We actually are doing the couch to 5k program. We began it back in ohhh, February so we could then move onto a 10k training or the actual Tower of Terror training but clearly we have not made much progress. If we do this race, I want to be able to run the majority of it. I have also done 30 second run, 60 second walk but we did pretty good with that so we moved on the next week on the schedule to 60/90. I just feel like if I am not going to be able to finish, I want to give someone who can finish a chance to do it. I think if I had stuck with my original training plan and ran when I was supposed to I'd be at a good place right now but I slacked off (partly my own fault and partly due to work, family commitments, traveling, etc)
How awfully disappointing that your training partner let you down!

I'm SO glad that you out there again, you'll get back on track on your own. I hope you keep with it and complete the ToT 10 Miler; it would be a shame not to, after having registered and everything.
I put off taking up running for years because I convinced myself "I'd go if I had someone to go with". Had no choice when a co-worker signed me up for a 5K, and I've been training on my own, and it's fine. I started with the C25K program, ran my 5K about half way through it, but I like to finish what I start, so I'm still working on it. It's taking me a long time to finish the 9-week program, because sometimes a week goes by without getting in any running.
Aw well that makes sense. Hope you won't give up on running. This is my first time ever training for something and I have settled with fact that this is my first race and there is no need to push myself to be a "runner" per se but I want to be able to finish and get the medal. Maybe by the August I will be up past 15/45 or 20/40. I did the 30/60 with C25K and found that if I don't have the C25K program I get lost in tracking. When I stay with just minute intervals it is easier to keep track of on just a stop watch or at the gym.
Hopefully you can do another race soon.
The C25K program is pretty frustrating, either or both of the GPS or the timer is horribly off most of the time--I just don't understand how a "30 minute workout" can take an hour to complete!! The only benefit is, I'm sure I'm running longer than it says I am, which is good (I guess)
You are so right about not stressing to push yourself to be "a runner"...there's plenty of time for that. As you say, do the training, finish the race, and get the medal. If you like all that well enough, then your new goal can be to become "a runner". I enjoyed the 5K race that I completed sooo much more than training for it! And I've just signed up for another one...a charity 5K benefitting cancer research, second Sunday in August--the course is through Yankee Stadium. Ramps, Stairs, Warning Track, August...I may have to be carried out, but I hope to have fun, and it's raising money for a good cause.
I have absolutely no aspiration to run a marathon. I am content to stick with 5Ks (well, maybe someday I might work up to a half--if I do, you can bet it will be at WDW), and I think I won't consider myself a runner until I love it.
No No no....You gotta want it. No excuses. Walk on lunch break, walk at midnight... you gotta want and earn this medal.
You still have plenty of time to reach this goal. You gotta find time to make this happen. Keyword in that... make this happen. I dont want to miss time from my family, so I run before anyone gets up and work. The running Gods threw me a curve ball this february and I fought back from not even being able to walk February 15th, to self rehab for a month, to walking, then run/walking... to now running again. Took me 4 months. I lost everything. I want that ToT medal.
If you want it... you can do it. Dont rely on other people or partners. They will always fail you. Running is an individual sport. We are all here for encouragement... so that is why Im pushing you.
That part that I bolded is pretty darn accurate. The support and encouragement here is both motivating and comforting (not in a "there, there" sense--there's none of that here, LOL--but in a "others are going/have gone through the same thing"). I actually said to my husband over the weekend would he please get himself a couple of hobbies so that I don't feel guilty about taking a few hours a week for myself, to do something that's good for me!
And I do agree that we "gotta want it" in order to make it happen, but not all of us are at the point where we "want it" that badly yet, if that makes sense. For us "newbie" runners, who haven't fallen in love with it yet, it's all too easy to let life distract us and get in the way of getting in our training. And if we don't have support from friends/family, it makes this forum all the more important to keeping us going.
How's this for an example--my year-long diet/fitness quest was a little too successful; I lost a couple too many pounds and wanted to put a few back on to look healthy instead of skinny. My mother suggested, "why don't you stop exercising". ?? What mother would miss an opportunity to say "why don't you eat some more"??
Good job. Getting out the door is the hardest thing to do. Don't bow out. Having that goal of the ToT race, that will help the motivation. Knowing that you registered, paid however much money, to not even try? Meh. DFL >>> DNS > DNRegister
Look at pictures of the past bling. Think of the pride you will have by knowing that you were able to finish on your own. No team to help hide any shortcomings, but tons of support (from complete strangers) to keep going and finish as you are. Whatever it takes, just keep putting one foot in front of the other. (And soon you'll be walking out that door ooor oor!)
Training partners, running clubs, even online forums, are all supposed to help support you and motivate you to reach your goals. Sometimes you need to try a different group to find your fit. Plenty of people on here will help provide motivation and encouragement, just keep with it.
Excellent advice.
I finally realized that if I have an event that I've registered for, I'll get out there and do it. (I feel stupid calling it a "race" as I have no hope of winning it

, so I've settled on "event") If I don't have anything on the line, it doesn't take much to make me skip a run.
My routine for the past couple years is to get up early and work out with dvds; weights, kickboxing, etc. I am trying to add running to the regimen. I know that if I really want to run, the best time to do that (especially in the summer) is to do it in the mornings, but I enjoy my dvd workouts in the a.m., so I have to fit in the running after work. I rarely post in the "what did you do today" thread, because I don't run every day, but I do
read it every day, looking for some inspiration (with a side dish of humor).