Having been at the Oogie show, I will say that it was by far the highlight of the Villains party. It definitely had an edgy energy (that might not come across fully in videos), but I don't think it crossed any lines, real or imagined.
Probably an unpopular opinion here that will make me come across as a shill, but... I enjoyed the Villains party. With that said, I had no interest in meeting characters, didn't want merchandise, and didn't want to purchase booze or exclusive foods. So basically, all of the things with really long lines didn't appeal to me from the outset. I enjoyed the roaming Star Wars characters and random interactions, the entertainment (except that awful Fantasmic pre-show...wow), the fireworks, and the general atmosphere. With that said, I can fully recognize that there were significant problems with the event as a whole, from overselling to misjudging the demographic to not dealing with merchandise/maps/food better. Even if I enjoyed it, these problems should not be occurring at an even that cost $70. Period.
Yes, I didn't see anything remotely edgy. But I'm not one of WDW's bread-and-butter guests who have nine-year-olds playing war with semi-automatic weapons, but cringe if someone uses a naughty word or if two young fanbois start making out in line for Peter Pan's Flight.
I don't think you're a shill (and you know that) but I want to get back to that subject in a second. But I have to wonder if you didn't want any part of the three main reasons the event existed, why waste your money on going to begin with? It can't be the 'novelty' (I say that smart-assedly as Disney-MGM had fireworks regularly for its first decade and has had them pretty regularly over 2014!) of having a pyro show. Why did you have to be there?
As to the shill part ... I think part of any blow back you get is simply due to your life circumstances. Most folks don't have the money you have available mixed with the ability to leave a job whenever Disney is doing something they'd like to see/do. It may not be fair, but I have read a few comments about you over the years (some published even on your site, sometimes privately) and people will be jealous. You are in a very lucky situation because most legal eagles would lose their jobs or miss theme park events from time to time. I think that's largely why some people would call you on that, however unfairly it may seem.
I still recall talking to you here when you hadn't even been to DL yet! It wasn't that long ago (four years?) so a lot of folks are likely thinking you've hit the lottery.
Again, don't take that the wrong way. I fully get how we all have unique circumstances, and how all may not be as it appears. I've been to five countries and 11 theme parks and taken a 15-night Panama Canal Cruise thus far in 2014 and I feel like it's been a slow year. ... Of course, I usually go to the Emmys and sat out thie year, so maybe that's why I am grumpier than a Disney exec in O-Town.
I still hope I get to meet you soon. I've only killed a few people I've met online and nobody knows where those bodies are hidden!
As for UOR...where to begin...? Well, I was absolutely blown away by Diagon Alley. I had high expectations, and those were blown away. This land(?) can go toe-to-toe with the best of Tokyo DisneySea, and I say that as someone who is not a fan of Harry Potter. This pushes the envelope in a variety of ways.
The difference between either park and TDS is that TDS is an entire park of those next-level lands, and only WWoHP and Port of Entry are what I would call incredibly well-done themed lands. WWoHP being so well done perhaps draws more attention to the weaknesses of the other areas. Sort of like dropping Ratatouille land into WDSP.
That's what I've heard, and will likely be my opinion. No matter how amazing Diagon Alley is, it still is only part of a park and some of that park is great and other parts are not.
I hope as UOR continues to grow, update, and expand, more placemaking is done. While neither park is even remotely as bad as WDSP when it comes to having well-executed themed lands, there are places--mostly in USF--where you get the 'collection of attractions' rather than 'theme park' feel. Fortunately, those attractions are mostly superb. In fairness, you get the same feeling at DHS, and studios parks mostly get a pass on this from me.
I was disappointed to see many favorites of my childhood gone from USF, but ET Adventure is better than I remember (it has aged really, really well). It was also great to see Christopher Walken in Disaster. Those are my 'sleeper' picks of the park. Many of the attractions integrate a variety of technologies and 'stuff' in inventive ways. Lots of attractions with wry senses of humor that made me chuckle.
As I think of more, I'll add to this. Still exhausted from running all over the place this weekend...
would love to hear more and thrilled you FINALLY made it back to UNI and enjoyed it ... did you stay at a UNI hotel? (although I seriously think with your sleep habits and enjoyment of sunrises and being last one out of a park that you probably should just nap in a car on your trips as it would save money and the environmental impact of laundering your sheets and towels!)
Oh, and ET is still great. I am glad that UNI isn't taking it away. It is a classic and the best dark ride in O-Town ...