The Spirited 11th Hour ...


Well-Known Member
And Touchstone.

I agree about him getting a bad rap, I think he was more amitious that he's given credit for sometimes; he'd seen first-hand how Walt Disney had felt constrained by both his own and the company's public image and Ron Miller used that to try to diversify the type of output that Disney released. He just couldn't completely overcome the "what would Walt do?" mentality shared by Card Walker and the rest of the BoD.
Ron was ready to do a joint deal with universal for a park but then Eisner came in stopped that and went ahead with what is Hollywood studios and universal went with universal Orlando.


Well-Known Member
I think another creative/financial team like Walt and Roy or Eisner and Wells would do good for the company. Eisner's too creative, Iger's too financial, I think a balance is needed and would be the best thing. The company really prospered under the team of Eisner and Wells.


Premium Member
Yeah I recall everyone was laughing at my suggestions that huge cuts in attractions/entertainment and pretty much everything else were only a matter of time because TWDC would do anything to please Wall St... Hmmm seems to have come to pass. Who is laughing now it certainly is not me because this disaster is just the beginning.
Are we defining a gift shop opening an hour later as huge cuts?:confused: I know Steve said other cuts are rumored to be coming, but until we know exactly what is being cut its hard to justify calling it "huge" or screaming that the sky is falling. I don't disagree that the execs are eager to please Wall Street but sadly that's true at almost every publicly traded company in America.


Well-Known Member
They're selling LE SpectroMagic t-shirts on Must be their way of saying "sorry we let this parade rot beyond the repairs we felt like fixing, but this shirt looks kewl!"

That shirt is a slap in the face to any Spectromagic fan. Not even one should be purchased. :mad:

I remember when I bought the Maelstrom shirt :oops:

I also bought an IJA 20th anniversary shirt but only because they didn't sell any kind of unique shirt at Disneyland:banghead:
Yeah, I was this >< close to buying the 30th anniversary Horizons shirts a couple years ago. In the end it seemed wrong to give them money to celebrate something they so unceremoniously demolished. Besides, there are much better fan designs online.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I disagree. Star Wars' popularity was never going to be defined by whether or not it outgrossed Avatar.

Either way, Episode 8 has not been delayed because Disney suddenly had a crisis of faith in Star Wars' popularity. It was laughable when he claimed that to be the case, its still laughable now.
It was hyped a lot. I remember some of our famous commentators (was it @PhotoDave219 , @ParentsOf4 or @WDW1974 )shared a link, where the "expectations by analysts" claimed that unless the movie outgrossed avatar, it would be considered a "failure" for the "wall street" stock price guys..


Premium Member
No, but is Bob Iger that many times better at his job (or perhaps the better term is more valuable to the company). I have a hard time rationalizing him being 200 times more valuable than an average CM much less 2800 times. I know free market yada, yada, yada, but that is a hard rationalization for most.

Think of the uselessness of this stat... It compares the pay of a person accountable for billions in revenue... And the someone who cleans toilets hourly. These are just heart string stats that really mean nothing.

Don't get me wrong, he's overpaid (as is most of that class)... But let's use stats that mean something.


Well-Known Member
It was hyped a lot. I remember some of our famous commentators (was it @PhotoDave219 , @ParentsOf4 or @WDW1974 )shared a link, where the "expectations by analysts" claimed that unless the movie outgrossed avatar, it would be considered a "failure" for the "wall street" stock price guys..

Wall Street can believe whatever it wants.

A film that makes that much money is not a failure on any realistric metric. Star Wars was arguably the most popular film franchise on the planet before The Force Awakens, it still is now and its only to get bigger in the coming years. If Disney are second guessing its popularity they have a strange way of showing it; two more films in this trilogy, Rogue One, a Han Solo anthology film, other anthology films in development currently, two massive Star Wars expansions at Disneyland and WDW.

You'd have to have a tinfoil hat and an axe to grind to actually believe that a delay in Episode 8's release is down to Disney having a crisis of faith in Star Wars' popularity. In the real world, its been a popular culture juggernaut for nearly four decades and is going to continue to be incredibly successful for many, many years to come.

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