The Official Hurricane Frances thread...


Well-Known Member
Well it's now morning and we are still indecisive. Weather-wise we feel like it's perfectly fine if we leave Friday morning, but traffic-wise we are thinking we better leave today. But on the other hand we also figure Epcot will be nice and empty. So as of right now (9:30 am) we are going to head to Epcot and then possibly leave here in the early evening.

It occured to me while I was watching the Weather Channel this morning (sorry Kryssa) that one of the reasons the WDW resorts are sold out is because Disney is going to have to evacuate the guests from the Vero Beach resort.

I admit that I'm starting to panic about Frances and I'm not even sure I'll be able to enjoy going to Epcot today -- though my husband is level-headed and much less reactionary than I am and thinks we will be fine leaving tomorrow. I guess if our trip takes 15 hours instead of 8 it doesn't matter if it's because we're stuck in traffic or because we are taking the long way home.

What a wild summer. Scary to think that hurricane season doesn't end till November 1st. Good luck everyone.


Well-Known Member
Current Airport Statements 9/02/04 10am

Hurricane Frances

Orlando International Airport will remain open; however, flight operations will be determined by each individual airline, under the guidance of the FAA.
Therefore, before arriving at the airport, please contact your airline directly to obtain information about specific flights.

With the current projections regarding Hurricane Frances, Orlando Sanford International Airport is taking measures to bestinform the public as to any impact the Hurricane may have on airport operations.
Update is as of 5:00 PM (EST), Wednesday, September 1. All commercial airline flights into and out of the Orlando Sanford International Airport will be suspended on Friday & Saturday, Sept. 3 & 4 until further notice. It is likely operations will be suspended for Sunday as well.

Please contact your airline or tour operator directly for information about when your specific flight may resume.
Jetsgo –Call 866-440-0441.
Pan American –Call 800-FLY-PanAm.
Southeast –Call 800-FLY-SEAL.
TransMeridian –Call 866-IFlyTMA.
Vacation Express –Call 800-309-4717.
United Kingdom Charters –Contact your airline or tour operator directly.If you need further assistance, please call 407-585-4000 or 407-585-4500 or for UK flights contact Pre-Flight Services at 407-585-4647.

General Airport Information Hotline: 407-708-7777
The Airport is NOT an Emergency Shelter!Please do not come to the airport.


New Member
Gail Hayden said:
Hi Skip,
Yes, I do plan on being safe!!! Thank you.
We were at WDW during Floyd and WDW is wonderful in their preps.
We are planning to be there for 10 days, so, I don't think that getting home will be an issue. In all honesty, I would rather be "stuck" in FL than here in CT, lol.
I wonder, however, if WDW ever loses power. Do they generate their own?
Yep, they generate up to 40% of their own electricity for the property and I believe all the resorts have backup generators. Furthermore, since all the electrical wiring is underground, the primary source of power outages (downed powerlines) is not a problem for WDW.

- Skip :)


New Member
barnum42 said:
Brilliant photo :D
Thanks! I teach a leisure course on using Adobe Photoshop here at UF, and I like to "show off" every once in a while. :)

In light of all the gloom and doom in this thread, I had to post a picture of "Skippy" wearing his Mickey Mouse hat. :D


I think it's oddly appropriate that it's Skippy who's outlining the plan for global domination, as the others look on. Coincidence? :)

- Skip :)


Active Member
cac2889 said:
The only major hurricane I can think of that hit Florida when WDW was there was Andrew (please correct me if I'm wrong), but it really didn't hit WDW directly if I remember correctly. :(

Charley was a Cat 4 storm only 3 weeks ago and Orlando got hit pretty good with winds of up to 105 mph.


Well-Known Member
Northeast corner of storm is the hardest hit...worst damage possible.

For everyones benefit, hope the storm stays to the right of the projected track.


New Member
I read in one of the news reports last night regarding Francis that Gov. Jeb Bush asked tourist that were planning on coming to Floirda for the Labor Day weekend to please not come. I wanted to wait until this morning to see if this storm would take a more northerly track like some of the models are forecasting, but maybe its to soon to do that. The models have been pretty inconsistent in the track up to this point anyway. Anyway, looking at the current location and path of the storm this morning, I decided it was best to stay away.I just rescheduled my reservations that were for this weekend Sat Sept 4-Tues Sept 7, Contemporary Towers. It took me over an hour this morning just to get through to someone at CRO and make the changes. I know someone else needs this hotel room much more than we need to be in Florida this weekend. We have rescheduled for Thanksgiving week. BTW the entire resort is almost sold out for Thanksgiving at this point, had to split my stay between Grand Floridian and Beach Club.Southwest Airlines changed my flights without penalty, and Happy Limo let me reschedule with no problem too. My kids and I are really bummed out, but I feel silly saying that, because this storm is capable of destroying everything in its path, both lives and homes. Here's hoping and wishing this storm stays out on the Atlantic and bypasses Florida altogether and curves out back east into central Atlantic where it bothers no one. My kids probably wont forgive me if it does, but what the heck, better to be safe than sorry.


Well-Known Member
Danrol388 said:
Even if it’s not a direct hit this is a monstrous storm its hurricane winds span out 85 Miles and it’s Tropical Storm winds span out 185 Miles. To get an idea of how large that is…..185 miles is roughly from Miami to Orlando.QUOTE]

In another way to look at it...Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Connecticut would be swallowed by the storm


New Member
For all my Disney friends and for all of those who live in FLA, I hope and pray that you all will be safe during this storm. I hope that we get good news from all of you who live down in FLA after the storm passes. Know that all of us out here in CO are watching closly and praying for you. Let us know if you need anything and we'll see what we can do!!!


The Mom

Premium Member
It appears that the worst of Frances is going to miss us here in NE FL, IF it remains on its current track. We're only expecting some rain and MAYBE TS force winds.

However, the schools will still be closed tomorrow in order to lessen local traffic on the interstates, and free them for people evacuating. Traffic has already increased locally on 95 & I-10 due to evacuations from south Fl.

I won't rest easy until this storm is out of Florida. The last storm to hit this area, Dora in '64, made landfall and crossed over the state south of here, was heading for the panhandle, but made a u-turn and came back across further north and went back to the Atlantic here! Only one local meteorologist warned that we weren't out of the woods after it made landfall further down the coast.


New Member
Stay safe

Here is hoping that you all stay safe and sound. Two huge storms is more than anyone should have to endure in their lifetime. Take Care and Stay safe.

New Member



Well-Known Member
My grandparents have already taken down the plywood from the attic and boarded up their home. They were going to come visit us up in MI this next week but had to cancel till this gets through. My uncle as well lives there and was freaking out because he just bought a new house and doesn't want it damaged. I'm praying for them to get through this alright. I've been through 2 hurricanes in my life and its just wicked. I remember during one the eye was right above us so we went outside and didn't hear anything. It was dead calm. Trees were blown down and everything. Then not even 5 minutes later we all ran inside because we could feel the wind start to pick up fast so we fled. I hope all of you down there stay safe and just stock up on water and food.


Well-Known Member
barnum42 said:
The official line of Britannia Airways is they are still taking off on time. Despite the fact the airport will be closed.

I wouldn't like to land at Sanford in high winds, I could cope with Orlando International, but Sanford's runway seemed incredibly short for the types of planes that were landing there.


Well-Known Member
having gone through my first hurricane, Charley, at Disneyworld, almost three weeks ago, I am now safe in Michigan, but watching and praying for all of you in FLorida.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
<TABLE borderColor=#000000 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="98%" border=1><TBODY><TR><TD bgColor=#ff0000><TABLE width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD class=large>STORM STATUS</TD><TD class=small align=right>September 2, 10:36 AM EDT</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#cccccc><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="95%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=2>Name: Hurricane Frances</TD></TR><TR><TD class=small vAlign=top>Location: About 55 miles, 90 km, southeast of san salvador, and 450 miles, 725 km, East- Southeast of The Lower Florida East Coast.
Lat/Long: 23.4N, 73.9W
Max Winds: 145 mph
Category: 4
</TD><TD class=small vAlign=top noWrap>Heading: West-Northwest
Speed: 13 mph
Pressure: 27.73 inches
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=small align=middle colSpan=2></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


Tim G

Well-Known Member
More Than 1 Million People
Urged To Flee Florida Coast

Category 4 Hurricane Pounds Bahamas

UPDATED: 12:55 PM EDT September 2, 2004

MIAMI -- More than a million people threatened by Hurricane Frances were told to clear out Thursday, and residents scrambled to board up homes and stock up on water ahead of what could be Florida's mightiest storm in a decade.

The latest evacuation orders apply to 320,000 people in Miami-Dade County, including all of Miami Beach.

A hurricane warning covered much of the state's eastern coast -- about 300 miles from Florida City, near the state's southern tip, to Flagler Beach, north of Daytona Beach.


New Member
Britannia and all Thompson flights to Sanford have now been cancelled. No alternatives are being arranged. Put basically they have opted to tell people they have lost their holiday rather than arrange flights for Monday. Refunds will be offered if they are unable to convince you to holiday elsewhere.

Currently not too happy.

Looking at the alternatives now. Unfortunatley when I contacted Britannia earlier today they told me to contact the tour operator, the tour operator knew nothing (they have to rely on the airline informing them). I contacted them again after Speck put up the notice that the airport was closed and Britannia / Thompson just kept giving me "a different number" to call. I eventually got through to someone who said the holidays have been cancelled.

It's now too late in the day to get through to other companies as they have all gone home.

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