You probably will never understand because you did not grow up going to Disneyland (right?).
For DL veterans who've been to MK as well, they may prefer DL because of its rich history, a big part of it having to do with Walt Disney. I'm sure you understand most Disney fans are huge fans of Walt Disney himself. People who grew up going to Disneyland we're told stories of when Mr. Disney was alive and how he'd be strolling through the park. The personal touches and things found in the park that have been there for decades. We learned of the parks history through CMs and television shows. There are kids, who are now grown adults and most of them elderly, who remember watching the Disneyland show and being excited for its opening. Some of them remember seeing Walt Disney in the park. It's like some guests feel closer to Walt Disney through Disneyland, as bizarre as that is.
There are eleven, soon to be twelve Disney parks around the globe, but only one was fully developed by the man himself. All of the parks are unique, but that fact alone makes Disneyland unique in a special way. Many Disneyland fans, especially the elderly ones, take A LOT of pride in this fact, and this is why they will always prefer the original and bring up the whole "Walt had nothing to do with it" reason. To them, the others lack a personal touch by Walt Disney, and, therefor, are inferior. It's just a history/Walt Disney thing, but again, I don't expect you to really understand where these people are coming from. I hope this explanation helps a little bit with your trying to understand.
I think the issue is, we have to respect where other viewpoints are coming from.
If someone has grown up with Disneyland and is explaining it to someone who has never been there, it's hard to convey a feeling, an emotion, a sense of attachment to the original theme park created and enjoyed by Walt Disney.
Though it's not quite fair to simply dismiss other parks as being 'inferior' (especially if you haven't visited them) simply because you've grown up with the original. The same type of respect DL folks ask for from others regarding their 'home', should be the same respect they distribute to others who might call WDW or TDL or anywhere else their 'home'
Despite that, in the fan community, that level of understanding on both sides is probably never going to be obtained. And frankly, as long as my family and I are happy and want to call a Disney park 'home', that's really all that matters, not whether or not somebody understands my viewpoint.