumping around or if I'm sitting on my sofa at home typing a trip report. I'll be going to meet my maker when He says it's time. And I'm good with that. I choose not to live with fear of things I haven't yet done. Am I scared sometimes? Sure! But then I push passed that and drink in the opportunities life present. It's all good! You can do it. If you tense up and feel like you're gonna die of fright simply relax your body, breathe deep, and remember you're going for life's ride. Remember to enjoy it!

plane ride looks very cool!

It WAS!!!!

I can't believe I got NO credit for sending you to Typhoon Lagoon :(

Awwww...John! I'm sorry. Yes, you DO get a lot of credit for our hitting up TL! Your advice along with your killer pictures and reports are what sold me most. :wave:


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All too soon we were on the ground again having totally just loved our lives up in the skies above, reaching out towards the heavens, sharing another amazing adventure together.



We decided to run back by the Southernmost Point. I really wanted a pic of the kids with it if I could dodge the long lines. We rounded the corner and...BINGO...we were in business! No line! As we parked our little cart we noticed some guys nearby. There were 3 of them laughing & talking while 2 were scurrying about with big television cameras. I was was totally like :rolleyes: thinking that's some sort of ego having a film crew to document your vacation memories. I'm tellin' you, sometimes I amaze me with the dumb crap that comes to my mind. :lol:

So we walked over to the big marker and I was hurrying the boys up so we could avoid the camera crew and get them back out of the sun ASAP. ((My boys will burn in a matter of minutes if I'm not extremely careful.)) I took this pic:


But then the main guy being filmed started talking to us. He actually struck up conversation with Chandler saying how he totally understood the plight of the redhead freckled complection that burns in minutes. The guy was tall, skinny, redheaded, and was wearing the craziest shorts. I almost thought they were somebody's grandfather's boxers with the pink flamingos! LOL! Anywhoo, he was funny. Funny is endearing to me. Plus, an adult who strikes up a quick reportoire with my 16-going-on-30 year old gets my attention. He was quite the character. Another guy in the group offered to take all our pics together. Tall guy asked if we minded if he jumped in. Not at all! You know me. More is better! So here he is with us:



Lemme guess? He looks familiar? Well, after the pic he started interviewing us a little asking what we liked about the island. He was so funny to interact with. In a whirlwind he was off & running. 2 of his production guys pulled us aside and had us fill out media releases. They were all in such a big hurry I was trying to catch what I could to figure out why the main guy looked familiar. The production guys said his name was "Mike". They mentioned Travel Channel, An Idiot Abroad, new show, and David Arquette. I was still lost. I emailed Tammy (disneyfalcon) telling her about it. She & her hubby did some Googling and discerned that the fellow pictured with us is Mike McGuiness. He's in production on a new show with David Arquette for the Travel Channel. So we *may* or *may not* be on a Travel Channel show in the future. Where else but Key West, right????

Here's a shot of just us that the same guy took sans Mike. They were nice about wanting us to have a family shot.


And our oober-cool ride. I don't know why but when I see this I think: "Regulators!!!! Mount up!!!!" I'm such a nerd!


Here's the production craziness as we were leaving:



Well-Known Member
Kelly, you have such a beautiful family!

The buffet at Palo looks sooooooo delicious. Really. Especially the strawberries! So sorry you did not feel well that morning. Hope it was nothing major.

Key West looks so pretty. It was great to see the pictures from the plane. The water looks so clear there. Here in Connecticut the ocean is dark blue and you can't see two feet in front of you!

Your TR is really making me look forward to the girls cruise :sohappy:


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As soon as we booked this cruise & I knew we were going to Key West I ran out & bought a copy of 'The Old Man and the Sea' by Ernest Hemingway. I made the boys read it as prep for the trip. At first I intended to go see the Hemingway House but after reading several trip reports that said it was dull I figured we'd at least drive by to see it. Nicholi told us where it was but the streets are a little confusing because of the lack of signs. The names are painted on the power poles but often they're pretty beat up. Tracey was cutting u-turns in the middle of the road and I was giggling like crazy. I just knew at any minute a native was going to run out in the street & throw a flip-flop at him. LOL! Anywhoo, here's the Hemingway House drive-by:





Oh yeah! And if you've never been to Key West before the chickens running free everywhere can catch ya off-guard. Several times we were in quiet residential areas stopped for stop signs and the quiet would be broken by a loud cockadoodledooooo. Theeeeen....Tracey in all his silliness towards the end of our adventure spotted these 2 and shouted, "Look at the size of those c0cks!!!! Those are some biiiiig c0cks!!!! Kelly, I bet you like those......" and he went on and on. The boys were dying laughing. I could barely catch my breath! Again, 14 or 40???


Nicholi said the Green Parrot was the best place to get a drink on the island. My bet is he's buddies with the owner. Either way, here it is:


When we asked Nicholi how to get to Margaritaville he gave me a look like really?! Say no to cheese! Well, I was a huuuuge fan in years past. In fact, I've been to exactly 2 concerts in my entire life (this is a sad confession, really). Both were Jimmy Buffett shows with my friend who's mom was a morning show dj on the college station in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. She got free tix. The first one was at Oak Mountain Amphitheater. We were on the lawn. I was 16 and remember only vaguely drinking myself into a stupor and making out with some random college guy for the whole show. The second I was 17 & on the wagon so I was perfectly sober. We were at the colliseum on the University of Alabama campus for the homecoming show. And we were 2nd row. On the floor! Ugh! Best. Time. Ever!!!! Last song he played was 'Stars Fell on Alabama' and I thought I'd just die of bliss. LOL! So I couldn't come to Key West, to the place that inspired Jimmy, where the original Margaritaville is, and not see it. It had to be done. We were tight on time so I had to make it fast. We didn't want to get charged extra on our electric cart. When we finally found it Tracey pulled up to the curb, the kids & I hopped out, we ran down the sidewalk, Chandler snapped this picture, then we ran into the shop to buy us some tshirts.


While I was picking out tshirts Tracey stuck with the cart since technically where he pulled up was an unloading zone. Chandler went back out then got sent a few doors down to Walgreens to fetch a case of Dasani. My insane old man was intent on carrying a case of Dasani back on the ship. Even when paying for the bottled water onboard, it's Evian. :hurl:


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Everyone back onboard & buckled in to the cart happy with the loot we'd gathered it was time to make our way back to the electric cart place. I was snapping pics like mad the whole way. Everything is so fascinating. Even this gorgeous church:



Even the post office is cool!


We dropped our cart and the nice guy gave us a ride back to Mallory Square to catch a ride on the trolley back to our ship. Very nice fella. I told him I wanted to come back when the weather was cooler. He laughed at me. I asked what their winter weather was like and he responded, "Like this but with a slightly cooler breeze." I still think it'd be worth it. Better yet, I want to spend Christmas in Key West! Yesssss!!!!

Disney doesn't play when it comes to germs. Whenever you are reboarding the ship even at Disney's private island, Castaway Cay, they have these antibacterial foam dispensers they want you to make use of. We got the added bonus today of damp cloths, too!


Sweet ride, y'all!



When we got back to our stateroom we had Fish Extender gifts waiting. I didn't quite catch it before Brian grabbed something out of his pocket:


So I had a complete mom-cow-fit for him to put it back so I could take a pic:


I don't know that Brian even came in the room. He was off like a flash to see what's shaking at Vibe. Chandler went with us up to the walk-ups to find some grub. We were sooooo hungry! I had some lamb & couscous cold sandwich wrap things & fries which were like the best thing I've ever eaten. I think I was just that hungry! I called my mom while we were in port to tell her about our day. She was so excited for us!

This is our view from our table. I totally thought of Melanee! Both those boats, the white Coast Guard one and the one in front of it are actually museum boats you can tour.


Waiting for us when we returned to our stateroom:



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We knew we didn't want to miss sailing away. All aboard wasn't until 7 so if we were up top for sail away we'd be pushed for time making it to our 8:15 dinner seating. We quickly took showers, dressed for dinner, and ran up top so we didn't miss anything good. Here's some stragglers at right about 7:


They were greeted by some of the ships officers. I bet they got a bit of scolding:


My crazy airplane man had a fit over every plane that flew over:



Very cool Steerman:



Hey girls! Remember my dress that I wore for anniversary dinner last September that came with the killer bod??? I wore that one tonight!


The pier crews headed out to our mooring lines:


But then they were just waiting as were the officers on the bridge:


As a signalman's daughter, I appreciate that we were flying the Conch Republic flag for Key West:



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We waited and waited. Then we heard the call over the PA asking for a man & woman couple by name. Ah-hah! Someone hadn't gotten back onboard on time! We thought we were going to end up leaving them behind, but then a pickup truck came zooming down the pier when the couple hopped out and stolled to the gang way. I bet those 2 got an ear full!


Oh! Here's some good stuff for ya. In this next picture you see a lighthouse. When that lighthouse was built it was actually out in the water. Further out from the lighthouse (you can't see it but it would be to the right) is where the old military fort was built. When it was built there was a pier that ran from the lighthouse out to the fort. It was just water out there. If you look at a satellite image you'll see that all of that is land now. Well, all the dredging for channels and development they poured the dredged material where the water once was and actually made the island bigger. The "Southernmost Point" where we took our pics earlier isn't really the southernmost point anymore. It's the southernmost naturally-occuring point but the island has been extended further south.


If you ever go to Key West you have to go to the Sunset Festival at Mallory Square. I was sad we couldn't go for this. It sounds awesome. Basically there's all sorts of street acts, musicians, etc. who set up by the water in the area of the square and people flock out here to see the shows and watch the amazing sunset every day. Mallory Square and the Sunset Festival:



I was hoping we wouldn't block too much of the sunset as we pulled off for all those people waiting to see it. I bet they were waving choice fingers at us. Those guys on the bridge were getting the best show!


Oh! Something in the air!




Goodbye Key West. We'll be back!



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Turning out to sea:


Oooooh...this is what all those people were waiting for! I get this!





My dad told me when I was little what the sailors say and I never forgot it:
Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning.
Red sky at night, sailor's delight.

Think I'll go to the next post so I can keep the best pics together. I wish I could describe what it's like to see this in person. Everyone thinks sunsets are pretty. This sunset was incredible. Words and pics do it no justice. It's one of those things. You'd have to be there....


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I really wish I could have had my folks here for this sunset. I feel like I "get" some of what my dad loves about the sea. I wish beyond wish I could stand on a deck and share these moments with them, too. Unfortunately, the price of freedom isn't only written on The Wall. My dad doesn't go like he used to. He suffers with a lot of problems brought on by PTSD later in his life. He served his country and loved what he did. He's a man of honor and courage. In many ways he's a hero to me. But the price that's paid for the things he did to serve his nation as he was asked is handed down to generations after. I don't have my adventurous daddy like I used to. The only time I see him is if I go to his house because he rarely ever leaves his home anymore. My boys don't have a grandpaw that takes them places or comes to see them. They only know the fellow who stays in his house and hardly ever leaves. That breaks my heart.

**sniffle sniffle**

Enough of the drift. Dinner tonight was at Parrot Cay. What a rousing, fun restaurant to dine in! We actually limbo'd in thru the door! They played lots of Jimmy Buffett and other island music. I bet we heard 'Boat Drinks' a dozen times from our visits to Parrot Cay on this cruise. LOL!







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Loving the TR!!! I swear, that entire time you were detailing the offerings at Palo, half of me wanted to drive out and find some yummy food. Not sure what I'm going to find at 11:30 pm at Kroger (definitely not as good as your pics), but it was tempting just from looking at all the yummy stuff!!! :slurp:

Those pics from the air are AMAZING! What an awesome bday excursion! I will admit that I'm way to chicken to ever do that myself, but it definitely made me want to return to Key West and do some fishing and snorkeling/diving. Kind of sad that I'd rather dive with sharks than fly on an airplane. Still - the pics were stunning and it looks like it was a great time.

I am so glad you had pics of the Sunset Festival. I remembered some kind of street festival on our first trip. We'd had an early dinner and then were immersed in it. I haven't seen or thought about it in years. The sunset pics from the ship are also gorgeous! And you of course look fab as well!

Can't wait to read more! :wave:


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On the menu tonight:



One thing we love about the rotational dining with Disney Cruise Line is that your wait staff rotates with you. They learn what you like or don't like. When we arrived our drinks were on the table waiting for us:


This is our waiter, Sompong or just "Som". He was in rare form tonight. Had us laughing the whole meal!


Then there's our assistant server, i-Wayan. He doesn't say a whole lot but then he's always running 90-to-nothing taking care of us, refilling drinks, resetting our cutlery, bringing bread, etc.


Chandler had the 3-meat plate or something like that.


I had the rib-eye & a salad.


Brian had, what else? Chicken!


One thing we really appreciated from Som was his willingness to make recommendations. If Tracey went to order something that he didn't think would live up to the description he'd give Tracey a little sideways look and say something to the effect of other guests don't like that much. I loved the way he explained things: "Weeeeell, many guest like fish a lot..they love to eat they order flounder but then they all say same thing to me. It dry. Not good. So I bring them something else. If you want to try I will bring you flounder on side dish but you order something else so you have something you like, too." Here's Tracey's flounder on the side. Just like Som said, it was dry and he didn't like it. It's cool that he offered to bring the dish in question as well as an alternative.


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