Thanks for the details
It most certainly is incumbent for a multinational to plan for major facilities being rendered unusable.
This winter we had an exercise which simulated a major storm taking down the east coast power grid and telecommunications facilities. so effectively no power/phone/internet for 3 days.
It was amazing especially when all the cellphones were collected from the senior emergency managers explaining that they were now useless because of the cell system failure. And now they were only able to communicate through the radio guys (Civil and Military) it was an eye opener to say the least.
I think you underestimate mob psychology and the inevitable lawsuits on the damage to TWDC and I can't imagine the banks maintaining the credit facility in the event of this type. Business is pretty much the law of the jungle and every man (or company) for themselves, It's why the credit markets froze in 2008. And why cash hoards are important.
Icahn and people like him have done more damage to US companies than almost anyone else by destroying their ability to compete by forcing them to manage their stock price rather than their business.
This is WAY OT - If anyone wants to discuss PM please.