The Spirited Back Nine ...


Premium Member
Perhaps the "Rubes", as you so sensitively put it, are realistic and grounded enough to know that it is a utility location. It isn't meant to be themed, it is strictly to help people out of the park. How in the hell would one theme an alley anyway? Put little Disney character that pop up on the way by and demand your money?

You are being factitious - but your dismissal just shows your apathy for actually doing something right.

Try looking around in RnRC for a change if you want to see disney 'theme an alley' - if they wanted to make it look like an alley. But there are lots of other possibilities like the arcades in DLP, the side streets in the existing Main Streets, etc.

But hey, keep aiming low, Disney will be happy to help keep you going in that direction while selling you that you are getting a premium experience. Those are the real rubes.


Well-Known Member
All it is is people like PhotoDave and 71Jason acting like lemmings and trying to hop on the WDW1974 bandwagon of hating everything Disney Social Media and the blogs that cover it.

Well I guess David can't respond anymore (I miss all the fun), but:

(1) How can I be on WDW1974's bandwagon when we've already established he hasn't been back to comment on this issue?

(2) Neither David nor I hate the Disney Social Media team. I consider their head at least a friendly acquaintance, and David is friends with a couple of them. As Nemo posted much earlier, this was solely directed at the "lifestylers."

Personally, I'd love to spend and hour or two a day writing
a blog exclaiming how wonderful everything is with a shot of pixie dust, if that would mean I'd get freebies thrown my way from the mouse. Free annual passes? Invitations to media-only Disney events? Sign me the hell up!!!

And I'm the lemming ...


Well-Known Member
You do realize they got the garage open in an expedited mannor for the route they took (poured-on-site concrete) vs. the route Uni took for their TM garage (pre-fabbed concrete). Poured on site concred typically takes 12-18 months while prefabbed concrete typically takes 6 months.

The garage was opened as fast as they could get it open.

I don't have reason to doubt you. For the better part of 2014 you could not easily park at DTD--I think a "finally" is justified under those circumstances.

I fail to see how Universal's construction practices are germane to the conversation.


Resident Curmudgeon
You are being factitious - but your dismissal just shows your apathy for actually doing something right.

Try looking around in RnRC for a change if you want to see disney 'theme an alley' - if they wanted to make it look like an alley. But there are lots of other possibilities like the arcades in DLP, the side streets in the existing Main Streets, etc.

But hey, keep aiming low, Disney will be happy to help keep you going in that direction while selling you that you are getting a premium experience. Those are the real rubes.

Precisely - The Disney Difference was defined more than anything else by making sure ALL the details were handled. No they were not creating an exhibit for the Smithsonian rather something that evoked an feeling of 'being there'.

Now it seems they just do not care and some people seem to think that's OK all the while paying for a premium experience which is no longer a premium experience, DCL is a premium experience WDW is not these days.

I'm willing to pay for a Premium experience IF I actually GET ONE which is something WDW is failing to do more and more often.


Resident Curmudgeon
One would have to go to DLP to fully appreciate this. Same with knowing they have "attractions" in the form of museum type displays, or that they have additional restrooms and merchandise carts within them too.

It's a case of ignorance is bliss for most, but for those of us who know what Disney has done before, it's disappointing to see them take the easy way out.

It's also my opinion that as soon as something becomes intended for guest use it's stops being a "backstage" area and should be themed on par with on stage spaces.

Precisely the point I've been trying to drive home.


Resident Curmudgeon
Exactly. It has been "Open" for years and not just for emergencies or evacuations. Now they are trying to make it look a bit nicer and people still complain. Human nature I guess. If it had access to the stores it would not be a bypass.

Erm, No it has not been 'open for years', Yes it has been used once or twice on NYE and the 4'th of July to alieviate traffic on Main St. Using a backstage area occasionally and the number occasions can be counted on the fingers of one hand != "Open as guest area".


Well-Known Member
But also again, it should still be nicely themed. I just don't agree that there needs to be opportunities for people to stop and hold people up on a bypass trying to avoid that.

I think the point most people are making is that in Disneyland Paris there are arcades both sides of Main Street that act as a bypass, so you can always get past crowds, parades etc., but *also* have access to the shops and amazing themed displays (there's even a secret tiny attraction hidden in one). Even something on half that scale at MK would have been great, without causing any extra congestion, but alas no, TDO had to cheap out as always.


Resident Curmudgeon
I think the point most people are making is that in Disneyland Paris there are arcades both sides of Main Street that act as a bypass, so you can always get past crowds, parades etc., but *also* have access to the shops and amazing themed displays (there's even a secret tiny attraction hidden in one). Even something on half that scale at MK would have been great, without causing any extra congestion, but alas no, TDO had to cheap out as always.

Yes it is sad that TDO cheaped out, But from a Business perspective why spend more if people are going to come anyhow, By guests unquestioningly accepting these degradations in the quality of experience while allowing disney to raise prices just validates TDO's business strategy for WDW.


Well-Known Member
In the EU there are several metals that can withstand a light saber. Mandalorian iron being one of the more recognized. Bobba and Jango Fet wore Mandalorian Armor. Bobba became the leader of the Mandalorians and even trained Jaina Solo, daughter of Han and Leia to help her defeat her brother, Darth Caedus.

Cortosis was a mineral that was resistant and could even short out a light saber.

Also, what I think could be the explanation for the light saber we see in the new trailer is that the Sith used alchemy and would perform rituals to create metals. They could even be used against light sabers. This could explain the design of his saber. If JJ Abrams were to borrow any ideas from the EU, this would be a good one.
Cross-guards are canon in the EU (and I even think one was in the CW), but personally, I don't believe the cross guards on the villain's saber are actually functional guards. If you look at the blade, it's clearly not stable- it's pulsating and sputtering. The guards ignite a second after the main blade does, implying they are a result of the main blade's ignition. I prescribe to the theory these are just exhaust vents for the main blade. All of that makes sense if you believe the rumors/spoilers about this character.


Well-Known Member
There's something different about this new lightsaber, and it's not just the design. The blade as stated seems unstable. Not the clean gently pulsing glow or the consistent hum that normal saber blades usually have. It's almost flame-like in the way it flickers, and it makes audible popping noises.

In the EU there are several metals that can withstand a light saber. Mandalorian iron being one of the more recognized. Bobba and Jango Fet wore Mandalorian Armor. Bobba became the leader of the Mandalorians and even trained Jaina Solo, daughter of Han and Leia to help her defeat her brother, Darth Caedus.

Cortosis was a mineral that was resistant and could even short out a light saber.

Also, what I think could be the explanation for the light saber we see in the new trailer is that the Sith used alchemy and would perform rituals to create metals. They could even be used against light sabers. This could explain the design of his saber. If JJ Abrams were to borrow any ideas from the EU, this would be a good one.
It's not just the EU that had this. The droids known as Magnaguards seen in Revenge of the Sith (and Clone Wars) wield electrical staffs that are made of a material that lightsabers can't cut through. Unless these materials are just absurdly rare and expensive (probably), i don't know why it wouldn't be used more often.


Well-Known Member
Well I guess David can't respond anymore (I miss all the fun), but:

(1) How can I be on WDW1974's bandwagon when we've already established he hasn't been back to comment on this issue?

(2) Neither David nor I hate the Disney Social Media team. I consider their head at least a friendly acquaintance, and David is friends with a couple of them. As Nemo posted much earlier, this was solely directed at the "lifestylers."

And I'm the lemming ...

Why cant Dave respond anymore?

Hope it's just a suspension I missed it but I guarantee some baiting was involved

The trick of course is not rising to the bait.

FL is a stand your ground state :)

If you would like to keep in contact with him PM me.

The reports of my demise appear to be Slightly exaggerated.

Perhaps. Perhaps not.


Well-Known Member
You are being factitious - but your dismissal just shows your apathy for actually doing something right.

Try looking around in RnRC for a change if you want to see disney 'theme an alley' - if they wanted to make it look like an alley. But there are lots of other possibilities like the arcades in DLP, the side streets in the existing Main Streets, etc.

But hey, keep aiming low, Disney will be happy to help keep you going in that direction while selling you that you are getting a premium experience. Those are the real rubes.
It really doesn't matter how high I aim or how high you aim or anybody else on this board. We have no power at all. The only people that can effectively set any levels of achievement are Disney Executives and they are to busy counting their money to give a damn about what we think or don't think. That may sound like apathy, but it really is living in the real world. Unlike so many on this board that somehow feel that complaining or even making non-problems into problems will achieve anything. It will not. Nothing will change Disney's current way of doing business until it starts to show up in the bottom line. Until then, all of us might as well pee into the ocean and then check to see if the level came up.

Disney doesn't sell me a "premium experience". They are selling me an experience that I find worthwhile and as soon as I don't I will no longer participate. I do not stay in any Disney resort because the experience is not worth the cost. That part already reached my level. Of all the rest the only thing that I get upset about are closed attractions with no replacements. That is a primary example of them not caring anymore, not an alley way that isn't part of any attraction. I'm sorry, but we need to mature a little and be able to distinguish between a utility function and what is part of the show. RcRN is an attraction and it is themed to look like the story line. There is no story line in the backdoor exit alley. It is what it is. Good grief are we like little kids that have to be entertained every moment? Somethings are utility functions. The buses are a prime example of that. They exist to move people to and from the parks. If you get some kind of jollys over riding on the bus, then that is a plus for you, but, that is not their purpose and not their mission.

As for doing things right... they still do many things right. But to attempt to make it appear wrong just because we don't happen to think it's right is just fantasy at it's finest. We are not in a position to make that determination and the only power we do have, we refuse to use. That would be not going back. That alone would not even be effective because for all of you that think it's all bad, there are about a million that do not have that vision at all. It's all a waste of time. Worrying or even caring about an exit alleyway that is only used, at best, once a day, is crazy and completely unreasonable. If I'm trying to leave MK and I am in enough of a hurry to use that backstage route, I am not going to stop and look at things or stop and buy anything, I'm wanting to leave, nothing more. That is reality. The real Rubes are the ones that in spite of massive criticism on their part, still continue to go. It all makes it seem useless and unworthy of taking seriously.


Premium Member
I'm sure there are more than a few that have their hands out and salivate at anything the mouse does. So what? Personally, I'd love to spend and hour or two a day writing a blog exclaiming how wonderful everything is with a shot of pixie dust, if that would mean I'd get freebies thrown my way from the mouse. Free annual passes? Invitations to media-only Disney events? Sign me the hell up!!!
What kind of a life would that be though? What kind of existence do those people have? As much as they claim to love Disney, they are only enabling the detriment of the P&R with every line they write about "how amazing Disney is" just to get a free AP. They could work at McDonald's for two weeks and make enough money for an AP and not have to be a shill for a company they claim to love, but has clearly fallen from its once glorious standards.

You have to be able to be critique the things you hold dearly, otherwise what's the point? You might as well find the magic in a simple wash rag if you don't care what it becomes as long as you get free stuff. Look at the DSMM'S, do you not think ridiculous amounts of money and time are wasted by Disney to make sure a few mommy bloggers post magical ramblings to their whopping 14 subscribers on YouTube about their private breakfast in Cars Land? TWDC will waste tens of thousands of dollars in man hours on a weekend marathon event for those ladies whom most have never ran farther than the kitchen to the computer to click on their invitation email.

Those people should be ashamed to call themselves "journalists" in any way. They are not. They are people looking for free stuff and will say and do whatever to get it. No difference in them from the looters in Ferguson who claimed to be "protesting" for the boy who was shot. They didn't want justice, they wanted free stuff from the stores they raided. Yeah, I just compared Disney social media to Ferguson looters, not in the sense that social media shills are criminals, but in the sense that they have no morals in regards to holding themselves to a higher standard instead of getting a free pass to a WDW media event where there is free food and booze. And 90% of them dont even dress appropriately for the occasion! For some reason, that's what really grinds my gears. Put on a collared shirt and slacks for crying out loud.


Well-Known Member
What kind of a life would that be though? What kind of existence do those people have? As much as they claim to love Disney, they are only enabling the detriment of the P&R with every line they write about "how amazing Disney is" just to get a free AP. They could work at McDonald's for two weeks and make enough money for an AP and not have to be a shill for a company they claim to love, but has clearly fallen from its once glorious standards.

You have to be able to be critique the things you hold dearly, otherwise what's the point? You might as well find the magic in a simple wash rag if you don't care what it becomes as long as you get free stuff. Look at the DSMM'S, do you not think ridiculous amounts of money and time are wasted by Disney to make sure a few mommy bloggers post magical ramblings to their whopping 14 subscribers on YouTube about their private breakfast in Cars Land? TWDC will waste tens of thousands of dollars in man hours on a weekend marathon event for those ladies whom most have never ran farther than the kitchen to the computer to click on their invitation email.

Those people should be ashamed to call themselves "journalists" in any way. They are not. They are people looking for free stuff and will say and do whatever to get it. No difference in them from the looters in Ferguson who claimed to be "protesting" for the boy who was shot. They didn't want justice, they wanted free stuff from the stores they raided. Yeah, I just compared Disney social media to Ferguson looters, not in the sense that social media shills are criminals, but in the sense that they have no morals in regards to holding themselves to a higher standard instead of getting a free pass to a WDW media event where there is free food and booze. And 90% of them dont even dress appropriately for the occasion! For some reason, that's what really grinds my gears. Put on a collared shirt and slacks for crying out loud.
You had me til the Ferguson comparison.

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