The Spirited Back Nine ...


Well-Known Member
Check, please.

It's time to really examine The mental stability and health of people were celebrating a mother loving parking garage.

It's not normal behavior. <snip>

Brings to mind this guy;



Well-Known Member
This and Dave's rant are the two best things I've read on here in ages. You get the points for being succinct.

Well… We've had these conversations ourselves… Though generally alcohol fueled.

It is pretty sad that they are so addicted to the experience, they don't realize the experience isnt good anymore.

That really sums things up. Addicted to the experience and then the need for gratification and enabling through social media by showing off that they got to do that experience.


Well-Known Member
My personal opinion, there is financial mischief going on at DWA. There is no way that DWA movies are costing them as much to make as they are stating, if they are, they are being irresponsible with their cash. Look at the DWA costs and then look at each movie, most of the movies cost similar $$ but range wildly in animation quality. (Peabody vs The Croods is an excellent example)
Like this


The Epcot Manifesto
Hey, It's the first NEW thing at WDW for a long time, The drought has been so long at least Disney fans have SOMETHING new to experience even if it's as prosaic as a parking structure.

Points for Hitchikers guide reference
7DMT opened in late May this year. I know that Disney's construction track record is slow, but we're talking about 6 months. I don't feel that is a long enough time that would warrant calling it a drought. They have however closed attractions at a much faster rate than they have opened them this year.

That being said, the only thing that excites me about a parking structure at DTD is that it might be slightly less of a cluster-fudge to try and visit that joint from time to time. Nothing I would consider an exciting opening in any regard though.


Well-Known Member
And yet my persistent pessimism seems to mirror the actual ground truth at WDW, I'll change my point of view when TDO starts giving me a reason to. As right now all we have is CUTS and 3 new attractions (Pandora Boat Ride + Pandora Soarin 2.0 and TSMM 3rd Track, scheduled to open by 2017 with a strong possibility of a 4'th TSPL to replace capacity lost by closing BLT and other attractions at DHS.

I'd recommend the last TWDC earnings call where increases in P&R margins were due to Price Increases, Operational Efficiencies (aka CUTS) and CAPEX reductions. I don't see anything about organic growth due to new attractions or experiences or anything about BUILDING new attractions other than whats already authorized.

And yet TDL is building a PROPER Frozen attraction, Which WDW COULD of had IF they were willing to PAY for it and could have been the weenie which NFL so desperately needs. Yet TDO chose a cheap-n-nasty retheme of EPCOT's 4'th' most popular ride after TT ,Soarin and M:S. TDL is getting a BUNCH of new attractions, SDL is getting Marvel. What is WDW getting besides more price increases and DVC conversions.

Look at my sig - it sums up my worldview. There is nothing WRONG with dreaming but it's not to be confused with reality as too many fanboi's do in these forums.
To be honest this is one of the most WDW friendly posts Ive ever seen from you. You called the 3rd TSMM Track a new attraction, thats giving them way too much credit.


Well-Known Member
It is pretty sad that they are so addicted to the experience, they don't realize the experience isnt good anymore.
I'm not saying you're wrong, but, if I might ask... Is it possible that the negativity of your reality has jaded you to the extent that you can no longer enjoy or appreciate whatever experience is afforded?


Resident Curmudgeon
To be honest this is one of the most WDW friendly posts Ive ever seen from you. You called the 3rd TSMM Track a new attraction, thats giving them way too much credit.

I try to be fair, Of late TDO has not deserved many kudo's, Kudo's should be given when due and I think increasing capacity of one of WDW's best loved rides needs to count as an attraction itself. I know it's one of MY personal favorites.

I really DO love WDW - I despise how it's being run these days. That being said it's still one of my favorite places to visit. If it was not why would I have 800+ DVC points...
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Resident Curmudgeon
7DMT opened in late May this year. I know that Disney's construction track record is slow, but we're talking about 6 months. I don't feel that is a long enough time that would warrant calling it a drought. They have however closed attractions at a much faster rate than they have opened them this year.

That being said, the only thing that excites me about a parking structure at DTD is that it might be slightly less of a cluster-fudge to try and visit that joint from time to time. Nothing I would consider an exciting opening in any regard though.

I was so underwhelmed with 7DMT I forgot all about it - my bad :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I try to be fair, Of late TDO has not deserved many kudo's, Kudo's should be given when due and I think increasing capacity of one of WDW's best loved rides needs to count as an attraction itself. I know it's one of MY personal favorites.

I really DO love WDW - I despise how it's being run these days. That being said it's still one of my favorite places to visit. If it was not why would I have 800+ DVC points...
Idk why you have 800+ DVC points but if you get sick and tired of WDW enough, I would gladly use up those points for you! :hilarious:


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying you're wrong, but, if I might ask... Is it possible that the negativity of your reality has jaded you to the extent that you can no longer enjoy or appreciate whatever experience is afforded?

5 years ago I loved the palce, in my few visits since, I have gotten more and more let down by the decline of what I love like quality food and service. It does still exist but not nearly to the scale that it once did. I visited orlando earlier this year and spent 1 day with Disney and Universal. Disney I felt like NFL was something I was really looking forward to and it was well below my expectations due to everything being so smashed together. Hogsmeade however was a jaw dropping experience. Im not talking about the rides but every detail was impressive.


Well-Known Member
Well… We've had these conversations ourselves… Though generally alcohol fueled.

That really sums things up. Addicted to the experience and then the need for gratification and enabling through social media by showing off that they got to do that experience.
If I manage to get down for spring training and have an accidental extra day in lakeland, I want to buy you two an adult beverage.


Well-Known Member
Check, please.

It's time to really examine The mental stability and health of people were celebrating a mother loving parking garage.

It's not normal behavior. Even a deviant such as myself can't find the words to describe how ever that is.

I have found a breaking point and this is it. I cannot rationalize nor process the mentality of why people need to be the first ones inside a parking garage. Are you homeless? Do you need a place to live? Then yes, I can understand why you would be excited to have a corner to sleep in. Other than that? This is not cause for celebration beyond "oh thank God, I can park in downtown Disney again"

So long and thanks for all the fish.

Hang on a minute- was it the guest's idea to celebrate being first in the garage or Disney's? Because as much criticism as Disney receives for the pace of park expansion, this seems like a lot of innocent fun. Disney employs full time people who's job it is to find little things to celebrate and make guests' stays seem unique and "magical" and this seems like just such an occasion. I think everyone is glad that the long traffic and parking nightmare at Downtown Disney is almost over, so why not celebrate it a little? At any rate, this looks like the work of one, maybe two employees tops, maybe even parking staff who don't normally get to do something silly like this.


Well-Known Member
It is pretty sad that they are so addicted to the experience, they don't realize the experience isnt good anymore.

^THIS was me until our last trip. For me things have slipped to a point that I spent so much time complaining and waiting in line (and complaining about waiting in line lol) that I realized I'd rather be somewhere else. So after dozens of trips (1,2 sometimes 3 a year since 1991), I'm looking at other options.

As I told Disney, when I do visit again (maybe in 2016), I'm thinking no more annual pass. I'll micromanage and meticulously plan 2-3 full days in the Magic Kingdom and just buy passes for those days. Maybe I'll get park-hopping privileges so I can have dinner/dessert in Epcot one night, but given the condition of Epcot and the Studios I'm in no rush. I probably won't spend a lot of time in those parks (or AK) until significant improvements are made.

Right now I have no idea what I'll do on the other days. Go to the beach? Visit Universal? Orlando day trips? I dunno...

With annual passes, in the past two years I spent over 30 days in a WDW park. In the next two years, right now I'm looking at 2-3 days.

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