The Should I or Should I Not Write a Trip Report for a Solo Trip to Disneyland

Okay, I was torn! I wasn’t sure this short little solo trip was worth a report! Then I ended up with some time on my hands and decided I could do a quick one. I didn’t take a single note, so this is all off memory and photos!

And when I say photos, I mean a gazillion photos. This was a photo trip and I took close to 2000. It is taking me forever to process them all. So while this was a short trip and I finished the text quickly, it may take a while to get it all up because of the photos.

Who: Well just me!! A solo trip was something new for me. I’ve done several trips without my family – travel agent education trips, cheap last minute girl’s cruises, etc. But all by my lonesome? Never! Here I am!


But the truth was, I needed to go and no one else could get away with me kind of last minute. I’ve been a Disneyland blog contributor for lately and I haven’t been since February! I was starting to feel out of touch with my beloved Disneyland. I was also running out of pictures!!

That was another reason I hesitated to bring a friend. My primary goal was to check on some things and take a gazillion pictures. Rides weren’t even on my radar – much. :D I knew I probably wouldn’t be the most fun traveling companion with these goals, so solo it was!

It was also much cheaper that way. One plane ticket with hubby’s frequent flyer miles, one comp ticket, and a military discount on a room. Score!

Disneyland during the holidays is really something else. In my opinion, they put WDW’s decorations to shame. The decorations at Disneyland are so extensive it’s amazing, but it’s a lot more than that! The special snacks and desserts, the live reindeer at Santa’s ranch, the snow on Main Street, and the list goes on. The ride overlays of Haunted Mansion and Small World are worth the trip alone. Disneyland doesn't just throw some garland on the rides. They overlays are extensive to say the least. It’s really something every Disney fan should experience at least once.

My parents flew in to take over my main job, while my hubby brings home the bacon, driving the kids back and forth to school and various youth group activities, sports practices and games. My almost 17 year old still does not have his driver’s license. It’s a mixture of a few things. One, the most surprising for us, is the lack of excitement about it. When we turned 15 we went that very day to start the process! Today it seems like ds and his friends just don’t care much. Probably because they’ve still got their mom to drive them everywhere. :lookaroun There’s also been a big problem getting Virginia to accept his Colorado permit and Drivers Ed which we paid $800 for, 32 hours in a classroom and spent over 40 hours behind the wheel. Virginia is insisting he needs to take their Drivers Ed for $300, 36 more classroom hours and spend 40 more training hours behind the wheel. Um. No. Don’t have time and not worth it. The third reason is my complete terror of my son driving in DC. I mean, it’s crazy here. There are no quiet back roads. Everywhere we go is on a major highway or interstate that is packed from 5 am to around midnight. I’m in no hurry for him to be driving around on his own here. No hurry at all.

Sorry, back to the trip report. Dad and Mom came to take over for me and I was off!

Saturday, November 12 – Departure Day

I didn’t want to leave to early so I could spend a little time with Dad and Mom. They came in late Thursday night so we did get to spend Friday exploring DC together. My flight didn’t leave until noon. I crammed everything into a carry on so I wouldn’t have to pay the accursed bag fees.

Once we got to the airport, I made a horrible mistake. I had a few books on my kindle app on the ipad that I had saved up to read on all the upcoming trips. I don’t let myself read much, unless I’m traveling, for one reason. I get completely obsessed with books. I mean I can not put them down. When I start a good one, I will stay up until all hours of the night so I can finish it. So when I picked a book to start, let’s just say I chose poorly.

Dd had read The Hunger Games series on her kindle several months ago. I didn’t do much checking before she bought it, just because I’d heard so many good reviews. At one point we asked her what it was about. When she told us it was about teenagers who had to fight to the death as a sacrifice for their community -:eek: - I was feeling serious parent guilt! Oh my word! Should she have read that? Should I have read them before I let her?

Well I didn’t and was finally getting around to it now. I thought it would be a quick read and I could get it over with so I’d enjoy the movie more when it was released.

Oh. My. Word.

That book was so incredibly totally awesome. I could NOT put it down!! That’s not a way to start a Disney trip!! I had a lot to do and I didn’t want anything else competing for my attention at Disneyland, but I knew this book series was going to.

That’s a crazy long flight from Dulles to LAX. I mean crazy long. Like 6 hours? The movie was Rise of the Planet of the Apes, which I’d seen before. I really enjoyed it the first time, but was I going to put down Hunger Games to watch it? No way!

I was actually a little sad when the plane landed. When my plane landed at Disney, I was a little sad. How many kinds of wrong is that? :cry:

I did force myself to put it down and deplaned with everyone else. I lucked out, there was a Disneyland Express Shuttle waiting and I got right on.

The front of the resort is a wreck right now. The bus couldn’t even get up next to the resort to drop us off. We literally had to drag our bags, in the rain, through a parking lot to get to an entrance. Since I had tons of camera equipment and everything for 3 nights crammed into my backpack and rolling bag, this was no easy task.

The entrance wasn’t easy to find either! Another couple had been dropped off with me and we ended up going in a side entrance near the convention center. I was a little turned around but I knew we hadn’t come in near the lobby. I asked someone who was setting up for a convention if she happened to know where the lobby was. She acted completely offended that I had asked her. She said, "I don’t work here!" Alright. Thanks! :shrug:

We finally went out of the building and I recognized where we were. I told the other couple to follow me and we made our way to the check in desks.

I have had a few instances at the Disneyland Hotel where dragging suitcases from the back of the parking lot to the far away room was sheer torture and I was ready to slap my grandma by the time we found our room. This was one of those times. I needed to refind some Disney cheer when I got to my room.

My first reaction was – shoot. I’m alone! This is kind of sad. My second was, it’s okay! It’s Disney!

The redone rooms at the Disneyland Hotel are really beautiful. The headboard is – dare I say it – just magical. When you turn it on, the fireworks light up and music plays. I loved it. I wanted to sleep with it on every night.

One slight benefit to being alone – no one to mess up the room before you can take pictures!





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Who doesn't want to build a bear that has Downtown Disney written on one foot and a mouse on the other?!!



Vinylmations! Love em!






I bought some Star Wars Vinylmations!



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I also stopped and got one of my family’s favorite snacks – pretzel bites!



Reason #112 why I miss living in California. Birds of Paradise:


I read, recharged and downloaded.


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That's it for now! Hopefully I'll get the rest done before we leave for Colorado for Christmas Monday afternoon!! If not - well it's going to be a while. :)

Crush Dude!

Back from WDW!Counting down to DLP in November!
That's it for now! Hopefully I'll get the rest done before we leave for Colorado for Christmas Monday afternoon!! If not - well it's going to be a while. :)

Fingers crossed :ROFLOL:

Hope to see more soon loving all the pics!

If not, have a great holiday weekend :wave:


Active Member
now tammy, haven't we after knowing you for all these years, haven't we taught you priorities by now? :ROFLOL:

and i see my purse up there. i want that purse so bad. that bird of paradise is beautiful. love the build a bear, do they have them in disney world? i never noticed them.

looking for to the rest.


Well-Known Member

I have only gotten through 2 pages (actually started last week :eek: but haven't had time to catch up!) but I wanted to say I think it is totally okay that your son isn't driving yet. I was one of those kids who couldn't wait until I could drive myself, but my mom, my brother, and several other friends and relatives of mine were all so 'I'll get to it when I get to it' about it. At the time I couldn't understand it - "Why don't you want your freedom, WHY?" :confused::lol: But now, I totally get it - they just weren't in a hurry. I also think it speaks volumes about what awesome parents you are - he's not wanting to run away from you as fast as he possibly can. :D

As always, stunning photography. Makes me want to visit Disneyland. One day! I thought 2012 would be the year, but it seems like several (hundred?) thousand people, both on this board and on others, have the same idea...... so I thought maybe we'd wait for the crowds to thin out a bit? :animwink:

Thanks for posting! I can't wait to get caught up!:wave:


Well-Known Member
Little Mermaid is your favorite, Jess? I had no idea!:lol:

It was super cute!


I wish they had a build-a-bear in Downtown Disney in WDW! I would totally get that Downtown Disney bear and the white one with the Mickey's so cute! I'm a sucker for stuffed animals especially Disney ones!!!


Well-Known Member

Wow. If that doesn't make you a believer the DL does it up more than WDW, nothing will.

Well, and this.

I made a visit to one of my favorite attractions at Disneyland. The Zoetrope:


There is no way to really describe a zoetrope. Basically there are several rings of character statues that show a progression of movement. When the rings start spinning and the lights start flashing, it looks like all the characters have started moving.

There are some good videos on youtube I’m sure.

Trust me, it is absolutely fascinating to watch. I listened to a little girl trying to convince her parents that everything was really moving for quite a while.

Just looked up a few youtube videos of the zoetrope. Totally fascinating! I love how the aliens jump into a black 'hole.' Question - is there also a strobe light when it spins? Or is that just 10000000 people taking a picture with a flash each time?

I caught the monorail this time. Disneyland’s monorails are awesome. Disney World’s seriously need updating.






Wow. Just wow. I don't want to become a 'complainer' but that makes WDW monorails look sad.

Where is this? So cool! :xmas:


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Fingers crossed :ROFLOL:

Hope to see more soon loving all the pics!

If not, have a great holiday weekend :wave:

Thanks, Crush! We're in Colorado now. I keep waking up on Colorado time so maybe I can use extra time in the morning to finish the last bit up! We'll see.:)

now tammy, haven't we after knowing you for all these years, haven't we taught you priorities by now? :ROFLOL:

and i see my purse up there. i want that purse so bad. that bird of paradise is beautiful. love the build a bear, do they have them in disney world? i never noticed them.

looking for to the rest.

No Build a Bear at WDW. They do have T-Rex of course, but no bears.

Thanks, Louella!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster

I have only gotten through 2 pages (actually started last week :eek: but haven't had time to catch up!) but I wanted to say I think it is totally okay that your son isn't driving yet. I was one of those kids who couldn't wait until I could drive myself, but my mom, my brother, and several other friends and relatives of mine were all so 'I'll get to it when I get to it' about it. At the time I couldn't understand it - "Why don't you want your freedom, WHY?" :confused::lol: But now, I totally get it - they just weren't in a hurry. I also think it speaks volumes about what awesome parents you are - he's not wanting to run away from you as fast as he possibly can. :D

As always, stunning photography. Makes me want to visit Disneyland. One day! I thought 2012 would be the year, but it seems like several (hundred?) thousand people, both on this board and on others, have the same idea...... so I thought maybe we'd wait for the crowds to thin out a bit? :animwink:

Thanks for posting! I can't wait to get caught up!:wave:

Thank you, Erin! Maybe it is good that he doesn't mind me driving him all over. I do feel like we get a lot of good talking done in the car. :)

:lol:I think 2012 will be crazy for a while after Cars Land opens! I'll be there!:)


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Original Poster

I wish they had a build-a-bear in Downtown Disney in WDW! I would totally get that Downtown Disney bear and the white one with the Mickey's so cute! I'm a sucker for stuffed animals especially Disney ones!!!

I know, isn't that bear so cute!! I love them!

Just looked up a few youtube videos of the zoetrope. Totally fascinating! I love how the aliens jump into a black 'hole.' Question - is there also a strobe light when it spins? Or is that just 10000000 people taking a picture with a flash each time?

Wow. Just wow. I don't want to become a 'complainer' but that makes WDW monorails look sad.

Where is this? So cool! :xmas:

Isn't the Zoetrope awesome! I love the black hole too. That is a strobe light. People are always taking pictures which is pretty funny to watch. Because of the way the strobe light works, it looks like the scene is lit all the time. But if you catch the strobe light off, your picture is black. People take a picture and stand there forever trying to figure out why the picture in their display is completely black!:lol:

I know. The monorails at Disneyland put WDW's to shame.

I forgot to say where that is! It's in the Disney Animation building down on the backlot. The Animation building has a huge lobby with screens displaying animation up above and music playing. From the lobby you can go into the Animation Academy and take a drawing class. You can go into another room and see the Zoetrope. You can go into another area to queue up for Turtle Talk with Crush. And lastly, you can go into the Sorcerer's Workshop where you walk through some interactive rooms. In one there are come cool animation devices to play with. Things you spin and see the drawings come to life. In another room called Ursulas Grotto, you are basically doing some karaoke with characters on screen. In the last room which I have a picture of, you go into Beasts library. There you use the storybooks to find out your true Disney character.

The whole building is really neat and you can spend a ton of time in there!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for this awesome TR! I'm glad you did write it!

Great pictures. This makes me more determined to get to DLR. I love all the pictures of the "popcorn dudes"!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks for this awesome TR! I'm glad you did write it!

Great pictures. This makes me more determined to get to DLR. I love all the pictures of the "popcorn dudes"!

Fractal!! Thank you for reading! I really think most people will love Disneyland, so the more people I can encourage to go, the better! :)

I like the popcorn dudes too.:D
I just love your room and that headboard...WOW! Just gorgeous!

I just have to say, like so many others here have said, your pictures are just stunning. When I've expressed my desire to go to DL, so many have said, "You'll be disappointed if you've been to WDW." Looking at your pics, I can't see at all how I would be disappointed! Different, yes. Smaller, yes. But, still Disney in all its glory!

Oh, one other thought. I've often wondered if I could do a solo trip. I never really thought I could but after seeing your pics and reading your TR, I really think I could.

So glad you shared your trip and your pics! :sohappy: Looking forward to reading more.


Well-Known Member
I just love your room and that headboard...WOW! Just gorgeous!

I just have to say, like so many others here have said, your pictures are just stunning. When I've expressed my desire to go to DL, so many have said, "You'll be disappointed if you've been to WDW." Looking at your pics, I can't see at all how I would be disappointed! Different, yes. Smaller, yes. But, still Disney in all its glory!

Oh, one other thought. I've often wondered if I could do a solo trip. I never really thought I could but after seeing your pics and reading your TR, I really think I could.

So glad you shared your trip and your pics! :sohappy: Looking forward to reading more.

Definitely visit. I had hear the same thing too and I was so pleasantly surprised (plus, I got to tour with Tammy aka DisneyFalcon, as part of a travel agent training, so having her around was awesome). But seriously. Do it. It's a beautiful place. I've been aching to go back. DH got me Disneyland Adventures for the Kinect and it is not helping my missing of DL! Nor is Tammy's report lol!
Definitely visit. I had hear the same thing too and I was so pleasantly surprised (plus, I got to tour with Tammy aka DisneyFalcon, as part of a travel agent training, so having her around was awesome). But seriously. Do it. It's a beautiful place. I've been aching to go back. DH got me Disneyland Adventures for the Kinect and it is not helping my missing of DL! Nor is Tammy's report lol!

Thanks! I think I really MUST go! Unfortunately, it'll have to go on the list after:

1) Cruise on the Dream (maybe in '12)
2) Visit WDW again to see the FLE. (maybe in '13)
3) VISIT DISNEYLAND! ('14? :()

Oh, how is Disneyland Adventures for Kinect? I was wondering. DD wants it badly!


Well-Known Member
Thanks! I think I really MUST go! Unfortunately, it'll have to go on the list after:

1) Cruise on the Dream (maybe in '12)
2) Visit WDW again to see the FLE. (maybe in '13)
3) VISIT DISNEYLAND! ('14? :()

Oh, how is Disneyland Adventures for Kinect? I was wondering. DD wants it badly!

My next to do is a cruise on the Fantasy in the fall :) Can't wait. Well, after my next visit to WDW in January!

It is a great game! And so detailed and accurate as far as set up of the park and how things look. The music you hear, the people walking by. You can hear pieces of conversations as you walk by people such as "Well I want to get a seat for the parade" or "Have you seen the Yeti on the Matterhorn?". It's just about as close as you can get without really being there. We collected autographs, found dinglehoppers for Ariel, got pictures with the characters. It's so much fun. Definitely worth the money!


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I just love your room and that headboard...WOW! Just gorgeous!

I just have to say, like so many others here have said, your pictures are just stunning. When I've expressed my desire to go to DL, so many have said, "You'll be disappointed if you've been to WDW." Looking at your pics, I can't see at all how I would be disappointed! Different, yes. Smaller, yes. But, still Disney in all its glory!

Oh, one other thought. I've often wondered if I could do a solo trip. I never really thought I could but after seeing your pics and reading your TR, I really think I could.

So glad you shared your trip and your pics! :sohappy: Looking forward to reading more.

Isn't the headboard awesome! I just loved it.

I agree with Jess, you will not be disappointed. It's smaller in size, but it packs so much in!

A solo trip was definitely different for me. I certainly would rather go with my friends and family, but I enjoyed not feeling like I was holding anybody back when I was just doing what I wanted!:)

Definitely visit. I had hear the same thing too and I was so pleasantly surprised (plus, I got to tour with Tammy aka DisneyFalcon, as part of a travel agent training, so having her around was awesome). But seriously. Do it. It's a beautiful place. I've been aching to go back. DH got me Disneyland Adventures for the Kinect and it is not helping my missing of DL! Nor is Tammy's report lol!

That was so fun! :)

We've been playing Disneyland Adventures the last few days. It's super fun! It's amazing how much you can feel like you're there!


Well-Known Member

I spy with my little eye....pineapple spears!!!! And veggies w/ranch!!!! :slurp: Favorite snacks that my hips don't love to hate so much....

I looooove these tea cups! Oh! Look! I got that bag for Christmas! Needed the sketch in a bigger size. Now to sell my smaller tassle sketch bag. Being a girl can be so much work sometimes. :D

Absolutely loving the pictures, Tammy. You have me soooo pumped to get there!

So the XBox Kinect game is good??? Will it help me get my bearings better before I go to DL??? Dang! I'd have to buy a new XBox (ours is so old it's not compatible with Kinect) plus the Kinect plus the game, tho. Maybe it'd be better to spend that money taking a solo recon trip instead....... :cool:

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