I agree with all of the above. But it is easier to think that a stranger would do such a horrible thing to your child, rather than someone you trust, or may even love.
Posters are not angry about CNN airing the story, per se. It is a problem in our society that should not be swept under the rug, as in years past. Posters are just disappointed that the Disney name was used to attract attention - the CNN story did not mention that theses stings have been taking place statewide all over Florida, and many people who have much closer personal contact with children have been arrested. People who have access to the same children, for weeks and months at a time. Not a theme park employee who may, at most, see a child for a few days at a time.
And no where in the story (or even in comments here, although I might have missed it) did anyone bring up the role internet providers play in all this. The common denominator in almost all of these cases is the internet! These predators have free reign in cyberspace, and many parents forget that a computer is an open door to the whole world - including perverts and criminals. Too many minors have too much privacy when it comes to computer usage.
I consider internet providers as having more complicity than WDW, US, SW, etc. But no one wants to address the elephant in the room. Because, as with everything else associated with this problem, there is no simple solution.