The Spirited Back Nine ...


Premium Member
As a founding member of Team Doom and Gloom, your definition of us matches me not at all.... That's the problem.... A "Doom and Gloom" member here is closer to a "realist", more so, than a "pixie duster". I know that I have plenty of things to say about WDW and most of them are good. As a "Doom and Gloom" member, you point out the things that are falling short. Some of us focus on "show", while others focus on "staleness". Still others see multiple areas all at once.

I have not once negatively commented about anyone's mental capacity or illness. I haven't addressed anyone's weight negatively, or perhaps at all. I did offer an opinion on a thread soliciting it about women's fashion choices for the parks. (The thread started out addressing comfort and not necessarily style.)

Just to note, a list of a few general things I think are great at WDW:

1.) Four separate and distinctly different themed parks centered around a brand I love.
2.) The enormity of the space used and still available.
3.) Dozens of themed resorts in varying price ranges with many unique features.
4.) A well planned transportation system available for all visitors.
5.) So many attractions (rides) and restaurants to experience each visit.

The thing I have been most vocally negative about is the roll out and implementation of the boondoggle known as MyMagic+ and it's associated ilk.

It's hard to define others for they rarely get the opportunity to tell you who they are.

Sorry, but you aren't a doom and gloomer. Recognizing flaws and expecting higher quality doesn't make you a doom and gloomer. If that is the definition than just about everyone here meets that definition. If you find both positives and negatives you can't be just doom and gloom. IMHO to be truly doom and gloom you have to always go out of your way to only find a negative in everything that happens at WDW. Being a realist or a critical fan doesn't fit that definition. As I said before there are very few who meet that standard which is why throwing around the term doom and gloom is kinda pointless.


Premium Member
That was basically my point - everyone who gets labelled, or self-labels as a doom and gloomer, tends to actually quite often have very positive things to say, which is why it's annoying when people say they just complain for the sake of it. Look at the reaction to the TCM sponsorship of GMR; pretty much unanimous praise from everyone supposedly in the 'doom and gloom' camp.
This is exactly my point.


Premium Member
I'm a Scotsman and I'm offended by Disney doing something like this, DW loves Disney clothes (she's a Scot too) and when we buy souvenir's we tend to buy them on the basis that we can ONLY buy them there.

DW loves Disney clothes and for a long time her favorite stuff was ONLY available at WDW and we would buy it there - Now that it's at the Outlet mall she is not going to pay more for the same product.
To each their own. For me a souvenir is special because I bought it while on the trip. I know the shirt I'm buying is grossly overpriced, but if I buy it at the outlets when I get back it won't mean as much to me. The special part for me comes from buying it on the trip, not from the exclusivity of the item.


Well-Known Member
There has been info given from solid sources that had to be removed because those exec's saw it. It's not hard to believe. They may have actually even responded in threads here before ...
Disney pays various media monitoring services to keep tabs on social media, internet and legitimate press. Attentio, Brandwatch, DataSift and Netvibes all specialize in social media monitoring as does the Meltwater Group. Sifting through all the Disney related information is a huge job.


Well-Known Member
Disney pays various media monitoring services to keep tabs on social media, internet and legitimate press. Attentio, Brandwatch, DataSift and Netvibes all specialize in social media monitoring as does the Meltwater Group. Sifting through all the Disney related information is a huge job.

Yes. The only problem with this is that dissenting opinions are a very small percentage of the chatter. For example, people that have the same criticisms that we have I would estimate to make up less than 5% of the online talk. Most of the online chatter is "isn't this so great"…


Well-Known Member
Yes. The only problem with this is that dissenting opinions are a very small percentage of the chatter. For example, people that have the same criticisms that we have I would estimate to make up less than 5% of the online talk. Most of the online chatter is "isn't this so great"…
That's a good point. Disney (or any company) is not really interested in minority disapproval of their brand or products. They're looking at the big picture because they want to appeal to the widest audience possible with their products. The Disney parks have always had a minority audience that routinely complains about high prices, low standards, chipped paint, burnt out light bulbs and how fast Walt must be spinning around in his cryogenic tank.

I think Abraham Lincoln said it best, "Even if you take down the BAH, Disney fans will still find something to complain about."


Well-Known Member
That's a good point. Disney (or any company) is not really interested in minority disapproval of their brand or products. They're looking at the big picture because they want to appeal to the widest audience possible with their products. The Disney parks have always had a minority audience that routinely complains about high prices, low standards, chipped paint, burnt out light bulbs and how fast Walt must be spinning around in his cryogenic tank.

I think Abraham Lincoln said it best, "Even if you take down the BAH, Disney fans will still find something to complain about."

Lincoln? I thought that was Jefferson.


Well-Known Member
So I ducked into Magic Kingdom today for an hour… Was nowhere near as bad as I was expecting given this mornings tapings…

My overall observation? The guests are just mean. They are mean to the cast, they are mean to each other, they are mean to other guests.

Which makes me wonder… What the hell is wrong with you people?
I've posted a few charts in the past but, more than anything, I wish I had a way to chart the correlation between the price of a WDW vacation and Guest meanness.

I'm pretty sure I'd be able to show a 100% relationship! :D


Well-Known Member
If they had decent merchandise managers, they would have balanced the demand with the supply.
But seems Disney is "make as much as they can" then "sell it everywhere later" with no sense of exclusivity.

This is NOT as easy as one would think. Especially, when it comes to special event, limited merchandise. The inaugural cruises or special cruises like Panama Canal have a higher than normal volume of people who are resellers. People who attended the 90's era Disneyana events, or pin events, know this type. It happened before Ebay, and Ebay has made it a thousand times worse. Before DCL started making larger volumes of inaugural merchandise, the resellers would get themselves in the first boarding group, immediately go line up at the store, and within an hour of the store opening, every single piece of special merchandise would be sold out. So any normal guest, who were unaware of this type of chaos would visit the store and wonder why nothing was available.

These sellers upset the balance in unpredictable ways, because you don't know what level of availability causes them to "give up" and not buy as much as they can, and only buy for themselves and a few friends/regular customers. Demand for an item may be 500 pieces, but it takes 2000 pieces as being available for the resellers to modify their behavior. So if Disney made 1000 pieces - instant sell out, but 2000 means only 500 sells.

There have been various ways Disney has tried to combat this. We went on the first trans-Atlantic cruise, and they ran some of that merchandise like the RSP system they use for the yearly pin event. Each room fills out a sheet with what they wanted, and then mid-cruise, you are told which items you "won" and were eligible to buy. But that takes a fair amount of work. My parents went on a Panama Canal cruise where many things sold out, and they were given a form to fill out with shirt sizes, and when the ship reached one of the later ports, the shirts had arrived. But being made last minute, you can guess the quality... And this only was for the shirts.

Personally, I think many things should be on a "pre-order" system, and use that to gauge the final order. But I don't know how well that works with Disney's "lead time." How early to do you need to have the merchandise announced, how early to shut down pre-order sales to have enough time for the merchandise to make the ship. These inaugural sailings should book early enough that people will at least know they are going or not, but some people want these things to be a "surprise."


Well-Known Member
So I ducked into Magic Kingdom today for an hour… Was nowhere near as bad as I was expecting given this mornings tapings…

My overall observation? The guests are just mean. They are mean to the cast, they are mean to each other, they are mean to other guests.

Which makes me wonder… What the hell is wrong with you people?
A trip to WDW is so unbelievably stressful now, it is the farthest thing from a vacation when you need a vacation the most. It's not surprising at all


Well-Known Member
Local Disney Outlet has same merchandise sold at WDW NOW - Usually discounted by 50% or more, Discovered this to my horror as I was taking a guest to one of the local outlet malls. (New England visitors love them ... )

Let's just say that visit put an end to clothing buys at WDW as it's authentic Disney merchandise sold in a Disney affiliated store as why should I pay $30-40 dollars for a shirt when I can buy the SAME shirt for $15-20

Picking up pennies...

I think you should put the picking up pennies thing in your signature. It would save you time. It would fit nearly everything you have/will post. ;)

P.S. I do agree that the limited merch should be limited. Why not just make a small batch? I don't get it.

And I never buy much at WDW with the two outlets in town. I dis buy a hat at the new HM shop, though.


Well-Known Member
Just look at the Hard Ticket events, They started at 35 bucks or so a few years back and they were great value for the money now they are approaching the cost of regular admission and they are a pale shadow of themselves. I used to go to them but no longer.

I don't go to them either. The AP discount is laughable.

But with the number of "Tonight's (insert hard ticket event here) is sold out" announcements on here they would be absolutely nuts to still only charge $35 for them.

Thousands of guests find much more value in them than you and I.


Premium Member
I don't go to them either. The AP discount is laughable.

But with the number of "Tonight's (insert hard ticket event here) is sold out" announcements on here they would be absolutely nuts to still only charge $35 for them.

Thousands of guests find much more value in them than you and I.
Sounds like they are picking up lots of dollars not pennies;)

I don't think the hard ticket events are a good value either. I did go to MVMCP last year, but it was pretty much a one time thing for me.


Well-Known Member
So I ducked into Magic Kingdom today for an hour… Was nowhere near as bad as I was expecting given this mornings tapings…

My overall observation? The guests are just mean. They are mean to the cast, they are mean to each other, they are mean to other guests.

Which makes me wonder… What the hell is wrong with you people?

This observation doesn't surprise me and I'm sure it didn't surprise you.

After all, you can come to a site that quite ironically is called WDW"Magic" and find that people are routinely called whores, rubes, trash, mentally ill and Walmarters etc. etc. infinitum ad nauseum.

More and more people are simply taking their online personnas into the real world. And we're sure as hell not the better off for it.


Well-Known Member
No because realists are people that see the things for what they are worth right now, not referring back to the past. Both are correct in their own way, but, some can appreciate what is still there and the others are still mourning what has gone. And, in my opinion, it has gone and never will completely return. It is a different world now, not necessarily a better one, but, it is the world we live in.
Realists see that WDW is being value maximized in accordance with current business process management theory.

WDW is driving the Disney experience into a commodity product while branding as a mass customized product.

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