The Spirited 11th Hour ...


Well-Known Member
He doesn't need defended. I don't see how you could confuse those acts as they are nothing like one another and in entirely different countries. This is just yet another example of him making things up.

I'll give you the candy lady. Although I was under the impression it was her decision to move on after nearly 20 years. As for off kilter... They were replaced. And now their replacement has been replaced. So that doesn't support his argument at all about entertainment being cut and not replaced.

There has been plenty of entertainment cut and not replaced. Norway was cut and never replaced. In MK, all the entertainment in Storybook Circus was cut without replacement and that was just off the top of my head. Not including other cuts people have already posted. Also, alot of entertainment has been cut and replaced by inferior entertainment. That is a cut.


DVC Guru
Premium Member
There has been plenty of entertainment cut and not replaced. Norway was cut and never replaced. In MK, all the entertainment in Storybook Circus was cut without replacement and that was just off the top of my head. Not including other cuts people have already posted. Also, alot of entertainment has been cut and replaced by inferior entertainment. That is a cut.
What entertainment was in Storybrook Circus? I also don't remember any entertainment in Norway either. What was there?


DVC Guru
Premium Member
Norway had a music group at one time and StoryBook Circus had a clown act. The latter I saw for myself and was pretty good.

I believe they had a clown act and a spinning plates/magic act at one point. Norway's entertainment was one of the first things to be cut from WS a few years ago.
Certainly not doubting either of you, but I can find no mention of any entertainment at Norway. I have searched everywhere, and there is no mention of any sort of group.


Well-Known Member
I believe they had a clown act and a spinning plates/magic act at one point. Norway's entertainment was one of the first things to be cut from WS a few years ago.

Well, besides plate spinning and oil rigging, what other talents does Norway bring to the table? Trolls that say, BACK! BACK! lol.

NOOR-VAY is kinda a silly land to include in WS. Don't get me started on that horrible gift shop with the stanky perfume/cologne emanating out of every pore of the building either.


Well-Known Member
I'm curious as to whether or not you've heard if Mr. Weis has an opinion on the upcoming redo of MGM given his involvement in the design of the original park. I'm sure he feels the park has been butchered over the last 15+ years and needs a change, but I would imagine that there may be aspects of the original park that he would be sad to see go (The Earful Tower for example). Is it possible that his new role in Imagineering could affect the end result of the redesign?

Andrew C

You know what's funny?
Just reading some posts here about Bob Weis. I checked out his Twitter feed the other day just out of curiosity. Boy, was it super political. I don't really care about those types of things personally (as people can say what they want), but was just a bit surprised. Just figured someone in his position wouldn't be so vocal in this area. Obviously, that was wrong to assume.


Well-Known Member
If LA is such a great football town why has EVERY team based in the area LEFT in the past?. The Chargers, Raiders and Rams ALL were at one time LA teams. Just another case of billionaires sucking up taxpayer provided goodies which would have been better spent encouraging small business (instead LA taxes them to extinction while offering up a FREE stadium to a billionaire)
I actually knew about the history of the NFL, and I have been following the NFL since Super Bowl 21. Not all owners of the NFL are Billionaires matter of fact.

Mark Davis of the Raiders is worth around 500 to 600 million dollars. My favorite NFL team, the Green Bay Packers doesn't have Billionaire owner matter of fact. The Green Bay Packers are Community owned professional Sports team that is owned by stockholders. Instead of an owner, the Green Bay Packers have a Team President.

You don't have all you fact straight on why the Raiders left the Market a first place. The NFL forced the Raiders to move back to Oakland and the late Raiders owner Al Davis sued the NFL for that. AL Davis lost the lawsuit and the Raiders don't have a Billionaire owner as a result. Yes, do I realize LA had attendance issues with the NFL in the 1990's.That market is football market for years, but it always been for College Football.

While all the teams you mentioned were in LA, the sports media wanted the NFL to go back to LA for a while even before the owners wanted to move. ESPN has people in the past that wanted the NFL to go back to LA for years because of the market. Other Sports media outside of ESPN mentioned in the past on wanting the NFL to go back to LA also. The true fact with the Sports media for whatever sports thinks every big market needs to have a sport in it.

Donald Razorduck

Well-Known Member
2014 to 2015 have been boon years for Orlando tourism.

Most hotels, onsite and offsite, have seen their occupancy rates climb.

Offsite hotels have used this opportunity to increase rack rates, in many cases at rates faster than onsite hotels.

This works in Disney's favor, allowing them to offer less dramatic discounts while seeing their occupancy rates rebound to pre-recession levels.

This will take care of itself, that is the magic of supply and demand. The new huge Jimmy Buffet resort shows incoming inventory to the market as well as other non universal projects on I Drive.
You have this coming as well.


Well-Known Member
I actually knew about the history of the NFL, and I have been following the NFL since Super Bowl 21. Not all owners of the NFL are Billionaires matter of fact.

Mark Davis of the Raiders is worth around 500 to 600 million dollars. My favorite NFL team, the Green Bay Packers doesn't have Billionaire owner matter of fact. The Green Bay Packers are Community owned professional Sports team that is owned by stockholders. Instead of an owner, the Green Bay Packers have a Team President.

You don't have all you fact straight on why the Raiders left the Market a first place. The NFL forced the Raiders to move back to Oakland and the late Raiders owner Al Davis sued the NFL for that. AL Davis lost the lawsuit and the Raiders don't have a Billionaire owner as a result. Yes, do I realize LA had attendance issues with the NFL in the 1990's.That market is football market for years, but it always been for College Football.

While all the teams you mentioned were in LA, the sports media wanted the NFL to go back to LA for a while even before the owners wanted to move. ESPN has people in the past that wanted the NFL to go back to LA for years because of the market. Other Sports media outside of ESPN mentioned in the past on wanting the NFL to go back to LA also. The true fact with the Sports media for whatever sports thinks every big market needs to have a sport in it.
For about half of your message I kept reading NFL as New fantasyland Land and I was very confused, but now.I have seen the light, you are talking football!


Well-Known Member
If LA is such a great football town why has EVERY team based in the area LEFT in the past?. The Chargers, Raiders and Rams ALL were at one time LA teams. Just another case of billionaires sucking up taxpayer provided goodies which would have been better spent encouraging small business (instead LA taxes them to extinction while offering up a FREE stadium to a billionaire)

I thought the Inglewood project was privately funded? Though I'd guess infrastructure improvements would be government funded, the stadium and related development were, I believed, funded by the owners.

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