The Spirited Seventh Heaven ...


Well-Known Member
I've stated my thoughts on a Guardians M&G before in the Big Hero 6 M&G thread. Star Lord, Gamora and Drax as face characters, an animatronic Rocket and Groot similar to the Transformers at Uni. I would line up for that.
Like someone pointed out in another thread they could technically do a costumed Groot, similar to Silm from Bug's Life.


Well-Known Member
So here I sit this morning and ponder about my girl, I think about what she has become. After 20 plus years I look at her and wonder what the h*ll happened. She was so beautiful. There was such a pleasantness about her. You could even call it regal. She had class, taste. We were in awe of her.

Now all of her essence is being stripped away piece by piece. Replacing her jewels are cheap costume jewelry. Sure other people thinks she is still beautiful, but they don't know her like I do. She has changed. To see her now I must make an appointment. To have dinner with her I must call six months in advance. To dance with her I have to call sixty days in advance. No longer can I just walk up and knock on the door and go on a date. She has lost her spontaneity.

I would spend lots of money to wine and dine her, sometimes those nights would last to the wee hours of the morning....she appreciated it. She would reciprocate by giving me memories that would last a life time. Now I have to wear a rubber band and wait in line to have just a few minutes with her. Long gone are the days when we could just stroll along and enjoy each others company.

Our relationship has changed forever. I don't love her like I used to, I never will. I don't think she loves me either. Like a first love I will always remember her, but I think for me its time to move on. I have one more date with her. Its going to be tough, I know that it will be sometime before I see her again. It will be hard.....but she just isn't the same anymore.
Seriously, dating for 20 plus years? I'd say that she no longer cares what you think. 20 years is a long time to not make a commitment.


Resident Curmudgeon
I disagree that it breaks the theme because it actually completes the parks original grand scheme. I do agree though that more can be done with Australia.

How do Blue Aliens in Ferngully complete the theme pray tell? Considering that according to AK only two continents exist Africa and Asia The Americas and Australia make a big hole.

Even if we journey back to the Triassic period only the Laurasia supercontinent is represented Gondwana is still missing...


Resident Curmudgeon
Apparently she's not ready to give the milk away for free QUITE YET.

On your sig, You have to have lived near a Strategic Air Command base to appreciate your sig in my case 3 wings were based 10 miles from college and the BUFF's flew overhead with their complement of W-61 gravity bombs ready to implement the cookbook for ending the world ie the SIOP.


Well-Known Member
On your sig, You have to have lived near a Strategic Air Command base to appreciate your sig in my case 3 wings were based 10 miles from college and the BUFF's flew overhead with their complement of W-61 gravity bombs ready to implement the cookbook for ending the world ie the SIOP.

Ha! Well, I saw a star wars spoiler possible come across facebook.... so I figured I'd go all WarGames.

It was interesting when I was there for the 08 College World Series in Omaha and watching the B-52s take off and land out of SAC.


Well-Known Member
....English, boys. This is 'merica.

SIOP - End of the world plan. The button has been pushed. No Command-Z to undo.

BUFF - B-52 Strategic Bomber, nicknamed the 'Big Ugly Fat Fella' (in polite conversation). Carries nukes. Accidently dropped one on North Carolina once, but the Safety was on.

W-61 Gravity Bomb - Its a nuclear weapon. Powered by gravity. And Physics.

Strategic Air Command - The people in charge of dropping nuclear weapons from airplanes. HQ is in Omaha, Nebraska.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
And the official Guardians twitter and Facebook is posting it with "spoiler alert" attached. Your point?
except you're wrong, I am subscribed there and they have posted it without "Spoiler Alert" first.

see by yourself:

Note that this link shared was BEFORE the "spoiler" direct uploaded video.
Which is this:


Compare the dates.

It also still says "Watch groot dance to the beat".

In short, they still spoiled it everywhere with hardly any warning. (including Yahoo, Youtube..etc..)

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