The Spirited Sixth Sense ...

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Just like the obsession with meta "details" that "prove" the Imagineers are also Disney fans.
You mean, dates stencilled on crates? Adress numbers of Disney studios in attractions?

They Hidden Mickeys of the new designer generation. Both substitutions for real creativity and real tribute. A painful substitution for real 'Disneyfication' and real thematic immersion.


Well-Known Member
Normally I try to avoid ripping into someone but Iger's responses to MyMagic+ questions at yesterday's earnings call genuinely concerned me.

Wall Street twice asked about MyMagic+ revenue. Iger refused to answer the question twice.

Q: "Then for Bob, you guys had talked about the cost of MyMagic+ this quarter, but can you give us some indications of how the rollout's going on revenue and customer behavior, because per capita is really good at this point, so what's going on with MyMagic+?"

A: "I can't quantify it from a financial perspective yet. It's still early and we are still rolling out facets of it. What I can say is, that what has been rolled out has been a real success, both for the guest and for us.

"To give you a for instance, our parks people in Walt Disney World believe during the peak holiday season that we were able to accommodate about 3,000 more additional guests in the Magic Kingdom per day thanks to MyMagic+.

"One of the, I think, most attractive features and one that I think will have possibly the biggest benefit is the FastPass+, which is the ability to reserve 3 times on 3 attractions per day, either before you visited the park if you are a resort guest, or the day you enter the park if you are a same day or a single day ticket holder.

"What we are seeing there is substantially higher utilization of that product among our guests than we saw with the traditional FASTPASS. By the way by a wide margin.

"Since the goal of this was to make the guest experience better, enable the guests to experience more, to do some more efficiently and essentially to be able to customize, we think that these are very, very good signs for us, because clearly guest satisfaction is very, very important to the value equation for us, both how they spend their time when they are with us and the determining factor in terms of whether they come back, so, this is all very good.

"I'd say the biggest impact is, one, being able to accommodate more people. This is just more efficient. Secondly, enabling guests to have a substantially better experience than they have had before, because they are doing more."​

And later:

Q: "Then just my second question on MyMagic+, I know you said the benefit of guest satisfaction, but there must be some benefit to revenue to be able to put a device button, get out of the store, run to doors quickly. Is it showing up in the per cap revenues? On the cost side, how much more is there to go? How much more it is there to go now?"

A: "Well, look, what we spend and how we account for it, I don't really want to get into that. There's some impact on the bottom line, but this is still a very new product, so we are not even close to being able to quantify it. In a public sense, in fact, we are actually just learning more about how it's working and what impact it is having on our business today.

"I think you may be jumping to conclusions that the per cap spending was the direct result of MyMagic+ at this point, it's still a little bit early. It's possible that it had some impact, but I can't say today that we know for sure that it did.

"We do know, as I said, talking to George Kalogridis who runs Walt Disney World, [said] this morning that he really believes that he was able to accommodate 3,000 more people a day in the busiest period of the year in the Magic Kingdom, which is our number one park. That obviously has bottom line value, but we can't tell you what that is."​


2 BILLION spent and you "can't quantify it from a financial perspective yet"? You are "not even close to being able to quantify it"?

You mean Iger & Rasulo, numbers guys through-and-through, have no method in place to quantify MyMagic+ revenue performance?

Do you think Universal will have a problem this summer quantifying Diagon Alley's revenue performance?

This is a really big deal. Earnings calls are highly deferential affairs. They are polite Q & A's. Questions are asked nicely, answered calmly, and then it's on to the next one. The same question is almost never asked twice at an earnings call. The fact that Iger didn't answer the question twice raises all sorts of red flags for the project.

Look, Disney is doing great financially as a company. This is not about Disney's or even WDW's profits.

This is about corporate Disney investing in a loser of a project and the rest of WDW having to suffer as a result.

MyMagic+ represents a tremendous waste of capital resources. Resources that could have been invested so much more wisely on so many other projects. (Stop messing around and just give me Star Wars Land!)

Now, let's look at the other interesting tidbits in Iger's responses.

"FastPass+, which is the ability to reserve 3 times on 3 attractions per day, either before you visited the park if you are a resort guest, or the day you enter the park if you are a same day or a single day ticket holder."​

Resort guests? Before you visit the park. Check.

Day guests? The day you enter the park. Check.

AP holders? AP holders?

Bueller? Bueller?

So, no mention of AP holders. Do you think if MM+ was first rolled out at DLR that there'd be no mention of AP holders?

If you Florida AP holders have been feeling second-class, feeling like an afterthought, well, guess what? You are. :mad:

What else to cover?

"our parks people in Walt Disney World believe during the peak holiday season that we were able to accommodate about 3,000 more additional guests in the Magic Kingdom per day thanks to MyMagic+."​

Wow, 3,000 more additional guests. Sounds impressive, right?

But then two sentences later, Iger lets the cat out of the bag:

"What we are seeing there is substantially higher utilization of that product among our guests than we saw with the traditional FASTPASS. By the way by a wide margin."​


You understand that FP+ is used more that FP because there simply are more attractions with FP+, don't you Iger?

You realize that adding FP+ to Pirates of the Caribbean, Haunted Mansion, and several MK attractions does not mean that MK can actually "accommodate" more "guests", don't you Iger?

I mean, with all those hours of joy you've spent with your family at theme parks your entire life, you understand that shifting "guests" from one line to two lines does not mean you can actually "accommodate" more "guests", don't you Iger?

Or are you just taking George's word for it? :banghead:
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Liker of Things
Premium Member
I thought the same when I went to Epcot last year, after Soarin' and Test Track there isn't really anything else there that needs a FP+ reservation. You feel sort of stupid turning up to the FP line on Living with the Land or Maelstrom and bypassing a five minute stand-by line.

I think I'll see if I can get all 3 fp+'s for Imagination. I'll make a big deal of tromping along in the fastpass lane as I smirk at the bewildered air molecules in the stand by line.


Well-Known Member
Yeah Bob,...because an EARNINGS call isnt the place to discuss such issues as, "how much we spent", or "how we keep up with the profit its making"

That quote should be sending up a ton of red flags on Wall Street, but it will likely just be glossed over due to the overall numbers being as strong as they are. I also love how he conveniently ignored the addition that an omnimover, additional Dumbo (along with the massive queue areas for both), and large dining venue created for capacity (mostly just reclaiming capacity that had been taken away years ago, though). Yes, a bunch of rubber bracelets and unnecessary FastPass attractions were responsible for allowing 3k more people through the gate. :banghead:


Well-Known Member
As to Frozen, it is a huge hit. No doubt. That doesn't alter my opinion of it one bit. Still, the best Disney has made since the 90s, but not on par with much of what was produced that decade ... and music that is largely not memorable (whether it will be headed to Broadway or not, I'd rather see Aladdin or Newsies and then maybe they can finally bring Hunchback to life!)

Didn't see this in the thread, so apologizes if it's in there (just caught up), but we might have some hope for the Hunchback (my vote for best music in a Disney animated film):,0,181081.story#axzz2sbD5zd1h

Might not make Broadway, but given its current record, their out of town shows usually have been hitting Broadway.

Glad to see you back Spirit!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
When everyone is whispering, yet no one is saying anything, it it does make a Spirit wonder just what did or did not go down (no fanboi jokes) in Glendale today.

A comment that deserves a separate post really, but just back from dinner with my Spirited Father and while he has no interest in these sort of online discussions, he was the one who hooked me on WDW ... his out of the blue comment: ''Is Disney still letting River Country just sit and rot? That's sad. It shows a lot of (what) the company stands for today.''

No, I didn't tell him that I could show him 250 pages of plans for the DVC resort Disney wants to build there, but is going to cost too much (thankfully!)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Another quickee or two, but when you are Bob Iger and you have to mention George Kalogridis on an earnings call where you babble about NGE because you can't answer simple questions about the financial results of said program, you are telling the world who your designated fall guy will be.

You'd think after Cynthia made George the guy on the bottom that he'd have more self respect to allow it to happen now at age 60 and with many more millions in his bank account.

Fanbois who work for Disney, know the company stalks them on social media and create Facebook accounts that are de facto WDW PR accounts are the worst slime in a very moldy bathroom.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Bob Iger stated multiple times that Disney is offering a product that everyone loves. But @WDW1974 is saying the parks are stale! Should I take the Weatherman's word that's ego is through the roof or should I trust the mysterious Spirit with the solid track record....

Bob couldn't handle 10 minutes with me face to face without PR hacks, lawyers or muscle trying to intimidate ...

And you shouldn't take my word for the parks being stale, you should look at them fairly and compare them to how WDW used to be managed, how other Disney resorts all over the globe are being run and against other top competitors such as UNI and make a decision yourself.

I KNOW I am right. Hell, Bob Iger would too if he actually knew something about the parks business.

well lets be fair, their egos are pretty close. :)

Not even close. While we all like to lie about size, I'll gladly admit that I could never come close to the sheer arrogance and attitude that man/robot has.


Well-Known Member
No, I didn't tell him that I could show him 250 pages of plans for the DVC resort Disney wants to build there, but is going to cost too much (thankfully!)
Well... this happened while you were away.
Per AmusementLeaks via DVCNews

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