The "Not Going Soon" Support Group


Active Member
Add me in to the support group...I went in August but since I just [this weekend] signed papers for my new place [HOORAY!] will probably be a while until I can go again...maybe another long next summer trip...I hope....


New Member
Ok - this is my first post. I have been reading many, many, many posts for a few weeks now but this one is most certainly one I want to respond to.

I went to WDW for the very first time (35 yrs old) last October. I had wanted to go my entire life so I couldn't wait! It was by far the best vacation I have ever taken in my life! My daughter and I cried on the flight back home. I am constantly browsing through our vacation photos, searching the internet, and I also have ordered the vacation planners just to hear the background music at the parks to try to FEEL like I'm there again - (I do this quite often). Basically, I've been in withdrawals since my first day back from Disney. We, too, just bought a house so I'm not sure when my next visit will be. I do know one thing, however: I will NOT WAIT ANOTHER 35 YEARS BEFORE VISITING WDW AGAIN!!! It's not good for the health to not experience Disney at least once every two years!! (this is what I keep telling my husband!)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
sheilaro said:
Ok - this is my first post. I have been reading many, many, many posts for a few weeks now but this one is most certainly one I want to respond to.

I went to WDW for the very first time (35 yrs old) last October. I had wanted to go my entire life so I couldn't wait! It was by far the best vacation I have ever taken in my life! My daughter and I cried on the flight back home. I am constantly browsing through our vacation photos, searching the internet, and I also have ordered the vacation planners just to hear the background music at the parks to try to FEEL like I'm there again - (I do this quite often). Basically, I've been in withdrawals since my first day back from Disney. We, too, just bought a house so I'm not sure when my next visit will be. I do know one thing, however: I will NOT WAIT ANOTHER 35 YEARS BEFORE VISITING WDW AGAIN!!! It's not good for the health to not experience Disney at least once every two years!! (this is what I keep telling my husband!)

Welcome to the boards :wave:

You're amongst friends here then! :lol: We'll make it through together!

If you want some park music, then check out the Digital Media forums for some guide on how to get it :)


New Member
ogryn said:
Welcome to the boards :wave:

You're amongst friends here then! :lol: We'll make it through together!

If you want some park music, then check out the Digital Media forums for some guide on how to get it :)

Thanks, ogryn!

I actually located this link which plays WDW music. I absolutely love it! It's great to listen to when you're experiencing a bout of "miss WDW blues"......


sheilaro said:
Thanks, ogryn!

I actually located this link which plays WDW music. I absolutely love it! It's great to listen to when you're experiencing a bout of "miss WDW blues"......

:wave: Music always makes it better!

I'm 4 months pregnant, and I've been told that this is the time to start talking to the baby. I haven't done that, but I have been singing a lot of Disney songs... sure... it's for the baby... :lookaroun

I just hope I'm not making its little ears bleed with my bad singing voice :lol:


Sure it's a crappy feeling knowing you won't be back for awhile, but just think about how much more you will appreciate it when it's time to go back! There will be a ton of new attractions and shows to experience for the first time! After being there 4 times in the past 2 years, I feel like I took it for granted now that a year will have passed before I get to go back again.


New Member
Havent had my fix of the world since July. I am trying to plan a trip again in May once i get out of school, but now I might be doing the college program in january so I will be there for 5 months or so. I hope it works out.....i would love to be there for that long. If not, I am tryin to talk my mom into going again soon with the family.

Good luck on the new place!!


Last time my wife and me went down was October 2003.

The next time will be November 2008 in time for our son's 4th birthday (he's only 11 months right now). We're also planning on surprising our parents by bringing them as well for a truely magical vacation. We can't wait and being the research freak that I am, I've already calculated how much saving we will have to do int he next few years ( ALOT!) :(


New Member
sheilaro said:
Thanks, ogryn!

I actually located this link which plays WDW music. I absolutely love it! It's great to listen to when you're experiencing a bout of "miss WDW blues"......
It is officially called PDD or Post Disney Depression. I feel your pain. BTW, there are alot of great stations on Live365. I am listening to D-Magic right now, but MouseWorldRadio, Radio Buena Vista, Sorcerer Radio are good too. There are more, but those are the one's I thought up off the top of my head. :sohappy:


ogryn said:
Is anyone else not going to WDW soon? :lol:

My last trip was in 2002, and the next trip is..... well, I just don't know. Not sure how much spare cash will be hanging around once I move out to my own place (which is soon).

Is there anybody else with no plans to go soon?

I too have no current future plans to go back. We did, however, have a wonderful time in August! :lol: I think the next time we go, we'll stay at the Animal Kingdom Lodge... but! Since cash flow is a little tight, It'll be a while before we go back. :hammer:

On a side note, I can't believe how much time I burn looking at these posts and tuning in to the various disney radio stations members have created (thanks for doing that by the way). Don't get me wrong, it's great to remince and think about happy times... I probably would get more done if I focused on work, rather than play. Must be my ADD kicking in :lookaroun


New Member
My family and I were there in January. We want to go back, but we're jsut not sure when we can go again yet... Sometimes...sometimes I just don't think I'll be able to make it through the next ten seconds...but I do. Some how I get through those ten seconds. But then I have to do it all over again! All these SECONDS! Just floating by! If I don't ride Splash Mt. again soon I... I don't know what I'll...(urk..SOB)


New Member
Kwit35 said:
BTW, there are alot of great stations on Live365. I am listening to D-Magic right now, but MouseWorldRadio, Radio Buena Vista, Sorcerer Radio are good too. There are more, but those are the one's I thought up off the top of my head. :sohappy:
Thanks! I'll check out the stations! I have a bad case of PDD right now. It was exactly one year ago this week that I was at WDW!! ....sigh....


New Member
I feel the pain not only do I miss not being there since my last visit in feb. BUT I will be down in the wdw area in jan & 95% sure I wont be going to a park OH THE PAIN OF IT ALL!!!


New Member
wow i went spring of 2005... which was a shorter time than most... but i miss it sooooooo much.
i went for a choir competition (festival disney... we won! :-D)

i go to an all guys school, so obviously i was macholy ruled out on certain rides :'-(.

i shant be going back... well since im 17... until i get enough money. ooooh i need a hug.

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