The Museum of Pin-tiquities Trip Report

Well, it's time for another trip to WDW. I leave very early tomorrow morning for the Most Magical Place on Earth. This time, a significant part of the trip will be to attend this year's Pin Celebration event - The Museum of Pin-tiquities.

I will try to post a daily summary of my activities while I'm there. So far, we have planned a dinner with a large group of people (last count, 20) at Sanaa at the newly-opened Kidani Village, we will be doing a Wishes Fireworks Dessert on Friday evening, and while we haven't made the reservation yet, we will look into doing parasailing over the 7 Seas Lagoon of we can find a good day for it.

So it promises to be a jam-packed trip. I will also be posting short, live report (my version of Tweeting) to my blog if you care to follow along. This will be in addition to my report on here, of course.




Naturally Grumpy
As this was supposedly a "Pin centric" trip, how about a summary of your pin accomplishments?
Event specific, best trades, cast lanyard pins that you said were just released for the event?


Well-Known Member
sounds like you had a great time. I am still marveling over the desserts they look amazing! yummy. Thanks for sharing your trip with us. Hope you come home, maybe not totally thrilled to be back but safe!

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
I enjoyed the report and especially the photos, so thanks!

. . . but for yeti men, fire swallowing and belly dancing women, 2008 remains the champion year of pin trading events. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
As this was supposedly a "Pin centric" trip, how about a summary of your pin accomplishments?
Event specific, best trades, cast lanyard pins that you said were just released for the event?

That will have to wait till I recover from the trip and sort out all our goodies.

I just got back to Chicago. Left 80's and cloudy/rainy, got back to cloudy and 62 F! This is July?!

But it's supposed to be back in the low 80's by the weekend. So there's hope.



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Our final morning at WDW was spent at DHS. We did ToT, RnRR, Muppets 3D, and Indiana Jones stunt show. During the stunt show, one of the cast had a mishap and got hurt. So they had to stop the show. They did move the cast member backstage very quickly. Still, for several minutes, everyone was just standing around waiting.

This is the picture of the gift store near Muppets 3D.

We also went back to the Animation Academy. Recall that on the first day of our trip, we drew Dopey. I was hoping to draw another character that I hadn't drawn before. I was disappointed to hear that the animator said that we will be drawing Mickey, since he hadn't been drawn yet that day. I've drawn Mickey many times already. My disappointment didn't last very long when I realized that we will be drawing Sorcerer Mickey. I hadn't had that before.


And here's my first attempt at drawing Sorcerer Mickey.

When we walked out of the Animation Academy, I wanted to get an autograph from Sorcerer Mickey, since he's usually there in the Meet and Greet area inside the same building. But the lines were just too long, and we were about to run back to the car to drive to the airport. So we couldn't get his autograph. It would have been perfect if we could have, and gotten a picture of him with the sketch. Oh well....

It was a great trip. I'll try to post a few more pictures on here, and some of the stuff that I got on this trip, especially those pins! :)



Naturally Grumpy
Our final morning at WDW was spent at DHS. We did ToT, RnRR, Muppets 3D, and Indiana Jones stunt show. During the stunt show, one of the cast had a mishap and got hurt. So they had to stop the show. They did move the cast member backstage very quickly. Still, for several minutes, everyone was just standing around waiting.

This is the picture of the gift store near Muppets 3D.

It was a great trip. I'll try to post a few more pictures on here, and some of the stuff that I got on this trip, especially those pins! :)


I will wait patiently...:lol:


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As promised, here are the pins that I got from the Museum of Pin-tiquities pin event. I will post later pictures of some of the more significant pins that I got on this trip that were acquired either by purchasing, or by pin trading.

This first group of pins are part of what we get for attending the event. The top row of pins (the smaller individual pins) are what we get when we picked up our registration package. The top 2 on the left were the welcome pins, and the top right is the "early bird" pin, i.e. if you registered before their early-bird deadline. I don't collect Tink, so that pin is going right into my trading pile! But the two welcome pins are quite good, so I'm keeping those. The remaining 2 boxed pins are the parting gifts. One is a 4-pin set, while the other is a jumbo pin.

The remaining pins below are all pins that we selected to buy AND got selected by the Random Selection Process to GET TO BUY them. Many of these are of low edition number, so not everyone attending the event gets a change to buy them.

This first group consists of the Mickey pins. The top left pin is the logo pin for this event. My favorite is Mickey as Galileo (bottom right).

We collect Donald, so of course, there had to be Donald pins. The sundial Donald on the left is my favorite.

Another collection that we have, although not as "serious" as the Donald collection, is Chip 'N Dale. The top left is the Pinbassador Chip 'N Dale pin, which was one of the more difficult pins to get at the pin event. While it isn't as sought after as the Figment Pinbassador pin, it was still not easy to find, and was sold out by the middle of the event. It is also my favorite in this collection. Why is it such a sought-after pin? There's plenty of humor in it for many pin collectors. In the pin, Chip 'N Dale excavated the notorious Millennium 2000 pin. This Millennium pin is the bane of many pin collectors, because Disney made so many of them, and it because notorious because one used to be able to find them for $1 a piece being dumped on ebay. No pin collectors wanted them. So there was a tongue-in-cheek humor with this pinbassador pin.

This is what I called my miscellaneous pile. They are pins that do not belong to any of our existing collection, but we bought them simply because we like the design, and who knows, one day, they'll make good traders if we decide not to keep them. My favorite is on the far right, which is a vase with picture of the hitchiking ghosts.

This pin set is contained in a box that looks like a diary. It tries to look like an entry in a diary, and there are 5 pins in it. We got them because it has an "egyptian" motif, and we are trying to make a frame with nothing but egyptian themed pins. So these pins will fit into that frame.

Continuing with the egyptian motif, this one is fairly obvious. The box looks like a Mickey sacarphogus, while the inside contains 3 pins of Mickey, Goofy, and Donald sacarphogus (sacarphogi?).

This next jumbo pin is my most favorite. It is Mickey, as a chemist, in front of the period table of pins!

The last pin that I showed was one of the most sought-after pin at the event, and I can see why. It is one of the most intricately-designed pin I've ever seen. It is the Dream Machine, and has both Figment, and the Dreamfinder. When the catalog of the pins for the event came out, many of us predicted that this could be the IT pin at the event (very much like Mickey as Scoop Sanderson was the IT pin at the 2007 event). Now, I don't collect anything Figment, etc., so there was no reason for me to get this pin. But still, I put this as #1 in my first RSP. Why? Because I was going to SELL IT if I got it! :)

Let's just say that even before I saw the pin, I was getting offers three times the amount I paid for it. And that, I think, was considered as someone on the average end of the range of offers. If I sat on it, I'd probably could get a bit more. But still, I didn't want to hang on to it too long, and the person who made the offer was a good friend. So I have sold it off, which means that this super jumbo pin is no longer in my posession as of yesterday.

So those were the pin that I got from the pin event catalog. Of course, during the event, I made a lot of pin trades with other pin collectors. I think I got a good haul over all from not only the event, but also during the whole trip. I'll try to post later some highlight pins that I got.



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Now that I've recovered a bit and had a chance to look back on the wonderful trip, I also had a chance to consider all the stuff that I found a bit disappointing. No, I don't mean the weather and stuff. Rather, it has a lot to do with how Disney does things, and certainly how it may have deviate from the mantra that it tries to live by.

The biggest disappointment was the utter lack of attention to the theme at the parking area of Kidani Village. I've since chatted with many other regular guests, and even cast members. I know for a fact that my utter disbelief at how bad the parking area is is shared by many.

I've written about this, and others, already in my blog entry. So rather than repeating what I've said, you may find my "complaints" at this link if you care to read it. They were still minor enough that they did not affect the trip. Nevertheless, they still stuck in my head.



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One of the things that made its "general public debut" at this last pin event was something that became quite a curiosity for a lot of people at the pin event.

A while back, I described the circumstances surrounding my decision to start collecting as many Chip 'N Dale dole whip pins as I can get my hands on, all because the Pin Gods have determined that I should be collecting this pin. :) But what do you do with a lot of these pins? As the collection got larger, they won't all fit onto a lanyard.

Well, I decided to put them onto a vest, and wear the vest at the pin event. I did test it out first the week before we left for WDW on the members of the Windy City Pin traders during one of their monthly pin meet, and it was a hit! So that sealed in my determination to bring and wear it at the pin event.

It went better than I expected. Of course, almost everyone I met there was curious to know if I was a big fan of Chip 'N Dale, or a big fan of dole whip, or both. So I had to tell the story, again, and again, and again, and again.... But it was fun, because people who heard the story like it. In fact, strangers that I've never met before, after I told them the story, came looking for me later on whenever they found dole whip pins during their pin trading. So I added at least another dozen or so dole whip pins at this pin event!

In any case, here is a picture of the vest that I wore at the pin event.

I'm at exactly 40 dole whip pin at the moment. I'm hoping to fill up the front of the vest, and then start working on the back! :)



Naturally Grumpy
Pictures well worth waiting for! Some really unique items...especially that Dreamfinder / Figment Jumbo. I don't collect them either, but it is neat to see. Now if you really don't want that Tink pin..... :D


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I have more pictures from my parasailing excursion on Bay Lake. This time, the pictures were not taken by me (obviously), but by one of the boat crew. We paid extra to get still pictures taken by them. It was supposed to be for both of us. However, since I was the only one who got to go up and they had to shut down the ride due to the pending storm, they still took my pictures and gave them to me complimentary without charge. That was a very nice gesture.

So here are pictures of me dangling several hundred feet above Bay Lake.


It looks pretty high, doesn't it?




The wind was also picking up, and I was jostled around quite a bit up there. You can sense it a little bit by looking at this picture and how tilted I was at this point.

They're reeling me back down after they got word that the ride is shut down.

It was a wonderful experience, and I would certainly do it again. But next time, I would hope that it will be in calmer weather.



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These are more photo of pins that I got during this pin event. These are some of the more "notable" pins that I traded for. A few of them are jumbo pins, and I think with the exception of one, they were all traded with a number of other pins with traders at the event.

I put a quarter in the picture just so you have some idea on the size of the pin.








There is a story associated with this jumbo pin.

I can only relate the story based on 2nd or 3rd hand information. It seems that in one version of the story, this was done by the pin artist rather on purpose. If you look at the pin, you see Mickey standing in front of a popcorn cart. But look at one of his ears and how it actually blocks part of the word "popcorn". If that ear becomes an "O", then what it reads is "Hot "!

One pin trader told me that this jumbo pin was pulled by Disney because of that, while another told me that it was never pulled. In any case, that story in itself was worth getting this jumbo pin for. I actually intended to trade for it before I was told the story. Most avid pin collectors that I talked to were aware of the "hot " pin, as it has become known.

So I know have the hot pin! :)



Thank you for such a wonderful report. I especially love all the pins! My youngest daughter loves the Chip N Dale food pins, now I'll have to get her case out to see if she has the dole whip! Love the Vest too!!:wave:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thank you for such a wonderful report. I especially love all the pins! My youngest daughter loves the Chip N Dale food pins, now I'll have to get her case out to see if she has the dole whip! Love the Vest too!!:wave:

I'll trade for that Dole Whip pin! :)



Active Member
Thanks, reading your posts were so much fun. Great pictures :sohappy:

I've got a sweet tooth, the dessert party looks delicious :slurp: :slurp:
I want to go back

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