The Spirited Seventh Heaven ...


Well-Known Member
I wasn't making an ignorant generalization for all (or even most) parents of autistic children, I was making an informed generalization about the group of plaintiffs that filed, and are looking to be included in, the lawsuit.

I have ASD family members, friends with autistic children and have done a lot of volunteering in the past with these kids. The overwhelming majority of those I've encountered with direct ties to autism are wonderful, gracious people who love their children unconditionally and recognize them for the unique and special people they are.

However, there is a small minority of ASD parents who play the victim card, demand accountability to explain why their children are the way they are and eschew science, logic and reason to help them comes to grips with the fact their children aren't "normal." I detected the same victimization and entitlement narrative seen on Autism Speaks, vactruth, NVIN and other "anti-vax" sites on every page of the Disney ADA complaint, and it's a mind set I wholly reject. If that makes me a bigot, so be it, but I would never say what I've seen some parents say about their own children on some of these forums.
Sorry for jumping on you there, but as you might have guessed, this hits home for me. Much like American politics, crazies on both sides make name calling and accusations the norm on these sorts of debates. I don’t believe vaccinations cause autism, but I do believe that digestive and immune system difficulties make those with Autism less capable of processing toxins in their body which can amplify peripheral symptoms associated with Autism (such as digestive and psychological issues). Unfortunately, studies have all but ceased on these matters due to the vax-debate and the need to boil everything down to anti-vaxers vs. science. Lost somewhere in the middle due to the melodrama around that issue was promising research like higher incidence of autism in areas with high air pollution and the bizarre case of 1 in 30 Autism rates among Somali immigrants in Minnesota. There was some progress occurring in environmental triggers (note triggers, not causes) that was hijacked by the vaccination debate. So, when I see what I think is generalization that parents of children with Autism can’t be trusted for real analysis of the problems it reminds me how much damage we have suffered on scientific progress for autism causes and triggers because the public at large has decided that the results of the vax-debate have decided the broader debate on environmental impacts.

Again, sorry for jumping on you, but I have been personally berated a number of times and lumped in with anit-vaxers simply because I have a child with autism and still have questions about environmental impacts. So, I’m a bit sensitive.


Well-Known Member
Kind of weird for bagpipes as those r more associated with Scotland and Ireland, heck throw in a new Merida princess meet and greet while they r at it! LOL.

I think whole entire UK is supposed to be represented at EP, so Celtic pipes make sense. (Although I like @PhotoDave219's version too-- who wouldn't want to see Flogging Molly and the like in the World Showcase?!)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Having been at the Oogie show, I will say that it was by far the highlight of the Villains party. It definitely had an edgy energy (that might not come across fully in videos), but I don't think it crossed any lines, real or imagined.

Probably an unpopular opinion here that will make me come across as a shill, but... I enjoyed the Villains party. With that said, I had no interest in meeting characters, didn't want merchandise, and didn't want to purchase booze or exclusive foods. So basically, all of the things with really long lines didn't appeal to me from the outset. I enjoyed the roaming Star Wars characters and random interactions, the entertainment (except that awful Fantasmic, the fireworks, and the general atmosphere. With that said, I can fully recognize that there were significant problems with the event as a whole, from overselling to misjudging the demographic to not dealing with merchandise/maps/food better. Even if I enjoyed it, these problems should not be occurring at an even that cost $70. Period.

Yes, I didn't see anything remotely edgy. But I'm not one of WDW's bread-and-butter guests who have nine-year-olds playing war with semi-automatic weapons, but cringe if someone uses a naughty word or if two young fanbois start making out in line for Peter Pan's Flight.

I don't think you're a shill (and you know that) but I want to get back to that subject in a second. But I have to wonder if you didn't want any part of the three main reasons the event existed, why waste your money on going to begin with? It can't be the 'novelty' (I say that smart-assedly as Disney-MGM had fireworks regularly for its first decade and has had them pretty regularly over 2014!) of having a pyro show. Why did you have to be there?

As to the shill part ... I think part of any blow back you get is simply due to your life circumstances. Most folks don't have the money you have available mixed with the ability to leave a job whenever Disney is doing something they'd like to see/do. It may not be fair, but I have read a few comments about you over the years (some published even on your site, sometimes privately) and people will be jealous. You are in a very lucky situation because most legal eagles would lose their jobs or miss theme park events from time to time. I think that's largely why some people would call you on that, however unfairly it may seem.

I still recall talking to you here when you hadn't even been to DL yet! It wasn't that long ago (four years?) so a lot of folks are likely thinking you've hit the lottery.

Again, don't take that the wrong way. I fully get how we all have unique circumstances, and how all may not be as it appears. I've been to five countries and 11 theme parks and taken a 15-night Panama Canal Cruise thus far in 2014 and I feel like it's been a slow year. ... Of course, I usually go to the Emmys and sat out thie year, so maybe that's why I am grumpier than a Disney exec in O-Town.

I still hope I get to meet you soon. I've only killed a few people I've met online and nobody knows where those bodies are hidden!:devilish::eek::D

As for UOR...where to begin...? Well, I was absolutely blown away by Diagon Alley. I had high expectations, and those were blown away. This land(?) can go toe-to-toe with the best of Tokyo DisneySea, and I say that as someone who is not a fan of Harry Potter. This pushes the envelope in a variety of ways.

The difference between either park and TDS is that TDS is an entire park of those next-level lands, and only WWoHP and Port of Entry are what I would call incredibly well-done themed lands. WWoHP being so well done perhaps draws more attention to the weaknesses of the other areas. Sort of like dropping Ratatouille land into WDSP.

That's what I've heard, and will likely be my opinion. No matter how amazing Diagon Alley is, it still is only part of a park and some of that park is great and other parts are not.

I hope as UOR continues to grow, update, and expand, more placemaking is done. While neither park is even remotely as bad as WDSP when it comes to having well-executed themed lands, there are places--mostly in USF--where you get the 'collection of attractions' rather than 'theme park' feel. Fortunately, those attractions are mostly superb. In fairness, you get the same feeling at DHS, and studios parks mostly get a pass on this from me.

I was disappointed to see many favorites of my childhood gone from USF, but ET Adventure is better than I remember (it has aged really, really well). It was also great to see Christopher Walken in Disaster. Those are my 'sleeper' picks of the park. Many of the attractions integrate a variety of technologies and 'stuff' in inventive ways. Lots of attractions with wry senses of humor that made me chuckle.

As I think of more, I'll add to this. Still exhausted from running all over the place this weekend...

would love to hear more and thrilled you FINALLY made it back to UNI and enjoyed it ... did you stay at a UNI hotel? (although I seriously think with your sleep habits and enjoyment of sunrises and being last one out of a park that you probably should just nap in a car on your trips as it would save money and the environmental impact of laundering your sheets and towels!) :)

Oh, and ET is still great. I am glad that UNI isn't taking it away. It is a classic and the best dark ride in O-Town ...


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Original Poster
Just my opinion, but I think FJ raised the bar so high (and was so honest-to-goodness groundbreaking) that Gringotts pales a bit in comparison.

On its own merits, I think it's a top-notch ride, and if it opened at a different resort, it would probably be instantly hailed as one of the best rides in the world. As it is, it's "just" a great E-ticket. (Remember when they used to open those on a regular basis at WDW?! Yeah, me neither.)

I think that's just it. And I can live with that. FJ raised the bar for attractions in O-Town. Diagon Alley raised the bar for themed areas in O-Town.

If Gringotts is simply a fun high quality attraction, then I think most people should be able to live with that.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Step away from the network sitcoms and watch Derek and True Detective. (And Game of Thrones, and Deadwood...)
Then we can carry on the debate.

First, you do know I could take Mrs. Lee to the Emmys next year and leave you in the hills, right? So take that!

Second, I want to watch Derek greatly and True Detective to some degree. I have zero interest in Game of Thrones ... it seems like I'm almost always tripping over that little dude at industry events. I know that might excite some people, but it doesn't excite me as much as the possible return of Fantasia ice cream to DL for the 60th!

I don't care what the method of distribution is....quality is quality.
Gervais > Parsons
McConaughey in TD > Cranston in BB's final season

But, that's just how I see it.

I love Gervais, so his work would likely impress me more than Parsons (but that takes nothing away from Jim).

But nothing would change my mind about Cranston. His work was amazing from Day 1 and the final season was a tour de force for him as an every guy that turns (or did he and when?) Just phenomenal.

If McConaughey and the folks behind True Detective wanted Emmy wins, then they shouldn't have had their mini-series competing against shows with longer runs.


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Original Poster
There are only two things about modern family to grab my attention and make it worth my while…

You can have Sofia. I'll take Julie Bowen (who, yes, I have met and is amazing in real life!) or maybe even Sarah Hyland, although she is a TINY bit young for me! ... actually, was just told she is 23 so not too young at all!

As for "the Big Bang theory"? It seems like they are more making fun of the culture that they are supposedly promoting… Jim Parsons does a phenomenal job of promoting and advancing A character with serious mental deficiencies. The sad thing is that everyone laughs at those.

This is a mistake that many people make. The series isn't supposed to be promoting a culture anymore than they are mocking one. It's like if you had a sitcom based in the world of truckers ... or hell, look at Tim Allen's safe, but bland Last Man Standing that makes fun of a man's man with a family of women.

I think people in the fan community honestly feel like they are Sheldon minus the success, minus the great job, minus the girlfriend, minus the friends (who do laugh at him frequently!)

Honestly, sometimes things aren't as deep as people wish to make them.

I've heard people say that Sheldon is 'special needs' or has aspergers and is on the autism spectrum (something you KNOW many fanbois and Lifestylers are!) ... and I just want to tell them to shut up and either watch the show and laugh or don't watch it, but they are reading way too much into it.

Let them focus on getting Dumbo and Peter Pan and all attractions and merchandise based on them out of Disney parks since they are patently racist!

Or better yet ... deal with helping real people with real problems instead of worrying that geeks get laughed at on America's No. 1 comedy. How awful.

And here's another interesting take… Amazing when we had white people dealing drugs, they all win Emmys. But you had black people dealing drugs and out much better television show called "the wire" and the Kanamee couldn't be bothered to pay attention to this predominantly African-American cast from Baltimore…

Now, that's a very valid point.


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This is one of the first times I've seen an actual ad for tours. It looks like a one-time thing, but he has to be cutting them a check, right?

No, if anyone is cutting a check, it's Disney to Lou ...unless Dr. Blondie and Crazy Gary meet him in a defunct Shoney's parking lot on the badside of O-Town with giant duffel bags of cash (no, not Disney Dollars!)


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Not to mention that regular day guests who have paid for a ticket and wasted an admission day at the park are forced out to make room for the partygoers and have more people allowed into the park at earlier than start times. But for a price they can stay..if there's room.

They want to have their parties..fine. Whatever. As time goes on keeping the same stale offerings, less and less per event, and charging more and more..its got to peter out. As it is, they can't fill the resorts. Attendance has been low or lower than it should've been for the summer?

One of mine main complaints aside from all the upcharging is that I don't like the whole 'we can get in at 4' mentality imposing on fully paying day guests. I think the 'special event' participants should have to line up outside the gate until party time. Wait until the day guests they are ousting are out and then allowed admission.

The Illuminations/ROE watching spots...I saw the writing on the wall with this. First with the new Mexico restaurant. Then with the 'preferred viewing' in MK. This was the next natural course of action for $$$.

This all just saddens me. How much longer until the current regime is out? Can we start a countdown clock on that?

This is all just the start of making a visit to WDW like flying Spirit Airlines (no affiliation to moi) ... it's going to be all based on how much you pay. Yet Disney won't be rolling back prices to where admission and basic standby is $50 a day and you pay on top.

Nope. They're going to continue to raise any/all prices about twice annually.

But then there will be all sorts of options with words like 'premium' and 'exclusive' and 'extra' tossed in, so that instead of paying say $400 for a day at Disney for a family of four, you may pay multiples of that depending on how many 'make me feel special' activities/events/access you want.

It really is insidious. Please recall this thread and this post when it ... was going to say starts, but it already has ... when it becomes the RULE of a MAGICal WDW vaca.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Seems like? They are!

This right here is probably one of the best breakdowns of why the Big Bang Theory sucks I've seen:

I am a bit tired of going back and forth about Big Bang Theory, but someone sent me this link and I went nearly blind reading it and ... all it did was prove I am right and that the show makes socially awkward fanbois/nerds/geeks etc nervous because it reminds them of themselves and shows people making fun of vastly more successful versions of themselves.

They need to let it go. If the show makes you uncomfortable (sorta like anything on FOX News or CNBC does to me), then don't watch it.

Who knew that BBT would make geeky fanbois uncomfortable? Gee ... that's a toughie.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
And, of legal interest,

No ... just no.

I don't want to hear about people with absurd lawsuits who believe the world should make special allowances for every possible problem they have. I just don't care ... if your child/parent/relative has frequent 'meltdowns' when in public places or places with lots of people and stimulation, then guess what?

The world isn't fair and your child/parent/relative has no place at theme parks. Sorry, but no MAGIC for you!

So much drama that you'd think a Disney travel agent was involved!!!


Well-Known Member
This is all just the start of making a visit to WDW like flying Spirit Airlines (no affiliation to moi) ... it's going to be all based on how much you pay. Yet Disney won't be rolling back prices to where admission and basic standby is $50 a day and you pay on top.

Nope. They're going to continue to raise any/all prices about twice annually.

But then there will be all sorts of options with words like 'premium' and 'exclusive' and 'extra' tossed in, so that instead of paying say $400 for a day at Disney for a family of four, you may pay multiples of that depending on how many 'make me feel special' activities/events/access you want.

It really is insidious. Please recall this thread and this post when it ... was going to say starts, but it already has ... when it becomes the RULE of a MAGICal WDW vaca.
It's hard for me to tell the difference between air travel and Walt Disney World.

  • Declining quality.
  • Food.
  • Entertainment.
  • Ticket prices.
  • Charging stations.
  • Long waits.
  • Delays.
  • Record profits.
  • Overcomplicated websites.
  • Security.
  • Transportation to and from.
  • Fees.
  • Upcharges.
  • Being adjacent to a smelly/loud/annoying/inconsiderate person.
  • Lost baggage.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Your confirmation on that MiceAge news is very good to hear! MiceAge has recently called the upcoming 60th Anniversary fireworks a "mega-show", so something is obviously brewing there in Anaheim for '15. I wonder when they'll finally announce it?

Just a gut feeling right now, but late fall sounds right to me. And I think folks in Anaheim are going to be very pleased with the 60th offerings barring any unforeseen late cash cuts to make NGE in O-Town less of a drag.

So far, officially, the management of DLR (see what I did there?) hasn't said a thing about any of the current backstage construction or online rumors of new parades (plural) and new fireworks and new World of Color and a Christmas star returning to the Matterhorn, etc., etc. Almost all of those rumors are coming from MiceAge, if you didn't leak or hint at them first. If the celebration starts in May of 2015, I wonder if we have to get all the way through Christmas before they actually admit they are doing anything in '15?

A lot of things were in flux very late in the game to be fair. But it is shaping up to be another terrific Anaheim Anniversary. ... So long as Fantasia ice cream comes back ... and it's being worked on now! :-)

Consider it unburied. With all the upcharge events they've rolled out, and rumors of a WDW version of Club 33 aimed at DVC renters instead of corporate clients and Newport Beach superfans, it wouldn't surprise me.

For now, I'll lay low on the faux Concierge service TDO tries to pawn off on their customers, as I don't want to beat a dead horse. But if in 2015 they actually launch that concept with a gushing set of talking points from one of the vapid personalities of the Disney Parks Blog, I'll gladly return to that topic with guns blazing. :cool:

Club 33 is on the way. One would guess it will be announced sometime soon. ... Just get ready for those MAGICal lounges/clubs that are designed to add between $50-150 a person to a daily visit to WDW and offer stuff that has almost no cost to Disney like drinks and rice crispy treats and cookies and premium parade and pyro viewing etc.

Thanks for all you do here @WDW1974. Not sure if I've ever thanked you for your insight and contributions here. So, thank you.

Thanks. I do appreciate the appreciation. ... It gets lonely at times when Angie M is in Germany and Cassy is swimming somewhere and my fanboi minions all go home to their parents' basements ... yep.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The Disney brand has faded in and out of popularity throughout the decades. The same is true with WDW.

WDW's attendance and revenue has not been a straight line up. Throughout the decades, there have been several bumps along the way, most recently about 5 years ago due to some bad investment decisions made by Iger. (It would take a long post to explain.)

Hits like Frozen, successful additions such as Cars Land, etc. increase brand popularity.

Over saturation, bad management, neglect, taking the customer for granted, etc. knock brand popularity down.

People sometimes forget that bad decisions happen right as a brand appears to be peaking. That's what makes it a peak. Today's success is built on smart decisions made years ago while tomorrow's failure is a result of dumb decisions made today.

Wait ... you write LONG posts?!?!?!

It's like I don't know you at all! :)


Well-Known Member
This is all just the start of making a visit to WDW like flying Spirit Airlines (no affiliation to moi) ... it's going to be all based on how much you pay. Yet Disney won't be rolling back prices to where admission and basic standby is $50 a day and you pay on top.

Nope. They're going to continue to raise any/all prices about twice annually.

But then there will be all sorts of options with words like 'premium' and 'exclusive' and 'extra' tossed in, so that instead of paying say $400 for a day at Disney for a family of four, you may pay multiples of that depending on how many 'make me feel special' activities/events/access you want.

It really is insidious. Please recall this thread and this post when it ... was going to say starts, but it already has ... when it becomes the RULE of a MAGICal WDW vaca.
Excellent post! This has become so true and I know it's just gonna get worse. The one thing that actually upset me the most was the pricing for the extra up charge event at the Halloween parties! $100 dollars a person for a dessert party! Thats just insulting...and what's more insulting is that people r actually gonna pay this! It's just starting to get out of control it seems.
U have to wonder just how much closer they r getting to that tipping point...


Well-Known Member
It's hard for me to tell the difference between air travel and Walt Disney World.

  • Declining quality.
  • Food.
  • Entertainment.
  • Ticket prices.
  • Charging stations.
  • Long waits.
  • Delays.
  • Record profits.
  • Overcomplicated websites.
  • Security.
  • Transportation to and from.
  • Fees.
  • Upcharges.
  • Being adjacent to a smelly/loud/annoying/inconsiderate person.
  • Lost baggage.

You forgot "It's better in Asia"...

Coincidently my bag is currently "lost", apparently 2.5 hours was too tight a connection for MIA to handle...

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