The Spirited 11th Hour ...


Premium Member
You would need to cost seg all the components of a project. If they can justify taking a faster recovery on certain items they should
There's a difference between Tax and GAAP.

Most industrial machinery depreciates over a 7 year schedule, Is it a building or is it a machine or are they capitalized separately ?
We can probably use Mine Train as an example, since it has a bunch of different components. The show building, foundation, queue area, and track are likely all 25 years. I'd guess ten years on the vehicles and animatronics.


Well-Known Member
Well when you are already at the extreme end... you can afford to change and still end up in the middle where you belong :)

The bureaucracy is what's killing Disney. So many layers of management, it's killing them.

Rather than killing their product & guest experience, they should weed out middle management. I've heard some horrible stories from Celebration....


Well-Known Member
I see so many posts that are a one-sided conversation about how someone is being a ridiculous troll. Then I remember. Y'all, the ignore feature is really great.

I really hope we start to see some changes soon. It's one thing to say they're making a change and another to actual enact that change. I don't see how they can keep going another 1-2 years of this sluggish pace. Some of my less-informed friends think SWL is already done. The marketing for the new "experiences" at MGM has been phenomenal (and a big 'ol trap if you ask me).

Mike S

Well-Known Member
I see so many posts that are a one-sided conversation about how someone is being a ridiculous troll. Then I remember. Y'all, the ignore feature is really great.

I really hope we start to see some changes soon. It's one thing to say they're making a change and another to actual enact that change. I don't see how they can keep going another 1-2 years of this sluggish pace. Some of my less-informed friends think SWL is already done. The marketing for the new "experiences" at MGM has been phenomenal (and a big 'ol trap if you ask me).
Suckers are born every minute.


Well-Known Member
Suckers are born every minute.

It's crazy, because I noticed every single MGM sign on I-4 has now been changed to be one about SW. I mean, I don't blame them at all, but it also makes me wonder how many people have been duped into buying a day of admission to that park without knowing the full extent of what it has to offer. Some folks love it, though. I see happy faces on people dancing in front of the Chinese Theater and it makes me happy to see people having a good time at WDW. I also think: "man, you spent $100 to ride 5 rides."


Darth Sidious

Authentically Disney Distinctly Chinese
In their financial reports, Disney discloses that typical Parks & Resorts capital expenditures are depreciated over 25 to 40 years using the straight line method.

There might be capex from DHS's original opening (1989) that are still being depreciated. Star Tours and Tower of Terror (which opened a bit later) are examples of attractions where at least some of their costs might still be being depreciated.

MyMagic+ was unusual because Disney warned that these expenditures would depreciate much more rapidly.

Different asset classes. Likely 5, years... Did they mention the depreciation rate or years?


Well-Known Member
Slightly changing the subject, but I bring it up here because this has been an ongoing topic of discussion of previous Spirit threads... The 400+ acre Universal land buy recently confirmed early this year along Universal Drive near the convention center.

Since this land is not contiguous with itself, the Wet and Wild property, and its core property, how will they "connect" it? Are they still in talks with Sea World?

I just last night learned about this while researching the recent land acquisitions of Disney around DLR. Whatever Disney does with DL seems to always have parallel moves by Universal in Orlando. So, I was curious if Universal was also on a property buying spree here. Sure enough, I then discovered that bit of news that I had somehow missed before.

What is the current speculation of what Uni is up to? I know in the past, we were expecting more land grabs by Uni.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
File this one under the "Any good manager can manage anything" philosophy prevalent at many corporations today.

The reality is that this mantra is often used by executives who want to think of themselves and their inner circle as brilliant masters of the universe.

Organizations sometimes crash-and-burn with these types of "leaders" while convenient scapegoats are nearly always found.

I just don't get this mentality. Sure, every once in a while it is true. But in the vast majority of cases, it just isn't. Running a chain of athletic shoe and clothing stores isn't a good tune up to run an airline. Running a city water department successfully doesn't mean you can run a children's medical center. Running a chain of delis doesn't equate with running an NBA franchise.

You think those are wild examples? Sure they are. But so is the idea that someone who has been working in retail/consumer products, someone who not only hasn't worked a day in theme parks and resorts but hasn't any burning passion for them is suddenly running Disney's worldwide empire.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Well, for the first time in my life I have seen a DLP commercial on German TV aimed at the German market ... with adults and older kids. Angie says she hasn't seen one in many, many years. Again, I am sure this has nothing to do with Disney's ownership and control of Euro Disney SCA.

BTW, much of the marketing I saw when at the resort and around Paris pushed the idea that DLP wasn't just for kids ... there were ads to that affect. Funny how in the USA, especially FL, Disney has become synonymous with ''OK for special needs 7-year-olds'' while in Europe Disney knows that being considered just entertainment for brats will kill it.


Resident Curmudgeon
I see so many posts that are a one-sided conversation about how someone is being a ridiculous troll. Then I remember. Y'all, the ignore feature is really great.

I really hope we start to see some changes soon. It's one thing to say they're making a change and another to actual enact that change. I don't see how they can keep going another 1-2 years of this sluggish pace. Some of my less-informed friends think SWL is already done. The marketing for the new "experiences" at MGM has been phenomenal (and a big 'ol trap if you ask me).

The marketing is surely going to disappoint many people who book their trip to WDW before 2020 or so when they find the only 'Star Wars' at the 'Home of Star Wars' is ST 2.0, A shop,JTA, Launch Bay and a fireworks show with a SW sound track,


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Sorry Spirit... It had no place in decent, fair and unbiased discussion. Justify it if you must, but, it was in all areas an inappropriate topic. It was mean spirited and only done with a strong and almost scary desire to discredit someone because they currently have a lifestyle that some don't agree with.

We have a working justice system in this country. One that I went to war to defend. Not the system of self imposed judge and jury that this smacked of completely. It doesn't matter what you or your buddies think about the personality or morals of someone else as long as that particular malady does not effect you at all. If you are concerned about how he might influence others, well, how about each individual accepting responsibility for their own inability to know who to listen too.

BTW, I haven't been discussing it, I have been responding in a manner to end the foolishness. You are the one continuing it, I suspect because of an agenda.

No, it wasn't. It was perfectly acceptable. I don't wish to keep discussing it, but you aren't going to let it go and you aren't getting the last word here on it. @Lee is many things including one of the best men I know. There wasn't a thing mean-spirited about it. He put facts out and talked about how it related to Disney's unending campaign to make insignificant people more important by using them in social media. Oh, and FWIW, today's folks at TWDC had NO CLUE about what had happened in the 90s. People have have had to answer questions about said individual.

But if anyone was treated wrongly here it was Lee, who was just putting out information he came across. And many of the people did it quite hatefully (which I get all the time here but it still was wrong ...) Now, if you want to talk more about this, feel free to PM him, me, @wdwmagic or anyone else. But I don't want it clogging up my thread's plumbing like high quality TP would if Disney ever used it!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Yup, sorry to crush your image of my antiquated self, but spent close to a month touring around via plane, mostly train, subways and walking then finished it off with a trans-Atlantic cruise back to Florida.

That does shock me as I recall you saying you had no desire to travel outside the USA and even complained about Japan in the 60s (when I believe you were fighting the Vietnam War). So, yes, I am shocked that you went overseas and visited other nations ... I guess it shows that anyone is capable of growing. Good for you!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
6 times!?! How did you manage that? I could barely get a FP for it when I was there.

It, obviously, depends on when you visit. Our visit was the first week of January, but the tail end. We got one free FP per day as part of the Golden Forest Club (used twice on the Rat and twice on Peter Pan), plus they have a single rider's line that made it a walk on even when there was an hour wait.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand the Value hotel bashing. We stayed at All Star Music mid-Dec and not only are the hotels on-site, but they were the cheapest option for at least 10 miles around Disney. We paid roughly 80 per night for the week.

I agree that they are Motel 6 / Super 8 style rooms and they get insanely beat up during their use. We were there during two different student competitions and the amount of inside and outside painting, cleaning and maintenance that had to happen (and was completed within 24 hours) due to abuse was shocking.

Those hotels serve a specific purpose and are priced in line with competition (and sometimes better).

I don't know why folks try to propagate this myth that there are tons of quality options near and around property that are cheaper / better than the values. (Now the moderates and deluxes are a different story entirely).
We stayed at POP, absolutely loved it. Great for the kids, we were very close to the lobby/dining hall and the room, while small, easily accommodated us. For the amount of time we spent in our rooms, it was perfect. Now, that being said, AKL was a much nicer hotel do get what you pay for. I actually preferred our experience at POP over CBR.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Since you have decided to show up after months of obscurity I suppose I'll do the same. Unfortunately i cannot bring good news, at least when it comes to Nintendo. In the past few months budgets have been slashed dramatically. I would definitely not expect Potter level theming here. What initially made the major E ticket so exciting has now become a "play it safe" project. The good news is the push for fewer screens is still happening however. Maybe there is still some hope that Creative Will pull another rabbit out of their hat without the supervision of a Warner Bros. The way things look now I'm not holding out as much hope for Nintendo as I was three months ago. As you have accurately pointed out top management at Creative is sorely lacking.

I have heard the UNI Wand Wavers (should I copyright that?) really didn't appreciate your honesty. Theme parks were so much better when fans didn't have an online outlet (or countless ones) to express their feelings (and ignorance).

Based on what I am hearing about Beijing (no, they have learned absolutely nothing from Disney's Shanghai Surprise), I am not at all surprised to hear budgets are being cut on Nintendo.

It is so funny that Williams, Coup, Woodbury and Co. never get the heat that Disney's P&R folks and Imagineers take ... when they are just as bad if not worse. The sad reality is that there is more talent floating around or working for smaller design firms today than at WDI and Creative combined.


Well-Known Member
That does shock me as I recall you saying you had no desire to travel outside the USA and even complained about Japan in the 60s (when I believe you were fighting the Vietnam War). So, yes, I am shocked that you went overseas and visited other nations ... I guess it shows that anyone is capable of growing. Good for you!
That's my second trip to Europe. I was there in the mid 60's as well when I was in college. You might be surprised at the places I have been and the things I've seen. I was a jet setter when the phrase was new. I had no huge desire because I am older now and no longer have the energy or the cash income that I did when I was younger. However, an opportunity came up and I was up to the challenge. Had a great time, but, like before I have no desire to ever do it again. And that is a sign of experience, my growing was done a long time ago.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
@WDW1974 It's lovely to see you back here on the forum, and it was even better seeing you again this past summer in Los Angeles!

I don't know if I've told you, but the thought of Star Wars Land (what an awful name) in Disneyland makes me sick, so the next time you're in Southern California, we're going to have to come up with a different plan that doesn't include Disneyland LOL. DTLA? Century City? Universal (I've actually accumulated even more Front of the Line passes since I last saw you, right before I quit, ironically)? Your pick.

It was lovely seeing you for FAR too brief a time. And I am here as time and events permit.

I doubt it will be Star Wars Land in the end. It will be something longer (lamer?) like Pandora: The World of Avatar. ... I too haven't felt this sick about anything Disney has done ... in Anaheim. SW has no place and no point there beyond Bob Iger and his ego. ... But, hey, it seems like Disney execs get up in the morning and say ''What things that Spirit loves can we destroy today?'' ... I'm pretty disgusted over what they have done, and are doing, at the WL right now. ... Who cares that you don't see trees and a forest ... real wilderness ... from your villas anymore? Now you can look over suckers paying even more to have a cabin on the water.

I will be out there in 2016. When? I have no idea right now. I've been off continent since December with Angie!

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