The Spirited Sixth Sense ...


Well-Known Member
There were several individuals who fell into this category, most of whom posted on MC. I'm thinking you might be referring to @DLdocumentary but that's just a guess.
I recall another called ThemeParkOne that fits that description too, his popularity was at its peak back in 2011 right before D23 that year. He had quite a following for some time, including some people on this forum even (which is where I heard of him in the first place). But he lost his fanbase after going way overboard and posting a huge list of D23 teases just a month or two before the event happened (even specifics to make his screw up all the more obvious), none of which ended up happening. He rarely tweets anymore, and has certainly ceased his park expansion predictions. He had a real vendetta against Miceage for banning him from their forums and telling people not to listen to his lies, and he spent a lot of time after his fraud was found out just attacking the site any chance he got.

He did get a couple of pieces of information right, but they were things that were apparently already known online before he posted about it (such as Festival of Fantasy, the day parade we already knew was happening) or so vague that they could have been anything (an expansion at AK within 5 years, though that ended up being only half right because Pandora isn't coming until 2017). The specifics that he himself put out as the original source ended up being debunked. Prior to his debunk though, his popularity got rather big around wdwmagic, likely because he was telling people things that they wanted to hear instead of the actual truth. Lots of people were mentioning his name a fair bit in the threads building up to D23, leading me to create a thread about him to ask other known and trusted insiders here whether they wanted to weigh in on the claims TPO was making-


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Spirited Olympic Musings:

OK, this isn't going to be about the Games in Sochi. I just don't have much of an interest in winter sports to begin with and, this can sound snobby and elitist, but as someone who helped bring the 2008 Games in Beijing to reality, I just don't believe any games will ever compare.

First, apologies to the folks I owe notes to. I have read them all and will try and answer them before the weekend is out.

Lots of snow in Japan of late. A friend of mine is a frequent visitor as local and Tweeter of TDR and has some nice pics at @dreamsweetslove on twitter (and she apparently has an account here that I wasn't aware of!) ... I was kinda hoping for something like that in Paris, but am now glad we didn't have that.

It would appear Disney has done another pruning of social media whores, but not enough to catch my attention ... it also would appear that a social media started the whole 'PUSH is being trashed by Disney' insanity of late.

No, I don't have any info regarding what may have gone down at Flower Street. My strong hunch is that it was a day of decisions and pitching and someone(s) wanted attention in the fan community. They got some, but not very much.

I'd still like to know what the deal is with the changing on a daily basis DLR rehab calendar as I do have a visit coming up and would like to know what will be open and what will 'ruin' my MAGICal vacation.

Judging by all the lifestylers who have cruised with Disney in the past 2-3 weeks, I am convinced those discounts were pretty substantial!

So, Alain Littaye of the Disney and More blog has stated that the Paramount Park for Spain is on again and Micechat picked up his column: ... while I'd love to see it, I still have doubts and will until I see the place open.

I have never been a big Jay Leno fan, but he was a class act and went out like one. After switching from Dave to the other Jimmy not all that long ago, I don't see myself switching to Fallon but he's likeable and all (even if he does hide the fact he is quite bald!)

I keep hearing about how big Marvel merchandise is and why it is an important part of Disney buying the company, yet at DLP I saw ONE piece of Marvel merchandise at the entire resort (a Spidey comic book iPad cover). I have repeatedly said that after seeing lots of it 2-3 years ago at WDW that I never see any of it outside of the toy store and vinyl stores at DD. So I'm guessing all that money is based on other retailers selling it then?

I find it bizarre and a little weird how some fanbois only consider something Disney if it came during Walt's time or comes out under the Disney banner. Sorry, but Muppets to Marvel, Pixar to Lucas are all Disney now and you just have to put your big boy panties on and deal with it. Believe me, I am not a big fan of Marvel.

Sad to hear that the Eddie Sotto designed Encounter Restaurant at LAX has shuttered. I haven't been in years, but used to be a regular and loved the food, views and kewl design elements that made me think the 1960s jet age still existed beyond a parked TWA 747-100 in the Arizona desert.

Am I the only one who is starting to think the Poly DVC is really going to be another done on the cheap monorail resort add?

I'm sorry for any feelings I hurt (no, I'm not but Momma always taught me manners), but if you never visited WDW in the 20th century than your opinion on the relative quality of it today just doesn't count for much at all to me.

To the idiots in the Twitverse, you know that I'm talking about you!, who have issues that NGE is now a $2 billion plus boondoggle, deal with it. That is the reality. If you just pay attention to what Disney has admitted spending and reallocating, you are only a few hundred million from there to start ... just think about it.

Yes, I am going to get back to discussing Disney in Europe and comparing/contrasting DLP with WDW and how the BRAND is marketed. I'm not sure when, but soon hopefully!

Is the pin deal at WDW finally over?


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A quick defense of Orange Bird. He was plastered all over the Florida Welcome Center in the 70s/early 80s back when most of us middle-class yankees still had to drive down here. I've always associated him as much with Florida as WDW. And on the flip side, only people that had made that drive, through the Bridge-Tunnel and past Pedro and South of the Border, knew who he was--he wasn't on TV or in the movies like the other Disney icons. Recognizing Orange Bird became kind of a secret handshake to those of us lucky enough to have experienced the wonder of Disney World and Parrot Jungle and driving on the beach at Daytona. And that's why I still hang onto the stupid figurines I bought when I was 6, the last relic of my childhood not boxed up.

I recall him as well, same way as you. But I also recall Donald Duck on OJ too. And I put them all in with those wax animals you could make at places from Busch Gardens to the Monkey Jungle ...I just don't like to see Disney twisting fans emotions to sell them nostalgia (no, fanbois under 30, but that is NOT what WDW was ever supposed to be about ... of course, it wasn't about Disney Princess rooms in an Old South themed resort or Australian toon fish in a Caribbean themed resort either).


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Coffee, beer or cocktail, someday it would be my pleasure to pick up the tab to enjoy a beverage with you, @WDW1974 and others here I'm too tired to list, but would love to chat with. Thanks for the post, very well said!

I love having people buy me food or beverages ... and I would love the chance to chat with you and @ParentsOf4 in person. He's someone I'd want on my team!


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Who knows? They may choose to sell pieces of a demolished parade as pins....

I gave a family member a pin with pieces of Peter Pan's Flight years ago when they sold it after a (supposedly) major rehab. A friend gave me a similar pin for DCA's Golden Dreams since I was a fan of the attraction (and still think it's better than the Mermaid Omnimover that replaced it).


Well-Known Member
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That is a HUGE DVC Addition ... seriously BOB / TOM? You guys need more Hotel rooms like you need stock options ... W T F TDO?

That project is currently dead. I believe the next DVC you'll see is in EPCOT's parking lot. They want a second BLT, but they would have to actually add infrastructure to the Contemporary and add capacity (and reliability) to the monorails. And we all know they won't do either.


Well-Known Member
That project is currently dead. I believe the next DVC you'll see is in EPCOT's parking lot. They want a second BLT, but they would have to actually add infrastructure to the Contemporary and add capacity (and reliability) to the monorails. And we all know they won't do either.
Wow, their cheapness actually is a benefit this time! A 2nd BLT :eek:


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Arguments about matters of taste are pointless.

I would much rather have a bottle (or two) of vintage red wine for the price of a bottle of Dom Perignon. You can give me 100 reasons why I should like the champagne better, but at the end of the day I still won't like the taste. That doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with those who do, or that I'm correct in my taste.

It ends up being an argument, rather than a debate, because there is nothing logical about why we like or dislike something as trivial as a cartoon character.

First, thanks for killing all the wabbit talk. We didn't need three pages of that and I am glad it is gone.

And while I agree with your base point, I still find it interesting to know where peoples' tastes are coming from. If someone thinks a Whopper is the best beef they've ever had, it isn't so much that they are wrong (it's taste after all) but it does speak to someone who may be less discerning about many other things.

If someone has only been to WDW since 2003 and has never been to other Disney resorts or UNI or BGT or SWO etc, then I know what I am dealing with when they go on the warpath because I am critical of WDW.

FWIW, I'd rather have a nice red wine too! But it's important to get that some folks (like say @Lee) might rather have moonshine.

Olaf = more annoying than Hunchback's gargoyles. (just tossing that out there!)


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The First Priority for improving Epcot isn't adding rides.

Sorry for butchering your post down to the above.

I did it because the real most important first priority for EPCOT isn't doing something cheap and dumb and turning Maelstrom into a Frozen ride and completely nuking what's left of the park's identity and purpose in a blatant money grab.

So far I have no evidence that is even being planned, but you can be 100% sure that it has already been thought of and pitched at some level.


Well-Known Member
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340 is greenlit and rolling along and only slightly behind schedule. Glad you are back!

By the way I'm not sure where all this talk of major problems at Gringotts and HE is coming from but other than the predictable issues encountered on any new ride system as well as the many stupid delays caused by putting kids straight out of school in charge of entire scopes with very little supervision i haven't seen anything yet that will delay opening by months.

Glad YOU are back and thanks for the confirm. And the info on Potter ...

We need to talk ... send me a note when you are free.


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On the dumb fanboi nostalgia deal, found out a while ago that a group is attempting to restart Eastern Airlines, which sorta bothers me because my greatest professional regret (here's some real Spirited inside info) is that I was not able to purchase the rights to Pan Am when they were available, but also bothers me because 24-year-old snot-nosed kids who NEVER rode If You Had Wings and NEVER actually sat on an Eastern 727 or L-1011 will likely all want Eastern ephemera (did I just give the crazy @EPCOT Explorer a whole new line of stuff to spend $$$ on?)

It is like the difference between reading about something and actually living it ... and it really grates on me.


Well-Known Member
OK, this isn't going to be about the Games in Sochi. I just don't have much of an interest in winter sports to begin with and, this can sound snobby and elitist, but as someone who helped bring the 2008 Games in Beijing to reality, I just don't believe any games will ever compare.

Have you been back to the Olympic site in Beijing? It's sad how dilapidated they've let the place get. Also there is a "lovely" water park in the cube.

Now the Canadian in me has to vehemently disagree with all of the above. I'm sure the Brits will join me in this one too. ;)


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Have you been back to the Olympic site in Beijing? It's sad how dilapidated they've let the place get. Also there is a "lovely" water park in the cube.

Now the Canadian in me has to vehemently disagree with all of the above. I'm sure the Brits will join me in this one too. ;)

My BFF daughter was in the London Olympics, they could not have been more impressed with the weeks they spent in London. The hospitals, well not so much. Dad broke his leg badly while leaving the venue. Pretty much wrapped it in gauze, put a split on it, gave him crutches and said to see a Doc stateside in 2 weeks. :eek:


I recall another called ThemeParkOne that fits that description too...
Yeah...that one lost me when he said the Tron ride in Shanghai wasn't a coaster.:facepalm:

FWIW, I'd rather have a nice red wine too! But it's important to get that some folks (like say @Lee) might rather have moonshine.
Oh, yes...
If by "moonshine" you mean "sweet tea.";)
Olaf = more annoying than Hunchback's gargoyles. (just tossing that out there!)
Still not clear on who/what an Olaf is. A cartoon thing?


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Was about to head to bed when I was reminded of what an important ... historic date today is (or was).

It was just a short 13 years ago that I was at the Grand Opening of Disney's California Adventure. Of course, it was the only time that I ever puked in a Disney theme park (within the hour of grand opening) and, indeed, spent most of the next week (most of it at the Grand Cali) in bed with a bout of food poisoning that should have sent me to the hospital. But did I go? No. I didn't want to make things tough on my buddie George Kalogridis who had enough disasters at home and didn't need to deal with the fact that the food at the media party wasn't all good (lesson here: if you don't eat lobster, don't eat a McD's double cheeseburger, instead demand they find you something else, you're important enough that Andy 'Hail and' Hardy is your VIP host, they can rustle up a salad somewhere).

Anyway, sitting on a cold Anaheim morning awaiting the long-anticipated second gate, while trying to keep my food down (and least John and Rebecca Stamos made the night before wonderful as they sat and had drinks with my entourage at the Hearthstone), I had this nagging feeling that 'it's caught up with Disney ... this isn't going to go the way they think ... folks in Anaheim are not folks in Orlando and they will see this for what it is'.

Much of the opening is a blur as it still was the most ill I have ever been post age-20. But thankfully, I went on to have great times in that park. Yes, I enjoyed it back in 2001. Enjoyed it a lot. Love it today.

Man ... 13 years ago ... no Facebook (Zuckerberg was only a millionaire brat), no iPhones (the greatest surveillance tool in history for all you #CultofJobs folks, no Disney Lifestylers, just a handful of solid information based sites, hell ... no wars ... we were at peace with everyone (or having our private Blackwater armies handle things overseas), all those Ponzi schemes were working ... yep, a different time. I knew DCA would be OK, but I didn't have a clue that it would morph the way it did and languish for years as Disney tried to figure out what to do with it.

As Al Jolson used to bang out in the Sun Court ... California Here I Come ... Open Up Your Golden Gates ... soon enough, a Spirit will Descend on DCA yet again.


Well-Known Member
I gave a family member a pin with pieces of Peter Pan's Flight years ago when they sold it after a (supposedly) major rehab. A friend gave me a similar pin for DCA's Golden Dreams since I was a fan of the attraction (and still think it's better than the Mermaid Omnimover that replaced it).
It probably was. Mermaid had such potential.


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@Lee you need to go to bed unless you are waiting for the snow and too excited to sleep.

I'll phone ya up tomorrow and we can talk all about Olaf and anything else that needs discussing ...

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
I find it bizarre and a little weird how some fanbois only consider something Disney if it came during Walt's time or comes out under the Disney banner. Sorry, but Muppets to Marvel, Pixar to Lucas are all Disney now and you just have to put your big boy panties on and deal with it. Believe me, I am not a big fan of Marvel.

Glad we agree on something. :D

But I think that many people feel the way I do - that it's bizarre and weird that Disney is buying up already-fully-developed stuff like Star Wars and Muppets, when the real, original Disney magic was derived from in-company creativity and innovation. Of course, I realize that that Disney is dead - or, as one of the legendary Nine Old Men put it, "Walt's dead. You missed it." That's why the yeti stays broken, and why WDW is trying to play catch-up with Universal by nabbing the rights to a perceived fan-boy fave like "Avatar" (is there any doubt Iger thought that was a "checkmate" move?) instead of raiding its own vault for ideas for new attractions or coming up with completely original ones. I think Iger thinks Disney's not relevant, and he has little faith in its artisans and no patience with risk and development. And that's why he buys stuff. It's paying off in terms of revenue and stock price - things Iger can understand - but that's come at a terrible price in my view.

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