I am strongly anti-gun at this point (I used to be much more moderate on the topic). And I don't want 16 pages of debate on it. But guns are so much more of an issue than either of the two things you listed. I truly am tired of trying to explain to people all over the world, during my travels for work and pleasure, why we are a nation that is accepting of 26 first-graders being slaughtered like animals or a few dozen folks at a movie theater or dozens at a college campus. And how we can claim such moral high ground as a peace-loving people when we are anything but is always amusing when abroad. The only country where I am afraid of people with guns is this one.
That gun of yours won't likely ever be used (thankfully), but if it is the chances of it being you taking out a criminal and not a friend or family member or it being found by a child or stolen by a criminal and used in a tragedy are so much greater.
But to your greater (I hope) point, alcohol kills way too many Americans because we have such a puritanical attitude toward it. You give a 12-year-old a glass of wine with dinner here and you go to jail. We make booze so taboo (much like sex) that we absolutely drive kids to use and abuse it. ... And that bad behavior winds up continuing for so many Americans into adulthood in drunk driving, abusive relationships and, yes, getting drunk at EPCOT.
And smoking? Thanks to making smokers pariahs, the vast majority of smokers only kill themselves. Again, you can't compare to gun violence. Well, you can ... it just isn't a valid comparison.