The Spirited Seventh Heaven ...


Park History nut
Premium Member
As for Diagon softs, isn't social media to blame? If it's not announced or confirmed from trustworthy sources you can't complain.

Gringotts got behind. Then it caught up. It won't be fully ready until next week. It runs but not to its full potential. And that's still 2 weeks before the original absolute deadline.


Premium Member
Hasn't been InBev in a while. The parks are their own entity now--some small consortium of the Busch family, I believe. But while Busch was better than Harcourt, I always get the feeling no one who truly understands the business have ever run those parks. Everything is just a little bit off.

Wasn't A B Inbev sued over mislabeled alcohol content in Budweiser. I think it was proved they were watering down the beer. All that money and they still try and cheat. They use strong arm tactics on small brewries that wont sell to them as well. They control almost 90% of the beer market but that's not enough for them. Shame shame

Mike S

Well-Known Member
Outsourcing in the CG industry is hardly new. However, It won't be to India. Shanghai is a HUGE market for cheap CG/2D labor, and has been for over a decade.

The entire industry itself is collapsing, but not because of outsourcing...its because of greed. Digital Domain ring any bells? They had several "studios" spread globally and went under really fast. Shady practices (such as CHARGING students to be interns there for class credit..essentially them PAYING to work) throughout all levels of the company forced them into the inevitable closure. (ironically, they won an oscar for life of pi that same year, AFTER they were gone). CG Artists work for a fraction of what we used to due to the knowledge that there is always going to be a "cheaper" options, but not from outsourcing. Locally, companies will snag up anyone fresh out of college and pay them almost nothing in exchange for them to have "bragging rights". They are capitalizing on fanboy dreams, seriously. Companies like ILM flat out say "You can tell people you worked on star wars". THAT should not be a job perk. This goes all the way to the top, and things like writers, concept artists, animators...important people who assure the quality of the final product, are being basically done by those with little/no experience, while the high ups get a huge huge huge pay boost in the end.

Add to that the insane over saturation of CG films the last few years...all trying to be the next "pixar". Sure a lot of these end up breaking even or even making a profit with home movie sales, but no where near as much as it used to.

It's really hard to describe unless you've been watching it go on for years.
Is that the reason we end up with movies like this every year?


Well-Known Member
New MiceAge update...

-Marvel mini land for DCA (walk throughs/meet and greets only). I have to assume this is a precursor to Star Wars kicking them out of Innoventions.
-Monstropolis still on, which Spirit informed us of already.
-60th includes castle show, fireworks, night parade (the bypass specifically due to the night parade).
-And obviously Soarin' HD + Fantasyland dark ride upgrades still coming.
-Paradise pier place making, whatever that entails.
-A better parking structure being built in conjunction with Anaheim street cars.

The article implies all of the above are greenlit financially, although it's a bit fuzzy when they refer to Monstropolis as still 'simmering'.

Also the gem that is price increases leading to increased ticket sales. This is why they keep charging more people!

All in all not bad news for DLR, but I expect some strong reactions to this Marvel proposal... (I don't mind it as long as a proper attraction follows in a somewhat reasonable timeframe).

Good news for DLR. Mostly things expected from previous reports, but a couple of comments on the new items:

The Marvel addition makes sense from an operational point of view, but once again points out how limiting, not to mention stupid for a number of reasons, choosing the California theme was. I guess they could have Tony Stark's place in the mini-land, but really who thinks "Marvel" and has California come to mind? Of course Tomorrowland is an even worse fit.

I really wish that any place making effort went to Hollywoodland instead of the Pier. With a little effort Hollywoodland could be a complete gem and seamless counterpart to Buena Vista Street. Upgrade the facades, enclose the theatre queue and give it a true lobby, and have a Hollywoodland sign on a hillside backdrop, do all the stuff planned for Phase II. While the Pier could use place making too, it essentially is what it is and I don't think place making will make much difference.


Well-Known Member
Outsourcing in the CG industry is hardly new. However, It won't be to India. Shanghai is a HUGE market for cheap CG/2D labor, and has been for over a decade.

The entire industry itself is collapsing, but not because of outsourcing...its because of greed. Digital Domain ring any bells? They had several "studios" spread globally and went under really fast. Shady practices (such as CHARGING students to be interns there for class credit..essentially them PAYING to work) throughout all levels of the company forced them into the inevitable closure. (ironically, they won an oscar for life of pi that same year, AFTER they were gone). CG Artists work for a fraction of what we used to due to the knowledge that there is always going to be a "cheaper" options, but not from outsourcing. Locally, companies will snag up anyone fresh out of college and pay them almost nothing in exchange for them to have "bragging rights". They are capitalizing on fanboy dreams, seriously. Companies like ILM flat out say "You can tell people you worked on star wars". THAT should not be a job perk. This goes all the way to the top, and things like writers, concept artists, animators...important people who assure the quality of the final product, are being basically done by those with little/no experience, while the high ups get a huge huge huge pay boost in the end.

Add to that the insane over saturation of CG films the last few years...all trying to be the next "pixar". Sure a lot of these end up breaking even or even making a profit with home movie sales, but no where near as much as it used to.

It's really hard to describe unless you've been watching it go on for years.

So what's the endgame?

Soarin' Over Pgh

Well-Known Member
Good news for DLR. Mostly things expected from previous reports, but a couple of comments on the new items:

The Marvel addition makes sense from an operational point of view, but once again points out how limiting, not to mention stupid for a number of reasons, choosing the California theme was. I guess they could have Tony Stark's place in the mini-land, but really who thinks "Marvel" and has California come to mind? Of course Tomorrowland is an even worse fit.

I really wish that any place making effort went to Hollywoodland instead of the Pier. With a little effort Hollywoodland could be a complete gem and seamless counterpart to Buena Vista Street. Upgrade the facades, enclose the theatre queue and give it a true lobby, and have a Hollywoodland sign on a hillside backdrop, do all the stuff planned for Phase II. While the Pier could use place making too, it essentially is what it is and I don't think place making will make much difference.

So over meet and greets. And that doesn't do any justice to the Marvel brand. Not a very wise move on Disney's part. Then again, it's MC. I'll believe it when I see it.

Mike S

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I have seen a few post of people who bought the packages and were upset that they let non-package guest in.
But they start at 5 so maybe they will have these guest cleared out of King's Cross & Hogsmeade Station and it will only be open to package guest at that point.

Travel Junkie

Well-Known Member
WoC was designed to have sections easily swapped in an out. Trying to structure it to have a story would likely lose that ability. It works fine the way it is in my opinion. The real issue with WoC is something that is environmental. The sightlines and the limitations of them really prevent the majority of the guest to apperciate the wonder of this show. When viewed from the front and center it is awe inspiring. The ability for the water droplets to capture the luminiosity of the LEDs still takes my breath away.

The Marvel move is likely out of necessity. They need to use the IP and they need to get them out of Tomorrowland when the construction hammer comes. Plus the more traffic they can steer to DCA the better. The longer view of what becomes of TomorrowStarWarsland is going to be a challenge. Huge influx of crowds to DL is definately something that is not needed until DCA can hold more of the crowds.

Ultimately, DLR will have to have some place to stick their increased attendance and the blessing of park hopping/curse of park hopping will change the traffic patterns for the resort. When expansion comes down the street, no longer will a walk across the Esplanade be convienient for guests that want to take advantage of a night in DL. Of course the true secret is this model will be to build reasons in the expansion to stay there the whole day.

Kinda like the problem in Orlando with AK and DHS.

Yes WOC was designed to be changed out, but it is very disjointed and becomes more so every time they alter it. Even though I didn’t particularly like how Olaf hosted the winter show, it was a much smoother show and much it had to do with a Olaf proving bridges between otherwise disjointed segments. Creating a host or some other plot device allows more cohesion while still allowing them to trade out scenes. They also need to incorporate the new lighting effects used for the winter show into the regular show.

I agree with your thoughts on Marvel. Long term however that is not the best place to put them. There is little to no room to expand if they want to add rides later. Possibly this is a place holder until a 3rd gate gets underway in Anaheim.

Speaking of which, it looks like the pieces are starting to move around for a 3rd gate. CM parking lots are being built. A large visitor parking structure looks to be on the horizon. They seem to be getting the infrastructure in place so they can clear out the Toy Story lot and proceed with a new park. This is all a long ways off, but it is a start.


Well-Known Member
Yes WOC was designed to be changed out, but it is very disjointed and becomes more so every time they alter it. Even though I didn’t particularly like how Olaf hosted the winter show, it was a much smoother show and much it had to do with a Olaf proving bridges between otherwise disjointed segments. Creating a host or some other plot device allows more cohesion while still allowing them to trade out scenes. They also need to incorporate the new lighting effects used for the winter show into the regular show.

I agree with your thoughts on Marvel. Long term however that is not the best place to put them. There is little to no room to expand if they want to add rides later. Possibly this is a place holder until a 3rd gate gets underway in Anaheim.

Speaking of which, it looks like the pieces are starting to move around for a 3rd gate. CM parking lots are being built. A large visitor parking structure looks to be on the horizon. They seem to be getting the infrastructure in place so they can clear out the Toy Story lot and proceed with a new park. This is all a long ways off, but it is a start.
Yes, the parking structure may be the most interesting part of this news. There has been talk of a third park ever since Disney bought the strawberry farm, but the first tangible evidence that it may happen "someday" will be when they break ground on the parking structure as that is an essential first step.

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