Well-Known Member
FUD - The problem is lumping everything under one umbrella... so people take their fringe stuff and attack the bigger picture.
The problem with the proposals is they force uniformity... and not necessarily GOOD uniformity.. but it would be uniform.. isn't that special?
Would the world be better if we forced all airlines to only offer coach class? Airline neutrality!
Would the world be better if we only had one flavor of ice cream? We couldn't allow vendors to discriminate against different brands or flavors could we? Flavor neutrality for all!!
What people fail to comprehend is.. when you try to force uniformity or equality... you eliminate both stuff above AND below the line.
Imagine being a hosting company... and being told you have to add capacity for anyone who walks up and says "give me a port" on the same terms you agreed to with someone who actually helps you? Imagine no longer being able to horse trade services that benefit you as a way of offsetting costs.
No one wants discrimination against certain traffic - the problem is the ideal doesn't work uncapped and in universal terms.
Wait until you all cry because your neighbor is saturating the network and the ISP can't do anything about it.. except reduce the amount of oversubscription they do... hence driving up YOUR costs. Ya! Net neutrality... higher costs... but we can all hug a tree and say we did the right thing.
There's no need to defend Comcast.