Well-Known Member
So, I had some ideas for Disney restaurants floating around, but then the thought of Universal Studios came to me. The New York-related prompt was interesting, as it was a little bit of a challenge to figure out ride ideas (original or IP) to tie in with the New York setting. You know where it's easier to connect to that setting, though? Stores and restaurants. Plenty of NBC shows and Universal movies have had such places in that New York setting. My proposal is for a familiar restaurant from a classic sitcom: Seinfeld.Day 19
Dining is a big part of all theme parks and really adds to the experience. There are small bars to grand restaurants that take up a large plot of land.
Your task today is to…
Propose a restaurant in any theme park of your choice
Some reminders:
-You can keep it simple! You don’t have to make a full blown 10 page document on the ride. You can do a couple sentences and/or a few pictures. Whatever you feel comfortable with
-Don’t be scared to share your ideas! Every idea is a good idea
-Have fun with it! Don’t be afraid to think outside the box.
Now get to thinkin’!
Monk's Café
Do you need some fuel in your system, because Kramer's just roped you into some crazy new scheme and you know that's gonna take your whole day? Stop on by Monk's Café, a table service restaurant straight from the classic sitcom Seinfeld. The layout of the restaurant should be familiar to any fan of the show, and the menu will not disappoint. Familiar food items from the show like the Big Salad or some egg white omelettes are available, alongside other diner classics like a grilled ham and cheese sandwich, a hot turkey sandwich (with giblet gravy and shoestring potatoes), and large fried chicken (with hot biscuits and honey). Don't forget a good drink to pair with it, whether some fresh fruit juice, a glass of cola, or a nice cold milkshake. After some classic diner fare like this, you'll be ready for a day filled with anything but nothing.