The Spirited Seventh Heaven ...


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That is my thought, but have no clue on that as it may not happen. The Club at MK is happening. Done deal.

I just about peed myself. You posted this in between when I clicked reply and when I finished typing.

You and I have definitely not always seen eye to eye, so I think it's incredibly fitting that we both said exactly the same thing with the exact same numbers at the same time as the same blue-sky "if only" thought. Not that it's not painfully obvious, but at the same time I found amusing, LOL.

Just imagine if they took and put a billion into Studios and EPCOT and another half a billion into MK and DAK (beyond Pandora). And if they had their talents working, not the publicity whores. I feel like a acne-scarred late teen fanboi armchair Imagineering here, but so much could be done and it feels criminal that it isn't.


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Original Poster
My concern for DHS and Star Wars land is certainly how well TDO will allow Imagineering to do it. Those guys and gals will need $$$.

What if these sequels bomb? Same with Avatar's? All these delays, etc could have irrelevant lands open after there phases around 2020.

SW won't bomb. If Jar Jar didn't kill the franchise, then nothing will. It will be one of the biggest films of all-time, at least until inflation gets adjusted and then it will settle in between No. 5 and 15, likely.

Avatar? I think it is incredibly ballsy of Cameron to film three in a row. I just don't see a groundswell or even a small Sanford sinkhole of excitement for these films. And the 3D novelty is gone.

But none of that matters. The films can all suck, but if the lands are immersive and compelling no one will give a damn!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I think they need to fix the blog meets so that its more than the same people every time.

But you need a way to placate the Lifestyle whores who you won't invite to the big stuff. Take a look at the list, a good half of the Lifestylers that get into these things won't get free cruises or stays at WDW resorts and invites to parties/junkets (like the Dwarfs deal).

Disney gets them for next to nothing. ...

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
No, we haven't always seen eye-to-eye but theres a lot of things of late we're on the same side of. This is one of them. Because it frustrates me. 2005 ruined us, the happiest celebration on earth gave us false hope that there would be constant investment in the parks post 9/11.

Universal may never outdraw Disney but they have buzz and momentum. How much national press did Disney get with 7DMTC? Not much.

That stupid commercial with the Dwarfs rapping didn't sure didn't help.


Well-Known Member
But you need a way to placate the Lifestyle whores who you won't invite to the big stuff. Take a look at the list, a good half of the Lifestylers that get into these things won't get free cruises or stays at WDW resorts and invites to parties/junkets (like the Dwarfs deal).

Disney gets them for next to nothing. ...

Me and a journalist friend from St Pete who was working the Media event (They paid for their hotel room) had the very same discussion about the social media people put up at Cabana Bay.

Pretty sure that both companies products sell themselves.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
right on, been to italy,spain, england, japan and never paid that much for a hotel room

just insane

Yep, I have been to all of those nations as well as about two dozen more and never paid close to $550 a night for a standard hotel room. I'm still waiting for someone here to come forward and say 'I did and I am not sorry and here is why.'' That looks about as likely as someone sending me proof that Disney has decided to rush a January start for SW at Studios.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
*cough*second floor of harbor house*

No comment beyond saying that location just celebrated two decades of being shuttered (except for a few occasions when it opened sans its kitchen and sold premade itemss during very busy times) and wasted.

They need to do something there, not saying 33 is it, but something. A Pirates-themed buffet came very close to happening about 5 years ago and then died.


Well-Known Member
Shameless self promotion of an old article:

Glad you posted it - as WDW1974 pointed out, I haven't exactly been in the fold for a bit now. Will have to add your columns to my RSS.

It's funny, because it's not out of disinterest I haven't been posting or going to Disney sites - it was that damn hill. No, not Jim Hill (see, won't start that argument haha) - that hill in Fantasyland. The last year or so I just couldn't take it. Watching that hill being built, I just couldn't talk about it anymore.

SWSA was my all time favorite ride ever, my solace was that the superior CA version is still there, and that there was this hill being built. I still stopped in regularly just to check the "headlines" or work through whatever the newest WDW1974 thread was, but I just couldn't talk about it because it was so excrutiationg to watch Disney just plod along - it wasn't just the hill, it was all it symbolizes and epitomizes at the same time.

My concern for DHS and Star Wars land is certainly how well TDO will allow Imagineering to do it. Those guys and gals will need $$$.

What if these sequels bomb? Same with Avatar's? All these delays, etc could have irrelevant lands open after there phases around 2020.

To the first, that's the fear we all have. That said, Disney is going all out on Star Wars, their corporate reporting says they want to exploit the brand for the next 40 years...and I think that Iger is going to set it in motion and leave it as his legacy. I hope to Yoda, at least.

To the second - the Avatar films will undoubtedly make money, but they won't be anything like the first one. The first one everyone and their grandma went for the 3D, because it was the new shiny version. That fad has died down a lot, and there is a lot more competition. However, the biggest hurdle they face is branding - I was at a fast food drive through not long ago, and they had Avatar happy meal toys - just the other Avatar, the kids cartoon thing. Avatar has no memorable characters that have become household names, there are no pop culture references to dialogue, it might as well never have happened. And like the Wii U/WWoHP naming issues we discussed earlier - he would have been a lot better off naming it Pandora.

As to Star Wars - ha, the future is bright. I'm no insider but I do know folks who work in various areas of the Star Wars machine (in collectables/toy production and video games), but even without the bits I have heard from them, I can tell you - Disney is pulling out all the stops. This ain't no John Carter. Disney is taking everything they learned from Marvel, everything they learned not to do from the Prequels, and applying it to the grandaddy of all modern franchises.

They are not only courting the old fans to an almost absurd level, the carpet is being laid out for new fans/kids, and they plan on making the next three films the pop culture experience of the century, where everyone from my friends now five-year-old to my 65-year-old aunt and her boyfriend who went to see the original films in the theaters.

That may sound like crazy fanboy talk, particularly with all those superlatives - but I use none of them lightly. I very rarely will make such absolute statements like that about future events - but at minimum, Disney is going to make this 1983 all over again. It's an old wives tale that lightning doesn't strike twice. It can, and does. Only this time, instead of fumbling through it with blind luck, it's got the entire Disney machine behind it. When I see Star Wars fans cry about Disney buying Lucasfilm, I want to slap them - because Disney is the only candidate who could truly get this right.

Let's just hope that the theme parks become part of that equation.

No, we haven't always seen eye-to-eye but theres a lot of things of late we're on the same side of. This is one of them. Because it frustrates me. 2005 ruined us, the happiest celebration on earth gave us false hope that there would be constant investment in the parks post 9/11.

Universal may never outdraw Disney but they have buzz and momentum. How much national press did Disney get with 7DMTC? Not much.

And what was there was because of free trips, LOL.

I've gone on long enough today, but yes, I could talk for a very long time about 2005 - when Everest was going to be the biggest thing ever, when Universal hadn't changed a brick at IOA since it opened in 1999, and we weren't 20 years away from the last major WOW attraction being built...

At least we have A New Hope...finally.


Well-Known Member
Well, the lands. I think it's safe to assume the films will be balls out from a cost perspective.... as far as the story telling aspect.......well, let's not rush conclusions just yet.....

The difference is, the public has no expectations about what these films are going to be about. Largely, we just want to see our heroes and their progeny go on some epic adventure again.

That's what killed the prequels, along with the fact that as little kids playing I never heard anyone say "I wonder what Darth Vader was like as a kid". Lucas stretched a story that was quite succinctly summarized by Obi-wan in a few lines in ANH and ROJ that no one really asked to be told in the first place.

Not to mention the fact that they are filming this on real film (a similar stock to the OT) - sorry Lucas, that part must kill the man, but then again he can just roll around naked with his new bride in the bank vault - a focus on practical effects vs. CGI, the return of beloved characters that most of us never even dared dream would be in a feature film again...

They would have to try very hard to screw this up. As long as folks don't expect everyone to live through all three sequels, we'll be cool. It's not gonna be Game of Thrones, but it's not going to be happily ever after, either.

Oh, and in these Star Wars discussions we often forget the fact that not only is the Sequel Trilogy coming, but in the non-Roman Numeral release years there will be stand-alone Star Wars films as well. There will be six Star Wars films between now and 2020. And that's just Phase I...

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Probably very unlikely, especially on that scale - but I'd sure love some Wreck-It-Ralph attention in the parks. It's such a great film, easily my favorite Pixar all-time - gosh, do they even have meet and greets??

I dont think wreck it ralph counts as "Pixar" film.
It was done by Disney animation studios if I remember correctly.
and It was in line with Pixar's Brave.

Soarin' Over Pgh

Well-Known Member
The difference is, the public has no expectations about what these films are going to be about. Largely, we just want to see our heroes and their progeny go on some epic adventure again.

That's what killed the prequels, along with the fact that as little kids playing I never heard anyone say "I wonder what Darth Vader was like as a kid". Lucas stretched a story that was quite succinctly summarized by Obi-wan in a few lines in ANH and ROJ that no one really asked to be told in the first place.

Not to mention the fact that they are filming this on real film (a similar stock to the OT) - sorry Lucas, that part must kill the man, but then again he can just roll around naked with his new bride in the bank vault - a focus on practical effects vs. CGI, the return of beloved characters that most of us never even dared dream would be in a feature film again...

They would have to try very hard to screw this up. As long as folks don't expect everyone to live through all three sequels, we'll be cool. It's not gonna be Game of Thrones, but it's not going to be happily ever after, either.

Oh, and in these Star Wars discussions we often forget the fact that not only is the Sequel Trilogy coming, but in the non-Roman Numeral release years there will be stand-alone Star Wars films as well. There will be six Star Wars films between now and 2020. And that's just Phase I...

In regards to your last paragraph... Bring it. If Disney wants all my money, bring on the films, the park land additions, the unique merchandise and don't dumb it down. I'm excited about the new films and am trying not to get my hopes up but let's face it, they are. And I agree with your earlier statement, I think disney will do SW right. They at the very least have the power behind it.

And I must add that it's been a pleasure seeing you around again and reading your (long but that's ok!) posts this evening. (Also your papa bear comment made me LOL and woke my animals up, who promptly gave me dirty looks and went back to sleep)
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Soarin' Over Pgh

Well-Known Member
I dont think wreck it ralph counts as "Pixar" film.
It was done by Disney animation studios if I remember correctly.
and It was in line with Pixar's Brave.

I think you're right, it was wd animation and not Pixar. Going to check on that...

Edit, yep. Walt disney animation, #52 ...not Pixar but looks very similar so I can see getting it mixed up. I'm sure I have in the past, too!

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