The Proposals


I'd like to redo Star Wars: The Last Jedi

While I could spend all day redoing the sequels, instead I'd rather use as many established themes and scenes as possible, but connect them differently than what we actually got, so that we could have an Episode IX that doesn't have to rush several plots to finish the trilogy. So what I'm going to do is connect the two films together...calling it....

Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Rise of Skywalker

The film opens the same as (minus the yo mama jokes) and after Finn wakes up from the coma, it then cuts to Rey on the island. Rey hands Luke the lightsaber, he sees the Falcon on the coastline, and Luke asks Rey "where's Han".

Cut back to the First Order tracking Leia's ship, same as before --- Kylo hesitates blowing it up because his mother's on it. But instead of other ships blowing it up, his hesitation gives the Resistance enough time to track coordinates to an old Rebel base off the First Order's radar; Kijimi.

Kylo's failure to capture the ship brings him in front of Snoke who scolds him for being unbalanced. In rage, Kylo kills Snoke.

Kylo heads to his grandfather's castle on Mustafar, discovers his grandfather's wayfinder, and goes to Exegol. The scene plays out as is

Cut back to the island, Luke explains to Rey with a series of flashbacks why he had to go into isolation on the island. This will be similar to Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, when Dumbledore taught Harry about Voldemort through flashbacks. These flashbacks are intertwined with training, which Luke reluctantly accepts after Rey tells him it's his sister's wishes.

The first flashback is Luke training Leia on Dagobah before Ben's birth where Luke show's Rey Leia's saber.

Second flashback is Ben Solo as a child going along with Luke on a quest to find relics across the galaxy, and they return to his grandfather's tomb, and Ben wants to keep the chard helmet. Luke tries to tell Ben that his father turned back to the light, and Ben says he wants to keep it so he knows what *not* to become.

Cut back to the Resistance landing in their base on Kijimi, Finn tries to escape the base to find Rey, but is intercepted by Rose. Leia and Poe try to find allies to assist them, since Leia believes it won't be long until her son finds them.

First training scene on the rock - same as before where Rey jumps to the darkness; That night Rey and Kylo have their first force Skype moment.

Finn, Poe, and Rose have a mission to find an old outpost on Kijimi that can transmit signals to the 'allies' in the Outer Rim. They begin to get closer and have discussions about their place in the galaxy as Resistance vs First Order as Finn reveals he was a stormtrooper.

The third flashback is Ben telling Luke there's a voice inside his head. You can see through his trips with Luke, Ben found many relics including a wayfinder. But given Luke's academy at this point had become larger, he couldn't give as much attention to his nephew as a teacher as he could in the beginning. Luke felt that his nephew was missing Leia but after dismissing it for what he claims was hubris, Ben turned on Luke and took others with him to burn down the Academy to join the First Order.

Finn, Poe, and Rose find a local village. Poe finds an old flame Zorii Bliss and she helps the trio find the Outpost, but the signal is intercepted by Kylo.

Second training scene is the same where Luke explains how the legacy of the Jedi in the prequels was failure which transitions into the 3rd (deleted) training scene

After this Kylo reaches out to Rey, Luke senses this and break up their call, the Rey vs Luke fight ensues, Rey says her friends are in trouble, and Luke tries to tell her it's a trap. He watches the Millennium Falcon leave. Luke has his conversation with force ghost Yoda.

AT-ATs arrive on Kijimi, a battle ensues, and stormtroopers enter the snowy village. On the ground battle, Captain Phasma corners Finn and Rose interferes to save him. Rose is injured in the fight before Phasma has to retreat. Zorii and Poe fly X-wings and take out tie-fighters as Chewy arrives with the Millennium Falcon and Rey to help in the fight, with Rey docking in Kylo's ship before Chewy pilots down to the ground.

Kylo and Rey force skype lightsaber battle, as he forces Rey to have flashbacks to her parents she wasn't prepared for.

Kylo finds out where she is, and tells her - she is a Palpatine. This leaves her distraught before the Millennium Falcon arrives to save Rey and and blasts off with only a few other Resistance ships.

Palpatine orders Kijimi to be destroyed now that the Final Order is ready.

Rey, on the Millennium Falcon is consoled by Leia and all her friends as it blasts off to light speed.

The film ends back on Ahch-To, Luke is meditating on a rock presumably after his conversation with Yoda, and you hear the water below the island begin to shake as he lifts his X-wing out of the water

---End Credits---​
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Well-Known Member
I'd like to redo Star Wars: The Last Jedi

While I could spend all day redoing the sequels, instead I'd rather use as many established themes and scenes as possible, but connect them differently than what we actually got, so that we could have an Episode IX that doesn't have to rush several plots to finish the trilogy. So what I'm going to do is connect the two films together...calling it....

Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Rise of Skywalker

The film opens the same as (minus the yo mama jokes) and after Finn wakes up from the coma, it then cuts to Rey on the island. Rey hands Luke the lightsaber, he sees the Falcon on the coastline, and Luke asks Rey "where's Han".

Cut back to the First Order tracking Leia's ship, same as before --- Kylo hesitates blowing it up because his mother's on it. But instead of other ships blowing it up, his hesitation gives the Resistance enough time to track coordinates to an old Rebel base off the First Order's radar; Kijimi.

Kylo's failure to capture the ship brings him in front of Snoke who scolds him for being unbalanced. In rage, Kylo kills Snoke.

Kylo heads to his grandfather's castle on Mustafar, discovers his grandfather's wayfinder, and goes to Exegol. The scene plays out as is

Cut back to the island, Luke explains to Rey with a series of flashbacks why he had to go into isolation on the island. This will be similar to Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, when Dumbledore taught Harry about Voldemort through flashbacks. These flashbacks are intertwined with training, which Luke reluctantly accepts after Rey tells him it's his sister's wishes.

The first flashback is Luke training Leia on Dagobah before Ben's birth where Luke show's Rey Leia's saber.

Second flashback is Ben Solo as a child going along with Luke on a quest to find relics across the galaxy, and they return to his grandfather's tomb, and Ben wants to keep the chard helmet. Luke tries to tell Ben that his father turned back to the light, and Ben says he wants to keep it so he knows what *not* to become.

Cut back to the Resistance landing in their base on Kijimi, Finn tries to escape the base to find Rey, but is intercepted by Rose. Leia and Poe try to find allies to assist them, since Leia believes it won't be long until her son finds them.

First training scene on the rock - same as before where Rey jumps to the darkness; That night Rey and Kylo have their first force Skype moment.

Finn, Poe, and Rose have a mission to find an old outpost on Kijimi that can transmit signals to the 'allies' in the Outer Rim. They begin to get closer and have discussions about their place in the galaxy as Resistance vs First Order as Finn reveals he was a stormtrooper.

The third flashback is Ben telling Luke there's a voice inside his head. You can see through his trips with Luke, Ben found many relics including a wayfinder. But given Luke's academy at this point had become larger, he couldn't give as much attention to his nephew as a teacher as he could in the beginning. Luke felt that his nephew was missing Leia but after dismissing it for what he claims was hubris, Ben turned on Luke and took others with him to burn down the Academy to join the First Order.

Finn, Poe, and Rose find a local village. Poe finds an old flame Zorii Bliss and she helps the trio find the Outpost, but the signal is intercepted by Kylo.

Second training scene is the same where Luke explains how the legacy of the Jedi in the prequels was failure which transitions into the 3rd (deleted) training scene

After this Kylo reaches out to Rey, Luke senses this and break up their call, the Rey vs Luke fight ensues, Rey says her friends are in trouble, and Luke tries to tell her it's a trap. He watches the Millennium Falcon leave. Luke has his conversation with force ghost Yoda.

AT-ATs arrive on Kijimi, a battle ensues, and stormtroopers enter the snowy village. On the ground battle, Captain Phasma corners Finn and Rose interferes to save him. Rose is injured in the fight before Phasma has to retreat. Zorii and Poe fly X-wings and take out tie-fighters as Chewy arrives with the Millennium Falcon and Rey to help in the fight, with Rey docking in Kylo's ship before Chewy pilots down to the ground.

Kylo and Rey force skype lightsaber battle, as he forces Rey to have flashbacks to her parents she wasn't prepared for.

Kylo finds out where she is, and tells her - she is a Palpatine. This leaves her distraught before the Millennium Falcon arrives to save Rey and and blasts off with only a few other Resistance ships.

Palpatine orders Kijimi to be destroyed now that the Final Order is ready.

Rey, on the Millennium Falcon is consoled by Leia and all her friends as it blasts off to light speed.

The film ends back on Ahch-To, Luke is meditating on a rock presumably after his conversation with Yoda, and you hear the water below the island begin to shake as he lifts his X-wing out of the water

---End Credits---​

Could we get the third Star Wars film in the @spacemt354 at some point 🥺 👉👈


Could we get the third Star Wars film in the @spacemt354 at some point 🥺 👉👈
I can get on that eventually! This was a timely challenge because I just re-watched the sequels and was frustrated because there is so much potential in these -- there is a good movie somewhere within TLJ and RoS (the latter in particular) if it didn't have to zoom around at 100 mph


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Could we get the third Star Wars film in the @spacemt354 at some point 🥺 👉👈
I can get on that eventually! This was a timely challenge because I just re-watched the sequels and was frustrated because there is so much potential in these -- there is a good movie somewhere within TLJ and RoS (the latter in particular) if it didn't have to zoom around at 100 mph
Heck, can we get an original Star Wars film @spacemt354


Well-Known Member
Day 16

We all have that one movie that we just can’t stand. There is so much you would change about it. For me, that is the awful Incredibles 2. I would change almost everything about that movie. Well, you will do the same.

Inside Out Ew GIF by Disney - Find & Share on GIPHY

Your task is to…

Propose something you would change about any Disney, Marvel, Pixar, or Star Wars movie.

It can be anything from animation to live-action and even Disney+ exclusives.

Some reminders:
-You can keep it simple! You don’t have to make a full blown 10 page document on the ride. You can do a couple sentences and/or a few pictures. Whatever you feel comfortable with

-Don’t be scared to share your ideas! Every idea is a good idea

-Have fun with it! Don’t be afraid to think outside the box.

Now get to thinkin’!
There is one Disney movie that sticks in my craw: Tomorrowland. That movie had a brilliant ARG marketing campaign, painting such a picture of Tomorrowland with plenty of backstory. And then the movie comes out...and the fact that none of it is in the film is the least of its problems. It takes way too long to get to Tomorrowland, and once the plot gets there, it does nothing with it and goes against its own point in how the villain is defeated. In short, it needs a definite rewrite to be what I was imagining it might be: essentially, a family-friendly BioShock.



Teenage inventor Casey Newton is brimming with new ideas, but it seems like everyone turns a blind eye to her work. She dreams of reaching the heights with her work, but it seems like no one takes her ideas least, until she discovers a mysterious pin. It guides her to a mysterious machine, one that transports her to a place of her wondrous dreams: Tomorrowland, a pocket dimension home to scientists and artists as a place where they can create free from societal control. Initially, it seems like a wonderland to her, until the cracks are present: the city is falling into disrepair as these geniuses are too consumed with their inventions to handle the day-to-day practical work, and a war is brewing in Tomorrowland. One side is led by David Nix, the current Tomorrowland Commander who believes that Earth does not deserve the help of Tomorrowland, believing that any great work is inevitably corrupted by things like war and greed. The other side is led by Frank Walker, an inventor who thinks Earth is falling to pieces and that Tomorrowland needs to be destroyed. Caught in the middle is Casey, who may just save Tomorrowland if she can show that while it's worth having a space for genius to fly freely, that genius is best served when it can be shared with others.

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Day 16

We all have that one movie that we just can’t stand. There is so much you would change about it. For me, that is the awful Incredibles 2. I would change almost everything about that movie. Well, you will do the same.

Inside Out Ew GIF by Disney - Find & Share on GIPHY

Your task is to…

Propose something you would change about any Disney, Marvel, Pixar, or Star Wars movie.

It can be anything from animation to live-action and even Disney+ exclusives.

Some reminders:
-You can keep it simple! You don’t have to make a full blown 10 page document on the ride. You can do a couple sentences and/or a few pictures. Whatever you feel comfortable with

-Don’t be scared to share your ideas! Every idea is a good idea

-Have fun with it! Don’t be afraid to think outside the box.

Now get to thinkin’!
I'm gonna go with Wreck-it-Ralph 2.

I actually like the internet angle and whole it might not be the most timeless I think it was rather well done. Though I know it's not for everyone.

What I would change is just some character motivations and plot points that clash with the first movie.

First off, Ralph's game is being replaced and that is the incident that sets off the plot. Vannelope has spent here entire life dreaming of being a racer and a real part of Sugar Rush and we had an entire movie showing how leaving your game is bad. Ignoring all of that and just saying she is "bored" is bad.

Ralph is finally content with his life and now his game is gonna be replaced with a new fancy game and everything is getting upended!

Fix-It-Felix is focused on trying to build a new home for the Nicelanders in Game Central station along with Sgt. Calhoun. Their B-Plot actually does get a bit of focus even if it is mostly gags. This is a good place for a bunch of video game characters and references since that was great in the first game and mostly missing here.

Vanellope and Ralph go into the new wi-fi router to go into the internet because that is supposed to be where you can get every question ever answered.

The basic story beats play out similarly. With a few tweaks.

Ralph becomes a meme on accident. And Yesss is just trying to take advantage of him and his new viral status. Not an antagonist, but trying to drive a wedge in between him and Vanellope by building his ego.

Slaughter Race is not the paradise it was in the real movie. Mostly because of micro-transactions and shady business strategies. Gal Gadot's character is similarly trying to drive a wedge between Vanellope and Ralph, but her reason is trying to exploit Vanellope for money.

An actual villain is added. A shadowy, secretive guy who follows them the whole movie. Gathering information and stealing data. Comes across as just a lighthearted "Trouble with a capital T" type conman and a pick pocket at first. Not a good guy. But not anything crazy sinister. But once Ralph and Vanellope start to rebel against the way Yeeesssss and Gal Gadot manipulate and exploit them, he turns more outright sinister and aggressive. If you can't be exploited for data, money, or attention, then the dark side of the internet wants no part of you. No use for you.

So, when Ralph and Vanellope try to spread the message from the first movie (the core message of the franchise: Love yourself, you are special, get some self confidence, be who you are and be happy with it, don't try to be someone else, however you wanna phrase it etc) using Ralph's newfound viral fame and Vanellope's new friends from across the internet (online gamers and Disney characters and all), Gal, Yesss, and the Data Collector unleash a powerful computer virus to try to destroy them. Big Climax. Fight against a trio of new Disney villains. Fun and spectacle and cameos and such.

Felix/Calhoun's story is still mostly just filler and a few fun scenes, but overall you could keep the story beats mostly the same and fix a lot of issues by just tweaking a few plot threads and changing the message/motivations to be more in line with the first movie.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'd like to redo Star Wars: The Last Jedi

While I could spend all day redoing the sequels, instead I'd rather use as many established themes and scenes as possible, but connect them differently than what we actually got, so that we could have an Episode IX that doesn't have to rush several plots to finish the trilogy. So what I'm going to do is connect the two films together...calling it....

Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Rise of Skywalker

The film opens the same as (minus the yo mama jokes) and after Finn wakes up from the coma, it then cuts to Rey on the island. Rey hands Luke the lightsaber, he sees the Falcon on the coastline, and Luke asks Rey "where's Han".

Cut back to the First Order tracking Leia's ship, same as before --- Kylo hesitates blowing it up because his mother's on it. But instead of other ships blowing it up, his hesitation gives the Resistance enough time to track coordinates to an old Rebel base off the First Order's radar; Kijimi.

Kylo's failure to capture the ship brings him in front of Snoke who scolds him for being unbalanced. In rage, Kylo kills Snoke.

Kylo heads to his grandfather's castle on Mustafar, discovers his grandfather's wayfinder, and goes to Exegol. The scene plays out as is

Cut back to the island, Luke explains to Rey with a series of flashbacks why he had to go into isolation on the island. This will be similar to Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, when Dumbledore taught Harry about Voldemort through flashbacks. These flashbacks are intertwined with training, which Luke reluctantly accepts after Rey tells him it's his sister's wishes.

The first flashback is Luke training Leia on Dagobah before Ben's birth where Luke show's Rey Leia's saber.

Second flashback is Ben Solo as a child going along with Luke on a quest to find relics across the galaxy, and they return to his grandfather's tomb, and Ben wants to keep the chard helmet. Luke tries to tell Ben that his father turned back to the light, and Ben says he wants to keep it so he knows what *not* to become.

Cut back to the Resistance landing in their base on Kijimi, Finn tries to escape the base to find Rey, but is intercepted by Rose. Leia and Poe try to find allies to assist them, since Leia believes it won't be long until her son finds them.

First training scene on the rock - same as before where Rey jumps to the darkness; That night Rey and Kylo have their first force Skype moment.

Finn, Poe, and Rose have a mission to find an old outpost on Kijimi that can transmit signals to the 'allies' in the Outer Rim. They begin to get closer and have discussions about their place in the galaxy as Resistance vs First Order as Finn reveals he was a stormtrooper.

The third flashback is Ben telling Luke there's a voice inside his head. You can see through his trips with Luke, Ben found many relics including a wayfinder. But given Luke's academy at this point had become larger, he couldn't give as much attention to his nephew as a teacher as he could in the beginning. Luke felt that his nephew was missing Leia but after dismissing it for what he claims was hubris, Ben turned on Luke and took others with him to burn down the Academy to join the First Order.

Finn, Poe, and Rose find a local village. Poe finds an old flame Zorii Bliss and she helps the trio find the Outpost, but the signal is intercepted by Kylo.

Second training scene is the same where Luke explains how the legacy of the Jedi in the prequels was failure which transitions into the 3rd (deleted) training scene

After this Kylo reaches out to Rey, Luke senses this and break up their call, the Rey vs Luke fight ensues, Rey says her friends are in trouble, and Luke tries to tell her it's a trap. He watches the Millennium Falcon leave. Luke has his conversation with force ghost Yoda.

AT-ATs arrive on Kijimi, a battle ensues, and stormtroopers enter the snowy village. On the ground battle, Captain Phasma corners Finn and Rose interferes to save him. Rose is injured in the fight before Phasma has to retreat. Zorii and Poe fly X-wings and take out tie-fighters as Chewy arrives with the Millennium Falcon and Rey to help in the fight, with Rey docking in Kylo's ship before Chewy pilots down to the ground.

Kylo and Rey force skype lightsaber battle, as he forces Rey to have flashbacks to her parents she wasn't prepared for.

Kylo finds out where she is, and tells her - she is a Palpatine. This leaves her distraught before the Millennium Falcon arrives to save Rey and and blasts off with only a few other Resistance ships.

Palpatine orders Kijimi to be destroyed now that the Final Order is ready.

Rey, on the Millennium Falcon is consoled by Leia and all her friends as it blasts off to light speed.

The film ends back on Ahch-To, Luke is meditating on a rock presumably after his conversation with Yoda, and you hear the water below the island begin to shake as he lifts his X-wing out of the water

---End Credits---​

This is amazing! The sequels are trash to me, but this made it much better. I gave more focus to all the characters and not just Rey Skywalker (her using Skywalker ed me off the most).

There is one Disney movie that sticks in my craw: Tomorrowland. That movie had a brilliant ARG marketing campaign, painting such a picture of Tomorrowland with plenty of backstory. And then the movie comes out...and the fact that none of it is in the film is the least of its problems. It takes way too long to get to Tomorrowland, and once the plot gets there, it does nothing with it and goes against its own point in how the villain is defeated. In short, it needs a definite rewrite to be what I was imagining it might be: essentially, a family-friendly BioShock.



Teenage inventor Casey Newton is brimming with new ideas, but it seems like everyone turns a blind eye to her work. She dreams of reaching the heights with her work, but it seems like no one takes her ideas least, until she discovers a mysterious pin. It guides her to a mysterious machine, one that transports her to a place of her wondrous dreams: Tomorrowland, a pocket dimension home to scientists and artists as a place where they can create free from societal control. Initially, it seems like a wonderland to her, until the cracks are present: the city is falling into disrepair as these geniuses are too consumed with their inventions to handle the day-to-day practical work, and a war is brewing in Tomorrowland. One side is led by David Nix, the current Tomorrowland Commander who believes that Earth does not deserve the help of Tomorrowland, believing that any great work is inevitably corrupted by things like war and greed. The other side is led by Frank Walker, an inventor who thinks Earth is falling to pieces and that Tomorrowland needs to be destroyed. Caught in the middle is Casey, who may just save Tomorrowland if she can show that while it's worth having a space for genius to fly freely, that genius is best served when it can be shared with others.
I'll admit, I haven't seen Tomorrowland, but you made it sound really good. I will have to check the movie out later.

I'm gonna go with Wreck-it-Ralph 2.

I actually like the internet angle and whole it might not be the most timeless I think it was rather well done. Though I know it's not for everyone.

What I would change is just some character motivations and plot points that clash with the first movie.

First off, Ralph's game is being replaced and that is the incident that sets off the plot. Vannelope has spent here entire life dreaming of being a racer and a real part of Sugar Rush and we had an entire movie showing how leaving your game is bad. Ignoring all of that and just saying she is "bored" is bad.

Ralph is finally content with his life and now his game is gonna be replaced with a new fancy game and everything is getting upended!

Fix-It-Felix is focused on trying to build a new home for the Nicelanders in Game Central station along with Sgt. Calhoun. Their B-Plot actually does get a bit of focus even if it is mostly gags. This is a good place for a bunch of video game characters and references since that was great in the first game and mostly missing here.

Vanellope and Ralph go into the new wi-fi router to go into the internet because that is supposed to be where you can get every question ever answered.

The basic story beats play out similarly. With a few tweaks.

Ralph becomes a meme on accident. And Yesss is just trying to take advantage of him and his new viral status. Not an antagonist, but trying to drive a wedge in between him and Vanellope by building his ego.

Slaughter Race is not the paradise it was in the real movie. Mostly because of micro-transactions and shady business strategies. Gal Gadot's character is similarly trying to drive a wedge between Vanellope and Ralph, but her reason is trying to exploit Vanellope for money.

An actual villain is added. A shadowy, secretive guy who follows them the whole movie. Gathering information and stealing data. Comes across as just a lighthearted "Trouble with a capital T" type conman and a pick pocket at first. Not a good guy. But not anything crazy sinister. But once Ralph and Vanellope start to rebel against the way Yeeesssss and Gal Gadot manipulate and exploit them, he turns more outright sinister and aggressive. If you can't be exploited for data, money, or attention, then the dark side of the internet wants no part of you. No use for you.

So, when Ralph and Vanellope try to spread the message from the first movie (the core message of the franchise: Love yourself, you are special, get some self confidence, be who you are and be happy with it, don't try to be someone else, however you wanna phrase it etc) using Ralph's newfound viral fame and Vanellope's new friends from across the internet (online gamers and Disney characters and all), Gal, Yesss, and the Data Collector unleash a powerful computer virus to try to destroy them. Big Climax. Fight against a trio of new Disney villains. Fun and spectacle and cameos and such.

Felix/Calhoun's story is still mostly just filler and a few fun scenes, but overall you could keep the story beats mostly the same and fix a lot of issues by just tweaking a few plot threads and changing the message/motivations to be more in line with the first movie.
I despise WIR2 as well. 2018 was just not a good year for animated movies (except Spider-Verse obviously). I really liked what you did to fix it though. It gave everyone a time to be apart of the movie and not a side character that does nothing, which WIR2 has a lot of those characters.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Day 17

Parades have been a huge thing for Disneyland for decades and decades. Throughout the years there have been countless of different parades that each have their own style to them. Today, you are going to add to the list of parades!

1k mine disneyland Rapunzel ariel cinderella Belle shows minnie tinkerbell  anna parks face characters Disneyedit elsa Fur Characters Parades  mouseofmickey •

Your task is to…

Propose a new parade in a Disney theme park of your choice

Some reminders:
-You can keep it simple! You don’t have to make a full blown 10 page document on the ride. You can do a couple sentences and/or a few pictures. Whatever you feel comfortable with

-Don’t be scared to share your ideas! Every idea is a good idea

-Have fun with it! Don’t be afraid to think outside the box.

Now get to thinkin’!


Well-Known Member
A little late for this one!

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales
An idea I've muddled over for a while. The last Pirates movie was a total shipwreck, with Johnny Depp giving a tired performance for a tired character. Too much and yet too little going on, Will and Elizabeth's return was neat but unnecessary, and Javier Bardem is sadly wasted. This is my outline for how I'd fix things.

--The film takes place 13 years after At World's End. 12-year old Henry Turner, Will and Elizabeth's son, is a tween who wants to break his dad's contract with the Flying Dutchman. Elizabeth has been Governess of Port Royal for years, using her time as the Pirate King to earn the respect of the people and navy. Yet, she naturally misses Will, fearing she grow old and die, and will only be together when she is dead, and though would only be if she dies at sea.

--Henry rows out into the bay, deliberately sinking to the seabed, but is rescued by his father. Will can only escape his role if someone took his place, but most of the crew, including his father Bootstrap Bill, have passed on. He reluctantly tells Henry about Neptune's Trident, a mythical weapon that can control the ocean and all in it, said to be able to break any sea curse. But, it is located in the Bermuda Triangle, the most dreaded location in the Caribbean. Those who venture in never return, and even the Dutchman has had difficulties getting in and out. The only way to get out would have a magical compass. Will shuts up, but Henry realises he'll have to find Captain Jack Sparrow. Will forbids his son to find Jack, but Henry is too stubborn to obey his absent dad.

--Carina Smythe, a young astronomer and academic, arrives in Port Royal. She is bright, witty, though a little haughty, and has a stubborn habit of refusing to believe in things unless she has physical evidence (though God is something she avoids trying to debate over). She is searching for the trident too, or rather, to prove that it doesn't exist, or is a mere relic, rather than a god's tool.

--Her mother Mary Smythe obsessed over the tales of the trident and how it would bring them riches, driving Carina to grow resentful. She possesses a journal detailing the trials of the Bermuda Triangle, as written by her father -- Captain Barbossa.

--Henry meets Carina, and they both plot to track Jack. There is a contrast though; while Henry wishes to save his father out of love, Carina wishes to discredit hers, knowing he was a pirate. Yet, she finds herself going to track down Jack Sparrow. Although she will try to make sense of the supernatural things she encounters on the journey, Carina’s view of the world will become less black-and-white, learning Barbossa isn’t as evil as she imagined, and some things in the world cannot be explained.

--Carina charms Lt. John Scarfield, commander of the Dauntless, who is hunting down pirates, learning Jack has been sighted on Saint Vincent. Scarfield invites Carina to voyage with him, when Carina lies that Jack murdered her father. Henry stows away until they reach the colony.

--Captain Jack Sparrow and his minimal crew try to rob a bank by making off with the vault, but the chaos goes wrong as usual, the crew reaching their ship, the Dying Gull, but find all of the money spilt out of the vault. Jack seems to have lot his good luck and charm, becoming a drunken loser and a nobody. Gibbs and co. reluctantly abandon Jack, who is then arrested to face the gallows by Lt. Scarfield. Carina and Henry bust Jack out, tell them their plan, and they set out for the Bermuda onboard the Dying Gull, re-recruiting Gibbs, Scrum, Marty, Cotton (and his parrot).

--Though Jack’s compass will be handy, they need a ship that has had past association with curses or death. Luckily, Barbossa shows up onboard the Queen Anne’s Revenge, who rescues the crew after Scarfield sinks their ship. Carina is not thrilled to see Barbossa at first, who is the richest pirate in the Caribbean, and now wants the trident to complete his treasury. Yet, the presence of his estranged daughter gives Barbossa a more personal motive to acquire the trident, though clashes with Carina over her narrow-mindedness.

--Jack and Henry bond, with Jack becoming a fatherly figure to Henry, who brings out the best in Jack like his mother once did.

--The Black Pearl still remains trapped in a bottle after the events of On Stranger Tides, though Jack seeks to restore it.

--Upon venturing into the Triangle, the crew find it a warped sea of haunting islands, lost ships, and sea monsters. It is an endless abyss of sea, but Jack finds it heavenly. They are attacked and pursued by Captain Salazar, who Jack once trapped in the Triangle, now hellbent on revenge. Salazar intends on stealing Jack’s compass and then the Trident to escape purgatory. The crew of the Silent Mary is cursed to stuck between a state of life and death, but have come to be able to control those in a similar state, including phantom sharks and even killer seagulls.

--At one point, the crew encounter Shansa, a sea witch, who is able to reverse the magic on the Black Pearl, restoring it to normality, and reuniting Barbossa with his beloved monkey.

--After a few obstacles and a great leviathan, Jack’s compass and Carina’s journal points them to the Cradle of the Sea, a deep abyss, where the Trident is located. But, they find their way to the Trident blocked by the ocean itself, which appears to be sentient and alive. Barbossa relates this to the legend of Oceanos, the Greek sea Titan, replaced by Neptune as king of the seas. The Black Pearl and Queen Anne’s Revenge are able to overcome the sea’s wrath, but are badly damaged.

--The film’s big finale occurs in the Cradle, where the crew find the Trident, but an inscription on the weapon reveals a curse can only be broken through a sacrifice of some kind. Salazar attacks again, planning to kill Jack to break his crew’s curse. Henry is gravely injured when Salazar starts launching cannon fire at the ships, and Carina nearly tumbles into the abyss. To save her, Barbossa drives the Queen Anne’s Revenge into the depths, ploughing it through the Silent Mary, dragging Salazar down with him to an unknown fate. This allows one curse to be broken, allowing Salazar’s surviving crew to return to the normal world as complete men.

--As Carina mourns her father, Henry remains close to death. Cue Will Turner arriving on the Dutchman, reuniting with his son, Jack, and the other pirates. Henry wants to break his father’s curse, though Will believes it is different from an average curse, as it is a duty set by a god. But, Neptune’s Trident may be able to reverse it. That is when Jack makes his play, offering to succeed Will as captain of the Flying Dutchman, though it means he will have to give up his precious Black Pearl. This acts as the necessary sacrifice, allowing Will to be freed of his curse, and Jack willingly gains the immortality he so desired, minus the whole heart-replacing bottom line.

--Henry, Carina, Will, and the crews are transported safely out of the Triangle, as Captain Jack Sparrow sails off into the unknown. Carina decides to embrace her legacy, adopting her father’s name as Barbossa, though does not resort to piracy. Will and Henry return to Port Royal, reuniting with Elizabeth.


Well-Known Member
I'll admit, I haven't seen Tomorrowland, but you made it sound really good. I will have to check the movie out later.
Don't! That's the whole reason why I came up with my own plot for that proposal!


Day 17

Parades have been a huge thing for Disneyland for decades and decades. Throughout the years there have been countless of different parades that each have their own style to them. Today, you are going to add to the list of parades!

1k mine disneyland Rapunzel ariel cinderella Belle shows minnie tinkerbell  anna parks face characters Disneyedit elsa Fur Characters Parades  mouseofmickey •

Your task is to…

Propose a new parade in a Disney theme park of your choice

Some reminders:
-You can keep it simple! You don’t have to make a full blown 10 page document on the ride. You can do a couple sentences and/or a few pictures. Whatever you feel comfortable with

-Don’t be scared to share your ideas! Every idea is a good idea

-Have fun with it! Don’t be afraid to think outside the box.

Now get to thinkin’!
Parades are certainly a classic staple at Disney parks. Of course, you know what else has parades as a staple? A circus, of course! A circus parade would make for such a fun theme, especially in the Magic Kingdom where Fantasyland has a circus sub-land...

Storybook Circus Parade


Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! Step right up and witness the most stupendous circus to ever appear before your very eyes: the Storybook Circus Parade! Ringmaster Mickey Mouse leads this colorful cavalcade as they head down Main Street, with talented dancers and silly clowns demonstrating their fancy footwork. Meanwhile, the brilliantly designed floats feature some of the wondrous acts that perform as part of the Storybook Circus. Marvel at the towering strength of the strongman, Hercules! Gaze upon the perfect marksmanship of Merida, the Princess of Archery! Delight at the strings-free puppet show of Pinocchio! These are but some of the acts featured in this parade, all leading up to a celebration of the eighth wonder of the world: Dumbo!

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Day 17

Parades have been a huge thing for Disneyland for decades and decades. Throughout the years there have been countless of different parades that each have their own style to them. Today, you are going to add to the list of parades!

1k mine disneyland Rapunzel ariel cinderella Belle shows minnie tinkerbell  anna parks face characters Disneyedit elsa Fur Characters Parades  mouseofmickey •

Your task is to…

Propose a new parade in a Disney theme park of your choice

Some reminders:
-You can keep it simple! You don’t have to make a full blown 10 page document on the ride. You can do a couple sentences and/or a few pictures. Whatever you feel comfortable with

-Don’t be scared to share your ideas! Every idea is a good idea

-Have fun with it! Don’t be afraid to think outside the box.

Now get to thinkin’!
Nighttime water parade at Disney springs!

Don't really care what the theme is, I just think that Springs could use some nighttime entertainment


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
A little late for this one!

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales
An idea I've muddled over for a while. The last Pirates movie was a total shipwreck, with Johnny Depp giving a tired performance for a tired character. Too much and yet too little going on, Will and Elizabeth's return was neat but unnecessary, and Javier Bardem is sadly wasted. This is my outline for how I'd fix things.

--The film takes place 13 years after At World's End. 12-year old Henry Turner, Will and Elizabeth's son, is a tween who wants to break his dad's contract with the Flying Dutchman. Elizabeth has been Governess of Port Royal for years, using her time as the Pirate King to earn the respect of the people and navy. Yet, she naturally misses Will, fearing she grow old and die, and will only be together when she is dead, and though would only be if she dies at sea.

--Henry rows out into the bay, deliberately sinking to the seabed, but is rescued by his father. Will can only escape his role if someone took his place, but most of the crew, including his father Bootstrap Bill, have passed on. He reluctantly tells Henry about Neptune's Trident, a mythical weapon that can control the ocean and all in it, said to be able to break any sea curse. But, it is located in the Bermuda Triangle, the most dreaded location in the Caribbean. Those who venture in never return, and even the Dutchman has had difficulties getting in and out. The only way to get out would have a magical compass. Will shuts up, but Henry realises he'll have to find Captain Jack Sparrow. Will forbids his son to find Jack, but Henry is too stubborn to obey his absent dad.

--Carina Smythe, a young astronomer and academic, arrives in Port Royal. She is bright, witty, though a little haughty, and has a stubborn habit of refusing to believe in things unless she has physical evidence (though God is something she avoids trying to debate over). She is searching for the trident too, or rather, to prove that it doesn't exist, or is a mere relic, rather than a god's tool.

--Her mother Mary Smythe obsessed over the tales of the trident and how it would bring them riches, driving Carina to grow resentful. She possesses a journal detailing the trials of the Bermuda Triangle, as written by her father -- Captain Barbossa.

--Henry meets Carina, and they both plot to track Jack. There is a contrast though; while Henry wishes to save his father out of love, Carina wishes to discredit hers, knowing he was a pirate. Yet, she finds herself going to track down Jack Sparrow. Although she will try to make sense of the supernatural things she encounters on the journey, Carina’s view of the world will become less black-and-white, learning Barbossa isn’t as evil as she imagined, and some things in the world cannot be explained.

--Carina charms Lt. John Scarfield, commander of the Dauntless, who is hunting down pirates, learning Jack has been sighted on Saint Vincent. Scarfield invites Carina to voyage with him, when Carina lies that Jack murdered her father. Henry stows away until they reach the colony.

--Captain Jack Sparrow and his minimal crew try to rob a bank by making off with the vault, but the chaos goes wrong as usual, the crew reaching their ship, the Dying Gull, but find all of the money spilt out of the vault. Jack seems to have lot his good luck and charm, becoming a drunken loser and a nobody. Gibbs and co. reluctantly abandon Jack, who is then arrested to face the gallows by Lt. Scarfield. Carina and Henry bust Jack out, tell them their plan, and they set out for the Bermuda onboard the Dying Gull, re-recruiting Gibbs, Scrum, Marty, Cotton (and his parrot).

--Though Jack’s compass will be handy, they need a ship that has had past association with curses or death. Luckily, Barbossa shows up onboard the Queen Anne’s Revenge, who rescues the crew after Scarfield sinks their ship. Carina is not thrilled to see Barbossa at first, who is the richest pirate in the Caribbean, and now wants the trident to complete his treasury. Yet, the presence of his estranged daughter gives Barbossa a more personal motive to acquire the trident, though clashes with Carina over her narrow-mindedness.

--Jack and Henry bond, with Jack becoming a fatherly figure to Henry, who brings out the best in Jack like his mother once did.

--The Black Pearl still remains trapped in a bottle after the events of On Stranger Tides, though Jack seeks to restore it.

--Upon venturing into the Triangle, the crew find it a warped sea of haunting islands, lost ships, and sea monsters. It is an endless abyss of sea, but Jack finds it heavenly. They are attacked and pursued by Captain Salazar, who Jack once trapped in the Triangle, now hellbent on revenge. Salazar intends on stealing Jack’s compass and then the Trident to escape purgatory. The crew of the Silent Mary is cursed to stuck between a state of life and death, but have come to be able to control those in a similar state, including phantom sharks and even killer seagulls.

--At one point, the crew encounter Shansa, a sea witch, who is able to reverse the magic on the Black Pearl, restoring it to normality, and reuniting Barbossa with his beloved monkey.

--After a few obstacles and a great leviathan, Jack’s compass and Carina’s journal points them to the Cradle of the Sea, a deep abyss, where the Trident is located. But, they find their way to the Trident blocked by the ocean itself, which appears to be sentient and alive. Barbossa relates this to the legend of Oceanos, the Greek sea Titan, replaced by Neptune as king of the seas. The Black Pearl and Queen Anne’s Revenge are able to overcome the sea’s wrath, but are badly damaged.

--The film’s big finale occurs in the Cradle, where the crew find the Trident, but an inscription on the weapon reveals a curse can only be broken through a sacrifice of some kind. Salazar attacks again, planning to kill Jack to break his crew’s curse. Henry is gravely injured when Salazar starts launching cannon fire at the ships, and Carina nearly tumbles into the abyss. To save her, Barbossa drives the Queen Anne’s Revenge into the depths, ploughing it through the Silent Mary, dragging Salazar down with him to an unknown fate. This allows one curse to be broken, allowing Salazar’s surviving crew to return to the normal world as complete men.

--As Carina mourns her father, Henry remains close to death. Cue Will Turner arriving on the Dutchman, reuniting with his son, Jack, and the other pirates. Henry wants to break his father’s curse, though Will believes it is different from an average curse, as it is a duty set by a god. But, Neptune’s Trident may be able to reverse it. That is when Jack makes his play, offering to succeed Will as captain of the Flying Dutchman, though it means he will have to give up his precious Black Pearl. This acts as the necessary sacrifice, allowing Will to be freed of his curse, and Jack willingly gains the immortality he so desired, minus the whole heart-replacing bottom line.

--Henry, Carina, Will, and the crews are transported safely out of the Triangle, as Captain Jack Sparrow sails off into the unknown. Carina decides to embrace her legacy, adopting her father’s name as Barbossa, though does not resort to piracy. Will and Henry return to Port Royal, reuniting with Elizabeth.
This is an amazing outline. The POTC franchise has been getting worse and worse over the years, but you helped give a new. fresh take on the movie.

Parades are certainly a classic staple at Disney parks. Of course, you know what else has parades as a staple? A circus, of course! A circus parade would make for such a fun theme, especially in the Magic Kingdom where Fantasyland has a circus sub-land...

Storybook Circus Parade


Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! Step right up and witness the most stupendous circus to ever appear before your very eyes: the Storybook Circus Parade! Ringmaster Mickey Mouse leads this colorful cavalcade as they head down Main Street, with talented dancers and silly clowns demonstrating their fancy footwork. Meanwhile, the brilliantly designed floats feature some of the wondrous acts that perform as part of the Storybook Circus. Marvel at the towering strength of the strongman, Hercules! Gaze upon the perfect marksmanship of Merida, the Princess of Archery! Delight at the strings-free puppet show of Pinocchio! These are but some of the acts featured in this parade, all leading up to a celebration of the eighth wonder of the world: Dumbo!
I love this! Everything about it is so fun and charming. I would love to see this in the parks one day.

Nighttime water parade at Disney springs!

Don't really care what the theme is, I just think that Springs could use some nighttime entertainment
Great idea! Like you said, Disney Springs has lacked in entertainment for a while now, so this would really help.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Day 18

When thinking of simulators, you probably think of the Universal parks because that is what they love the most. Over time, simulators have started to take over the park in different forms. Today we are going to change that.

29 Insider Tips For Taking Your Kids To Universal Studios Hollywood | Universal  studios hollywood, Universal orlando hotels, Universal studios

Your task today is to…

Propose a new attraction for any Universal Studios park that is NOT a simulator.

Some reminders:
-You can keep it simple! You don’t have to make a full blown 10 page document on the ride. You can do a couple sentences and/or a few pictures. Whatever you feel comfortable with

-Don’t be scared to share your ideas! Every idea is a good idea

-Have fun with it! Don’t be afraid to think outside the box.

Now get to thinkin’!


Well-Known Member
Day 18

When thinking of simulators, you probably think of the Universal parks because that is what they love the most. Over time, simulators have started to take over the park in different forms. Today we are going to change that.

29 Insider Tips For Taking Your Kids To Universal Studios Hollywood | Universal  studios hollywood, Universal orlando hotels, Universal studios

Your task today is to…

Propose a new attraction for any Universal Studios park that is NOT a simulator.

Some reminders:
-You can keep it simple! You don’t have to make a full blown 10 page document on the ride. You can do a couple sentences and/or a few pictures. Whatever you feel comfortable with

-Don’t be scared to share your ideas! Every idea is a good idea

-Have fun with it! Don’t be afraid to think outside the box.

Now get to thinkin’!
Funny enough, I had an idea recently in my Imagineering Toybox thread which would fit this prompt well. It's an idea from my own disbelief in how Universal managed to fumble the ball with Fast & Fantastic: Supercharged, taking their biggest film franchise at the moment and making a ride that misses the thrill and excitement of those movies. So, something that I believe would do a better job would be a slot car dark ride (like Test Track or Radiator Springs Racers) that could capture the feel and speed of being behind the wheel.

Fast & Furious: Overdrive


Get ready to feel what it's like to live a quarter mile at a time, when you hop behind the wheel in this thrilling slot car dark ride adventure. What should be a dance party and street race at a local garage gets put on hold when Luke Hobbs discovers a weapons deal going down courtesy of an agent of Cipher. Dom Toretto and his crew could use your racer skills, so climb into your car and hit the streets. A stealthy approach gets thrown out the window when you're discovered, so put the pedal to the metal as you outmaneuver rival drivers trying to take you off the road before revving into a high-speed escape finale.


Well-Known Member
I really need to stop making a habit of this. And I now I didn't do all of them but whatever.
Day 10

Make way for Prince Ali! Continuing on from yesterday’s misrepresented characters in the parks, we are going to be working with Aladdin. Aladdin is a great movie and has lots of potential to it, but it only has a spinner. Today, we are going to change that!

Did Aladdin successfully overthrow the Kingdom of Agrabah? | Lipstick Alley

Your task is to…

Propose an Aladdin attraction in a Disney park of your choice

All I ask is that you don’t do a spinner

Some reminders:
-You can keep it simple! You don’t have to make a full blown 10 page document on the ride. You can do a couple sentences and/or a few pictures. Whatever you feel comfortable with

-Don’t be scared to share your ideas! Every idea is a good idea

-Have fun with it! Don’t be afraid to think outside the box.

Now get to thinkin’!
A Whole New World: The Skies of Agrabah. This suspended dark ride takes on an aerial view across the Kingdom of Agrabah. It might remind some European tourist of Efteling's Droomvlucht; not just through the beauty of many of some of the showrooms but especially with the spiraling climax in the Cave of Wonders.
Day 13

There is this one ride at Universal Studios Florida that just isn’t that good. It takes away from the aspect of the land it’s in.

I Just Want To Say is........ by TheWizardofOzzy on DeviantArt

Your task is to…

Propose a replacement for "Race Through New York Starring Jimmy Fallon"

Do something that celebrates New York and not whatever that monstrosity is. It doesn't have to be a simulator. Feel free to change it up.

Some reminders:
-You can keep it simple! You don’t have to make a full blown 10 page document on the ride. You can do a couple sentences and/or a few pictures. Whatever you feel comfortable with

-Don’t be scared to share your ideas! Every idea is a good idea

-Have fun with it! Don’t be afraid to think outside the box.

Before I go, here is some inspiration music:

Now get to thinkin’!

A major plan for Universal Studios Florida; to be renamed Universal Studios Orlando; would be to revamp its New York City section; including annexing Transformers and a yet-to-be rethemed Classic Monsters Café, permanently closing Hollywood Rocket for more space, and replacing Jimmy Fallon with a high speed dark ride; akin to Mr. Toad's; where the guest; posing as beginning cab drivers; lose control of their cab as it makes its way down the streets of New York; and even the elevator up in a hotel!
Day 14

Today is Disney Investor Day! At 1:30 PM PST, Disney will be live streaming for 4 hours about new things coming to Disney+ and theaters. So, in honor of that, you are going to create something new for Disney, Marvel, Pixar, or Star Wars!

Black girl magic arguing regina hall GIF - Find on GIFER

Your task today is to…

Propose a new Disney, Marvel, Pixar, or Star Wars movie/series for Disney+/theaters

Some reminders:
-You can keep it simple! You don’t have to make a full blown 10 page document on the ride. You can do a couple sentences and/or a few pictures. Whatever you feel comfortable with

-Don’t be scared to share your ideas! Every idea is a good idea

-Have fun with it! Don’t be afraid to think outside the box.

Now get to thinkin’!
Disney's Discovery Bay
Following the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad, a small port on the coast of California becomes the recent hotspot for its own Industrial Revolution. This animated series on Disney+ takes viewers into the world of Discovery Bay, where inventors come together, gain new rivals and friends as they showcase their inventions and explore the wonders of the natural world.
Day 15

M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E is the iconic character we are working with today. Last month, Disney released The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse Disney+. They are very funny shorts and have lots of homages and cameos to Disney rides and characters. Today, you are going to do just that.

Birthday Party Applause GIF by Mickey Mouse - Find & Share on GIPHY

Your task is to...

Propose a new episode of The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse

The episodes do air in pairs so if you would like to do 2, you can, but it isn’t required. Also, if you haven't seen the show then just think of the regular Mickey Mouse shorts, but funnier and more throwbacks to old rides and IPs.

Some reminders:
-You can keep it simple! You don’t have to make a full blown 10 page document on the ride. You can do a couple sentences and/or a few pictures. Whatever you feel comfortable with

-Don’t be scared to share your ideas! Every idea is a good idea

-Have fun with it! Don’t be afraid to think outside the box.

Now get to thinkin’!
Wrong Road: Set during the Age of Streamlined Express Trains, Engineer Mickey of the New Cork Central Railroad gets into a tiff with Engineer Oswald of the rival Pencilvania Railroad on whose express train can get from The Big Bottle (New Cork City) to the gleaming city of Chicargo first. Unfortunately, both go to fast for the signalmen to send them down the right tracks.
Day 16

We all have that one movie that we just can’t stand. There is so much you would change about it. For me, that is the awful Incredibles 2. I would change almost everything about that movie. Well, you will do the same.

Inside Out Ew GIF by Disney - Find & Share on GIPHY

Your task is to…

Propose something you would change about any Disney, Marvel, Pixar, or Star Wars movie.

It can be anything from animation to live-action and even Disney+ exclusives.

Some reminders:
-You can keep it simple! You don’t have to make a full blown 10 page document on the ride. You can do a couple sentences and/or a few pictures. Whatever you feel comfortable with

-Don’t be scared to share your ideas! Every idea is a good idea

-Have fun with it! Don’t be afraid to think outside the box.

Now get to thinkin’!
This is definitely controversial to do but I would change Song of the South into an anthology series set in a large town in 1870s-set central Louisiana where Uncle Remus lives. Johnny; the main protagonist from the film; would act as the viewers' window and each episode would be an adaptation of a story told by Uncle Remus.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Funny enough, I had an idea recently in my Imagineering Toybox thread which would fit this prompt well. It's an idea from my own disbelief in how Universal managed to fumble the ball with Fast & Fantastic: Supercharged, taking their biggest film franchise at the moment and making a ride that misses the thrill and excitement of those movies. So, something that I believe would do a better job would be a slot car dark ride (like Test Track or Radiator Springs Racers) that could capture the feel and speed of being behind the wheel.

Fast & Furious: Overdrive


Get ready to feel what it's like to live a quarter mile at a time, when you hop behind the wheel in this thrilling slot car dark ride adventure. What should be a dance party and street race at a local garage gets put on hold when Luke Hobbs discovers a weapons deal going down courtesy of an agent of Cipher. Dom Toretto and his crew could use your racer skills, so climb into your car and hit the streets. A stealthy approach gets thrown out the window when you're discovered, so put the pedal to the metal as you outmaneuver rival drivers trying to take you off the road before revving into a high-speed escape finale.
I dislike the Fast and Furious Franchise a lot. However, this ride sounds very fun and exciting. Plus, the Test Track style ride system makes it so much better.

A Whole New World: The Skies of Agrabah. This suspended dark ride takes on an aerial view across the Kingdom of Agrabah. It might remind some European tourist of Efteling's Droomvlucht; not just through the beauty of many of some of the showrooms but especially with the spiraling climax in the Cave of Wonders.
Very fun idea. There needs to be more suspended dark rides in the park and this is the perfect choice for one.

A major plan for Universal Studios Florida; to be renamed Universal Studios Orlando; would be to revamp its New York City section; including annexing Transformers and a yet-to-be rethemed Classic Monsters Café, permanently closing Hollywood Rocket for more space, and replacing Jimmy Fallon with a high speed dark ride; akin to Mr. Toad's; where the guest; posing as beginning cab drivers; lose control of their cab as it makes its way down the streets of New York; and even the elevator up in a hotel!
I love this! Universal needs a ride like this badly. This is a great submission

Disney's Discovery Bay
Following the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad, a small port on the coast of California becomes the recent hotspot for its own Industrial Revolution. This animated series on Disney+ takes viewers into the world of Discovery Bay, where inventors come together, gain new rivals and friends as they showcase their inventions and explore the wonders of the natural world.
This is very interesting. I would love to watch this show.

Wrong Road: Set during the Age of Streamlined Express Trains, Engineer Mickey of the New Cork Central Railroad gets into a tiff with Engineer Oswald of the rival Pencilvania Railroad on whose express train can get from The Big Bottle (New Cork City) to the gleaming city of Chicargo first. Unfortunately, both go to fast for the signalmen to send them down the right tracks.
I really like this pitch. The two city names really sold it for me haha.

This is definitely controversial to do but I would change Song of the South into an anthology series set in a large town in 1870s-set central Louisiana where Uncle Remus lives. Johnny; the main protagonist from the film; would act as the viewers' window and each episode would be an adaptation of a story told by Uncle Remus.
This was a very bold choice, but you made it your own idea which I appreciate.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Day 19

Dining is a big part of all theme parks and really adds to the experience. There are small bars to grand restaurants that take up a large plot of land.

Best Disney Food GIFs | Gfycat

Your task today is to…

Propose a restaurant in any theme park of your choice

Some reminders:
-You can keep it simple! You don’t have to make a full blown 10 page document on the ride. You can do a couple sentences and/or a few pictures. Whatever you feel comfortable with

-Don’t be scared to share your ideas! Every idea is a good idea

-Have fun with it! Don’t be afraid to think outside the box.

Now get to thinkin’!

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