The Spirited Seventh Heaven ...


Well-Known Member
Did people really forget about New Fantasyland that quickly?
@WDW1974 wrote, "There seems to be an argument going on about WDW delaying or dragging out construction projects to save money or spread costs out and some people don't believe this."

How long did the New Fantasyland take from start to finish?

How many additions did Uni construct at its two Orlando theme parks during that same period?

Meanwhile, it looks like WDW's next major addition is on a 6-year trajectory.

Spreading a project's cost over several years is one well established method used by many companies to reduce impact on the current year's budget. It really should be no surprise that P&R's budget-conscious team uses this old trick.


Well-Known Member
@WDW1974 wrote, "There seems to be an argument going on about WDW delaying or dragging out construction projects to save money or spread costs out and some people don't believe this."

How long did the New Fantasyland take from start to finish?

How many additions did Uni construct at its two Orlando theme parks during that same period?

Meanwhile, it looks like WDW's next major addition is on a 6-year trajectory.

Spreading a project's cost over several years is one well established method used by many companies to reduce impact on the current year's budget. It really should be no surprise that P&R's budget-conscious team uses this old trick.
The cash flow budget to be precise


Well-Known Member
Re: Universal's Attendance. My sources are telling me that attendance is meeting expectations and internal projections. Too much shouldn't be read into the rolling back of Blackout Dates. The Blackout Dates have been on the calendar since last summer. This was long before they knew for sure when Diagon Alley would open. And cutting staff really is a case of "prepare for the worst, adjust later".

That's not saying all is perfect in Diagon Alley. Several stores are under performing (Madam Malkin's and Wiseacres). Others are more popular than anticipated (Florean's, Borgin and Burkes). From what I have been told, Universal is very pleased with the performance of Diagin Alley and Cabana Bay.

Darth Sidious

Authentically Disney Distinctly Chinese
@WDW1974 wrote, "There seems to be an argument going on about WDW delaying or dragging out construction projects to save money or spread costs out and some people don't believe this."

How long did the New Fantasyland take from start to finish?

How many additions did Uni construct at its two Orlando theme parks during that same period?

Meanwhile, it looks like WDW's next major addition is on a 6-year trajectory.

Spreading a project's cost over several years is one well established method used by many companies to reduce impact on the current year's budget. It really should be no surprise that P&R's budget-conscious team uses this old trick.

I rather see the CAPEX and explanation for more near term ROI. I rather the costs start producing returns now or in the near future than wait 6 years to see revenue increases. Money now is worth more than money later since you can invest it again and grow it.

I know I can't be alone in that point of view as well. I'm not too concerned with the Company's cash flows.


Well-Known Member
Howard can actually be seen twice in the film. One during the scene at the collectors collection room in the background, an then again at the end credit scene. That collectors room scene though goes by in the blink of an eye.


Well-Known Member
The great thing about GOG doing so well is that it now means Marvel can make more obscure titled movies with lesser known characters that are fan favorites that no one in a million years would think could be a movie!

With that said, Antman is now their biggest risk especially involving all the negative press behind the scenes. I do still think it will do well, but I think people will be more critical of that movie because of the whole "what if" factor that has now come into play.

I believe GOG might have been a "risk" at first, but I have a feeling once the powers that be saw what's solid A film they had on their hands, they knew they would succeed. Not many movies get sequels greenlit before the first even premieres...


Well-Known Member
I rather see the CAPEX and explanation for more near term ROI. I rather the costs start producing returns now or in the near future than wait 6 years to see revenue increases. Money now is worth more than money later since you can invest it again and grow it.

I know I can't be alone in that point of view as well. I'm not too concerned with the Company's cash flows.
The problem is that today's Disney Parks & Resorts leadership is more focused on managing the money rather than on managing the business.

Manage the business correctly and, as demonstrated by Universal Theme Parks' 31.5% gross margin last year, the money just pours in.

Astro Blaster

Well-Known Member
Spirited Monday Afternoon Quickees:

So, FP+ shows no availability for Maelstrom just in time for the new fiscal year to begin ... and Disney is kindly selling special tees of the attraction online. Put two plus two plus the Spirited information given you together and reach your own conclusion.

Tom Wolber is announced as Euro Disney's new CEO just the same day he officiates the opening of the Four Seasons (or ribbon-cutting). Coincidence? Reach your own conclusion.

The fact that Lifestylers have been part of that whole opening does make me vomit just a tad. I know I'd want my 5-star resort shilled by people who were going to live in their cars, won't pay for cable TV and demand to be refunded money when they order a Big Mac without cheese. Yes, Four Seasons, you are putting your faith in TWDC and perhaps you need to wake up and realize it isn't 1994 any longer.

There seems to be a profound lack of understanding my comments (and I do try to dumb them down to an 8th grade/USA level) regarding lack of crowds at UNI this summer. I am in NO WAY down on the resort at all (I couldn't really be much higher. I love their product and their commitment to excellence.) My statement is simply a realistic look at how this summer isn't all that great in O-Town at all. (And summer pretty much is considered over in the next week.)

This hasn't been a very busy summer for ANY O-Town park. That likely has more to do with our lousy economy and the murder of the American middle class by Wall Street and politicians than any theme park offerings.

As I sit here and type this it is pouring rain and 77 degrees out (cooled by said rain) ... I have had one day with no rain at all in the last two weeks. Most days it is cloudy and gloomy if not raining by noon. And, unlike in the decades before climate change became a factor, it doesn't really get better. Yet, I won't use weather as an excuse for park attendance. Americans take summer vacations because it is traditionally the only time they can get 1-2 weeks off and take the kids away. And that just seems to not have happened this year in traditional numbers (I can't wait for tomorrow's Disney earnings report, so someone can show me the error of my ways -- or attempt to!)

WDW may do nothing to express a summer season (the hastily thrown together 'Frozen Summer' at TPFKaTD-MGMS aside), but TDR does. Every year. Something different. Character shows/parades/merchandise/food offerings etc.

Great start for Guardians of the Galaxy. I'll be seeing it tomorrow. But no one is going to convince me that all these Disney fanbois were secretly Marvel fanbois in 1999 or 2004 or 2008. They weren't.

So, WDW is shilling Halloween merchandise in early August? No comment.

Remember when Tom 'Screens' Fitzgerald was given creative control of EPCOT for WDI all of the 'Big Things are About to Happen! Trust Tom and WDI!' blather? Yeah, I don't forget.

There seems to be an argument going on about WDW delaying or dragging out construction projects to save money or spread costs out and some people don't believe this. They're wrong. Flat out. Period. End of discussion.
"He's the type of guy that will ask for money back if he orders a Big Mac without cheese." I'm going to use that one, thanks.

As for GotG, went in with zero expectations and loved it. It's just a fun movie and very unique in many ways. You can tell they had fun making it and that comes through the screen. I'll be interested to hear your take. I'd consider myself a Marvel "fanboi" in that I try to watch all the films in the theaters, and I generally enjoy them. I don't read comics. GotG may be my favorite movie yet from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Also, RIP Maelstrom I guess. Wasn't the greatest attraction but I'll miss the whole "spirit of Norway" aspect. I go to WS to be transported to those countries, Frozen there just seems...strange. I hope they manage to do it well.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
We still haven't heard anything official yet. Just rumors. Maybe rumors from reliable sources, but still rumors.

And if Disney is selling those Tshirts to cash in on our anxiety over Maelstrom...then bite me, Iger, I'm not buying the damn thing.

My god, I can't believe that TDO might be really, actually, seriously considering replacing Maelstrom for some kind of Frozen overlay. If that happens, can you imagine the crowd levels in that tiny area? The logistics alone are absurd. And the Maelstrom ride is too short to tell Frozen's story. It's worse than the Mine Train. And how does it even make any sense? The ride has running water. How can there be running water in a frozen land? The idea is just plain lame to any sensible person whether that person likes Maelstrom or not.

I just hope it's not true, and not just because I like Maelstrom and was underwhelmed by Frozen. It's just a horrible idea cooked up by a very crass, greedy, cheapass mindset. Shame on TDO if it comes to pass.
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