Oh, Tom ... you have little idea of the depths of my dislike of Twitter. Never has a tool existed to spread misinformation, bad information, rumours and outright lies as fast and to as large an audience. That's progress for ya. And that's leaving out all the fanboi drivel about how much they all love the Orange Bird and EPCOT wall carpeting.
Your first mistake was flying Frontier to begin with. Take a look at their recent public ing match between the CEO and the mother of a woman who was denied boarding to her connecting flight. Much like Spirit (I am involved in a legal dispute over them stealing my name!), I wouldn't be caught dead or with a special fanboi on a Frontier flight.
But generally, email won't result in a blow-off IF you contact the right person. That person will NEVER be in guest relations anymore than it would if you had a major MK issue and went to City Hall. They exist so the real people in power don't have to deal with the results of their decisions ... namely angry customers.
Now, it certainly helps to be a name. And you, Tom ... buddy ... pal ... you are now a name because of your websites and travel photography. But you don't have to be a name. Most folks simply won't contact executives because they are afraid. I made an off-hand comment on this thread about emailing or phoning Phil Holmes. I can get people to him (among many others) quite easily. I didn't get one fanboi hitting me up for Phil's contact info because they're afraid that Disney will ban them for life if they pick up the phone to complain to Phil about the MK and his leadership of it.
I alluded to the fact this week that I had two CEOs waiting to hear back from me for two days. I stated they weren't with Disney or UNI. Now, a little more info. They are both very well-paid execs of global BRANDs with companies that are worth billions. They are in the hospitality sector. I had a bad experience. I went to the top. Via email. Direct. A Sunday night note to one CEO, brought a Tuesday early afternoon response. No, it wasn't immediate. But it had a very positive response for me. ... Not only did I make them listen to my concerns, I also received FREE STUFF that made up for my issues tenfold. And I now have a dialog open with one of them about a possible consulting gig. Yes, I damn well know they spent all day Monday researching who I was and what kind of damage I was capable of doing before engaging me. Yes, they likely figured out pretty quickly that I am a Spirit of significance and one that you don't want to screw with. But I also firmly believe that the majority of people who would have done what I did, would have had a positive outcome of some sort.
I usually don't place personal info out there, but my point is you can get places and no, you don't need Twitter for that. Twitter largely gets you a very low level employee who is looking to get rid of you just like at City Hall.
So if you have concerns about show quality at the MK, you don't comment to a 25-year-old at City Hall. You engage Phil or George or Meg or Tom or all of the above ... because they absolutely don't want to deal with you. And Twitter won't do jack for you in such a situation.
I guess I am saying you are soooooo wrong!
OK, first, it's great to know I am not the only insane person to visit the Canyon in February! Hope you guys have a great time ... and that you don't make the old man rise before dawn (you do know that you can get great pics at times that the sun is neither rising nor setting, right?)
I have ended a 15-year loyalty with Continental (and more recently United). Most of those years I was either Silver or Gold elite (even back when it meant something ... and when you could fly a 777 from IAH to LAX and always got a free upgrade to BusinessFirst). I am now trying American with the first time and have status with them. I haven't actually taken one flight with them yet, so it should be interesting. But UAL absolutely destroyed the best domestic carrier in CO (one that as recently as 5-6 years ago could compete with foreign carriers).
I have flown United to China multiple times and I can't speak highly of their product at all.