Well-Known Member
Since this is always a bit of a catch-all thread. We went to DHS today. Got lunch about 11:45 AM at Fairfax Market. After we paid and were picking up the food one CM announced they didn't have Coke, was there another drink we wanted. I can't even...
The resort is full of "earning their ears" and I'm guessing they hadn't gotten to the "making sure the fountain is ready for the lunch crowd" part of the training and regular staff was overwhelmed with the newbies. But I've never been in a restaurant ANYWHERE where they served drinks from behind the counter and they didn't have Coke for their customers.
We got back to our friends and one of them had their burger order from the other window screwed up two ways. Same friend took an hour at the guest service window. to get her AP because they messed up her MDE profile and only IT could fix it (she manages her husband's profile because he is not really a Disney fan so has no interest in creating his own. They assigned the AP to him or something and then wanted him to get his own profile to fix it). The worst part is that all of us don't even get mad anymore just laugh and wonder what new and exciting ways WDW will fail at basic operations.
Apparently the base operational support for MDX is winding down. The people above that called "The Avengers" is supposed to wind down come March.
The way it was explained to me was that it was an executive level decision.
Why you would want to stop having immediate support of that product (that has yet to prove reliable as proven by this week's payment outage) is beyond me.