You really should look at this.
Are these graphs worldwide or just US?
Please note that not all the world have Netflix access, as netflix by itself is country blocked for their respective versions. (no surprise a lot of people use proxies to see the US only content)
Only a year ago Netflix Mexico started to offer services, dunno about other latinamerican countries.
But Youtube was the way to go for almost everything.. then itunex or apple media (music, music videos and trailers)
Anyway bandwidth wise.. netflix might be larger, because their pre-buffering and huge movie size.
with youtube yuo're not only watching movies, you're watching remixes, small animation, documentaries, short comedy, music (with no heavy video).
also, I tought we were talking about hits and reach, not bandwidth wise.
Google is still in the "portal" business, they have been for a very long time. They want to control your total experience.
They've gotten into the OS business, simply to control your experience. They have been in the media distribution business for a while, including aquisitons to control new media content distribution and monetize it (youtube as an example), and as of late, they are getting into the physical distribution market as a direct competitor to traditional ISPs.
It's still the portal wars during the first web bubble in the late 90s early 2000s, back when people weren't selling the "cloud" or SEO, and even before they were selling "keywords"...a long time ago, in a net that really isn't so far away (you do know that the majority of the net isn't accessible or searchable through google or related search engines?)...
Google never left that model. They are the AoL of the next decade, and they will own the content. The reason they will probably succeed is that, unlike AoL, they went for simple service first, and expanded. Vs AoL which quickly outgrew their britches as their services and demands outgrew their physical infrastructure (remember...busy signals?)
Agree with you, I wonder if their OS really as opportunity.. I would say it might be a higher percentage of success compared to other Oses like FIREFOX OS.
The interesting part of google is, they projected their growth and kept expanding their networks, unlike other mega content services like AOL (or Mexico's TELMEX aka Prodigy) which were hammered and couldn't add more for years.
Ok, since you asked, I guess I will bore you with some of my honeymoon pics (actually I love showing them off

). First , here I am in Hawaii on Lanikai beach, Ohau- yes, it was nice....
View attachment 48718
Gorgeous place!
Now, my honeymoon Tahiti, Moorea, & Bora Bora
First we went to Moorea [/ATTACH]
View attachment 48719 View attachment 48720 View attachment 48721 View attachment 48722 View attachment 48723 View attachment 48724 View attachment 48725 View attachment 48726 View attachment 48727 which is almost as beautiful as Bora Bora
Talk about Paradise! thanks for sharing!
seems that after my Disney Cruise to alaska, I will have my eyes in visiting Hawai
Hong Kong Disneyland has a parade specifically for rainy days, while EPCOT has pavilions that are literally empty.
Just let this sink in.
aaauch... that was a deep burn there.
Those making decisions affecting WDW aren’t evil and they aren’t intellectually stupid.
They are making the “best” decisions based on limitations imposed on them.
Externally, those limitations flow down from the top of the corporate food chain; Iger and Rasulo. There are factors that influence Iger and Rasulo such as the BOD (which Iger effectively controls) and Wall Street. However, Iger is powerful enough that he could produce change, if he wanted to. He doesn’t want to. WDW is the way that it is because it’s what Iger wants, if not in word than certainly by deed.
Internally, those limitations come from the backgrounds of the individuals making decisions affecting WDW. They all are academically intelligent. Most are talented administrators. That’s their strengths. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean they have the skillset to lead an organization creatively. Their abilities don’t make them visionaries, which is what it takes for an organization to remain on the cutting edge.
Organizations need to balance administrative and creative talents. When one side becomes dominant, it leads to a less successful organization. Artists are needed to push the boundaries, to dream big. Administrators are needed to reign in artistic excess.
It’s more difficult to find an outstanding artist than an outstanding administrator. That “vision thing” is not something that can be evaluated during an interview or judged during an annual performance review. Usually those conducting these evaluations lack the background to accurately appraise creative talent. Quite the opposite; true visionaries scare them.
What does this mean?
Once an organization reaches a certain level of maturity, the organization tends to produce a strong group of administrators where creativity is either not up to the standard needed to remain an industry leader or creativity is marginalized by those same administrators. In such an environment, the most talented visionaries either leave or are beaten into submission.
In such an organization, there is no balance. Decisions overwhelmingly are driven by dollars-and-cents considerations. Since it is difficult to predict long-term success using a dollars-and-cents approach (much long-term “market data” is nothing more than imaginative projections), those decisions are dominated by short-term thinking. What’s good for this year and the next, and how do I massage long-term data to support the short-term decision I’ve already made? The organization takes incremental steps instead of planning for the future. The organization withers, sinking into mediocrity and eventual slow decay.
Industry-leading becomes excellent becomes good becomes good enough.
Currently, WDW is dominated by administrators, rather than a balance of administrators and visionaries.
This is what is happening at WDW today.
Fixing WDW is not simply a matter of lowering hotel prices, building Star Wars Land, or restoring the Yeti. It's a matter of locating and empowering a visionary with sufficient authority to effect meaningful change, one who can lead towards the future.
applauding this opinion!
Is it me, or does Sandberg look like a female Iger clone?
View attachment 48785
I hope not, let's hope she brings correct change. before the ship sinks.