The Spirited Seventh Heaven ...


Well-Known Member
Here's a bit of self promotion. Fueled by many of the discussions on this site, I wrote another article for MiceChat that was posted yesterday.

Also saw it, didn't realize it was you specifically, but the name seemed familiar. I was impressed with the referencing and credit to @WDW1974 in particular. I could tell there was legitimate effort put into it and read over by multiple individuals. Was going to cross post it here, but figured someone else would have by now.

Great job, hope you do more since the more major sites that actively focus on the issues at WDW as opposed to resorting to purely snide remarks, the better. Also nicely summarizes the 8th Wonder thread for those who may be lagging behind.

Soarin' Over Pgh

Well-Known Member
Here's a bit of self promotion. Fueled by many of the discussions on this site, I wrote another article for MiceChat that was posted yesterday.

I also didn't realize that's you! Well done!

Edit to add, this part is my favorite:

There is no excuse for Disney being any less than a year into construction of a Star Wars land. There is no excuse for not having another attraction in Pixar place. There is no excuse for the current state of the Imagination Pavilion or the Yeti at Expedition Everest. Addressing those things would have cost less than half of Next Gen. Disney can talk about all of the revenue growth they want – it’s certainly important. But since 2009, their draw of all guests visiting Central Florida has dropped from 74.86% to 71.18%. During that same time, Universal’s has increased from 16% of guests to 21.59%. The parks that lost the greatest percentage during that time? Sea World #1, Epcot #2.

Disney rested on their laurels. They let Universal up off the mat and haven’t noticed that they’ve been taking stomach punches for the last 4 years.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Spirited Monday Afternoon Quickees:

So, FP+ shows no availability for Maelstrom just in time for the new fiscal year to begin ... and Disney is kindly selling special tees of the attraction online. Put two plus two plus the Spirited information given you together and reach your own conclusion.

Tom Wolber is announced as Euro Disney's new CEO just the same day he officiates the opening of the Four Seasons (or ribbon-cutting). Coincidence? Reach your own conclusion.

The fact that Lifestylers have been part of that whole opening does make me vomit just a tad. I know I'd want my 5-star resort shilled by people who were going to live in their cars, won't pay for cable TV and demand to be refunded money when they order a Big Mac without cheese. Yes, Four Seasons, you are putting your faith in TWDC and perhaps you need to wake up and realize it isn't 1994 any longer.

There seems to be a profound lack of understanding my comments (and I do try to dumb them down to an 8th grade/USA level) regarding lack of crowds at UNI this summer. I am in NO WAY down on the resort at all (I couldn't really be much higher. I love their product and their commitment to excellence.) My statement is simply a realistic look at how this summer isn't all that great in O-Town at all. (And summer pretty much is considered over in the next week.)

This hasn't been a very busy summer for ANY O-Town park. That likely has more to do with our lousy economy and the murder of the American middle class by Wall Street and politicians than any theme park offerings.

As I sit here and type this it is pouring rain and 77 degrees out (cooled by said rain) ... I have had one day with no rain at all in the last two weeks. Most days it is cloudy and gloomy if not raining by noon. And, unlike in the decades before climate change became a factor, it doesn't really get better. Yet, I won't use weather as an excuse for park attendance. Americans take summer vacations because it is traditionally the only time they can get 1-2 weeks off and take the kids away. And that just seems to not have happened this year in traditional numbers (I can't wait for tomorrow's Disney earnings report, so someone can show me the error of my ways -- or attempt to!)

WDW may do nothing to express a summer season (the hastily thrown together 'Frozen Summer' at TPFKaTD-MGMS aside), but TDR does. Every year. Something different. Character shows/parades/merchandise/food offerings etc.

Great start for Guardians of the Galaxy. I'll be seeing it tomorrow. But no one is going to convince me that all these Disney fanbois were secretly Marvel fanbois in 1999 or 2004 or 2008. They weren't.

So, WDW is shilling Halloween merchandise in early August? No comment.

Remember when Tom 'Screens' Fitzgerald was given creative control of EPCOT for WDI all of the 'Big Things are About to Happen! Trust Tom and WDI!' blather? Yeah, I don't forget.

There seems to be an argument going on about WDW delaying or dragging out construction projects to save money or spread costs out and some people don't believe this. They're wrong. Flat out. Period. End of discussion.
so.. could you say that the end of the current Maelstrom is in sight?
the Frozen makeover is now imminent?

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Howard can actually be seen twice in the film. One during the scene at the collectors collection room in the background, an then again at the end credit scene. That collectors room scene though goes by in the blink of an eye.

Cosmo can also be seen in a blink when the guardians are entering the first time.

I wasn't spoiled....and was extremely disappointed.
I expect more from my post-credit scenes. Much more.

Lee, I really hope you're not one of these people who want an entire movie in the post credits.


Well-Known Member
As for GotG, went in with zero expectations and loved it. It's just a fun movie and very unique in many ways. You can tell they had fun making it and that comes through the screen. I'll be interested to hear your take. I'd consider myself a Marvel "fanboi" in that I try to watch all the films in the theaters, and I generally enjoy them. I don't read comics. GotG may be my favorite movie yet from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

I'm curious to know how it's being received by people who aren't Marvel fans. I haven't seen any of the Marvel movies since The Avengers (which was overlong with formulaic action IMO), so I'll probably just file away the GOTG raves with the Thor 2 raves and the Winter Soldier raves.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Starting? Has been for at least 2 - 3 years.

And crowds Marathon weekend pretty much dwarf what I've seen at EPCOT this Summer.

So I agree Flynnibus has a point. But this isn't just WDW. The whole discussion started with Universal, and Sea World has been running third-off weekday ticket promos indicating they aren't packing in guests this Summer either.

I think it is a UNIversal problem. Some parks likely have it worse than others. But I don't sense the summer has been great for anyone ... and that really is a concern.

(But, again, we are hours away from Disney's third quarter earnings report, which only covers April, May and June, and I am sure someone will be around to crow when they announce record earnings!)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Did people really forget about New Fantasyland that quickly?

New Fantasyland?

You mean at DL? The project that basically shut down the entire land, albeit for a period short enough to build THREE kiddie coasters? The project that completely redid the entire land?

I didn't forget. Hell, I still remember running out to the mailbox in a thunderstorm to grab my copy of Disney News, which detailed the project.

So, yeah, I do remember!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
@WDW1974 wrote, "There seems to be an argument going on about WDW delaying or dragging out construction projects to save money or spread costs out and some people don't believe this."

How long did the New Fantasyland take from start to finish?

How many additions did Uni construct at its two Orlando theme parks during that same period?

Meanwhile, it looks like WDW's next major addition is on a 6-year trajectory.

Spreading a project's cost over several years is one well established method used by many companies to reduce impact on the current year's budget. It really should be no surprise that P&R's budget-conscious team uses this old trick.

So what?

Do you know you can spend $29.99 for an Olaf LIMITED EDITION MAGIC Band???!?!?!


Well-Known Member

Lean is about adapting, enpowering, being agile, eliminating waste.

Cost savings come from less waste and resulting 'better' output.

Reduced costs is an outcome of lean principles... Reducing costs is not a lean principle itself.

Shifting and manipulating customer demand to off periods isn't really about driving customer value. It's a selfish motivation of Disney.
If one takes into consideration the utilization of resources, ie facility utilization, shifting customer demand from over demand times of year to under demand times of year is a wise move from a producer, WDW, point of view. I absolutely agree that manipulating customer demand does absolutely nothing for customer value. After all, lean is founded in the selfish interest of the producer.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I just want a little tease for a future movie. Something to look forward to.
Not some random nonsense that really has no significance.
Everyone in the theatre just kinda...shrugged, like..."that was it?"
like I said before, they actually hinted a next character there.. (which is in the comic world of GOTG)

aka COSMO the security chief of KNOWHERE in the comics... plus the movie already did show the premise.. THANOS wants the infinity gems...

To resume, we have 2 infinity stones already separated. One is with the NOVA corps, the other is with the Collector, 3 are supposedly in Asgard.. but with Loki there.. (and presumable the red skull too).. the gems might be moving again....
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Here's a bit of self promotion. Fueled by many of the discussions on this site, I wrote another article for MiceChat that was posted yesterday.

It was quite good and resembled a review/wrap up of various things we have talked about here of late, all tied together. Certainly much better than what has counted as WDW coverage over there of late. Nothing against the extremely likeable Kevin Yee, but when you try and make Celebration Place and TDO happy and the fan community happy at the same time, you are destined for only thing: to make no one happy at all.

Your approach was truthful and matter of fact. That's always a good place to start.

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