Allow me to annotate...
I would pick that mic up because when you drop it after a mediocre speech, it doesn't have the desired effect.
Sure...I'll pick it up...and I'll tell you what you can do with it too...
The way you just presented yourself is exactly what I never want to be. You are suggesting we
learn from people like you? Seriously?
Could be worse...I could be a glutton for forum punishment who is unaware as to when to just stop.
You are self-appointed Disneyphile snobs with nothing to back yourselves up but your little clique of opinionated, anonymous, bully-lite pals in a Fox-news like echo-chamber of self-congratulatory back slapping.
We're not snobs...far from it...but if we see someone who is let's say...a bozo..we call 'em out. And for that matter there is plenty to back the rhetoric up. Try Google. Read the countless numbers of blogs with GOOD argments on the subject matter with historical facts, figures, and testimony. And we're not bullies... seriously. What is this...a schoolyard? And Fox news...please don't stoop to that level of insult...
Your Disney Style is Mean Girls.
Actually, that would be a Viacom style as the movie was distributed by Paramount. And I'm hardly a ginger... and... you... used that reference...? See something new every day!
But it's time to grow up and realize you chose Disney, Disney didn't choose you.
Wrong. Just wrong. On my own part, I came to Disney as part of a school sucked me in...there's something about it that keeps me going...and keeps me hungry for knowledge and history and preserving a very old legacy...something about it speaks to me...if you think that's BS...then good for you...I was well past the age of Fairy tales and cutesy was design, it was theming, it was atmosphere...
Disney has no obligation to please you, or to remain faithful to you or your ideals of what Disney should be.
Wrong. Dead wrong. Anyone who subscribes to their product...has a say...has a right to be pleased...can walk away if they're so gutless...can buy stock...and if you can buy enough stock...hold Mr. Iger's leash. I can't afford that kinda I'll keep the fires burning...
There are objective criticisms to be made if there are slips in cleanliness, maintenance, guest services, or if they started replacing E-ticket rides with sliding boards and those little horses on springs.
And...there's all of this...ask around for examples from other users...since you've neglected my little list I made for you earlier...there's several examples of everything you've just said.
But, as I have told my own employees, right or wrong is only relevant in the sense of what I think is right or wrong. If you work for Walgreens, and Mr. Walgreen (if there is one) comes up and tells you to pull all boxes on shelves forward at night, and you tell him he is wrong - guess what? You're out. He's right, because it's his company. Even if you think customers like it better with the boxes pushed back. Now, if the customers bear out that he was wrong and business goes down, then he will change/adapt or suffer.
That analogy is hard to read...and doesn't hold much water...obviously this forum isn't ran by Disney...and I'm certainly not getting paid for any of this any more than you
If the consequences are that 10 customers hate it and go to CVS instead, but overall business increases, then that's OK. That's a win for the company, even if it loses a few people, as long as it is a net gain.
That mindset is part of what fuels these arguments...I realize that you cannot please everyone...and I know it's a business...but it is woven into Americana and therefore the lines blur...and there is truth in what you've said...but that concept needs to be turned down a lot...
And chances are 5 of those 10 customers will come back and learn to live with it when they find out CVS charges more for their prescriptions.
Sure. I understand this...that's why I'll still shell out the dough to go visit Disney World/Disney Land even though I disapprove of some of this stuff...but...I still won't set foot in the Studios for the same price..and that's one person out of millions...but...again...this is a forum. This is a place for discussion and debate...
There is no doubt in my mind there will be 7DMT-type lines for Frozen in Norway for at least as long as there has been for 7DMT.
I'm sure there will be too...and honestly...I've made mention that my only good feeling about the whole mess is that it'll pull in money and make the suits cough up some much-needed dough for Epcot. But I'm also sure the lines will annoy me and disrupt the flow of World Showcase...and be a major pain in everyone's backside for at least the first year...
There will be a much, much smaller percentage of guests who will never go to Frozen in Norway, and an infinitesimal number of guests who won't go back to WDW at all.
This is simple math.
The only thing that could go wrong is if the new ride itself actually sucks - not that the theme is out of place, but that the ride itself is lame.
Ha! There's a record number of screw ups on another Epcot classic...have a gander...I suggest one of Marni's vids on Journey Into's not an impossibility...and I'm they'll try to bandage it...badly...cheaply..
Otherwise, those of you who are making a bigger deal than is warranted about changes Disney makes are just shouting into the wind. Nothing you can say will matter. You can choose to be bitter about it and sound like little crankypants, or you can choose to be optimistic about it and give it a fair shot without sneering.
And by this point you're talking to a group of people and not just me...And we'll choose to be can bet money on that...and it'll get it's fair shot...there's not many "fanboys" who'll pass up a chance to see if it has been worth it. We're as curious as you are... however, I'll tell YOU now that you're shouting into the wind...nothing you've posted will matter fact...I'm rather annoyed by this're beyond value to me...and I'm sure to many others as far as this discussion goes...
Walt didn't choose theming over money. He didn't have time to even cross that bridge. We can think, idealistically, that he would have put some ideals of perfection above the almighty dollar, but frankly - I've seen the movies and the documentaries. Walt, as much as he loved kids and what not, he very much wanted to make a name for himself and to make money. So we don't know what he would have done.
Examples? The guy pushed the bar as far as he could get Roy to help him push it. He was an innovator and changed the face of entertainment...and it wasn't necessarily all about the money to him either...if I remember some of the same documentaries and books...he often re-invested a lot of what he made...but you can bet your boots he would have built a city and not a theme park called point is dead...
I saw the Living Seas before Nemo and it was fine. I saw the Living Seas with Nemo and thought it was better. I never had a negative thought about it. I never thought something had been taken away. I thought, "Wow, look, they still put effort into these things, and we like Nemo, so..."
Okay...I rode it and thought..."Cheap". I thought...this is a crappy rip-off of the Submarines at Disneyland...and it's not even well you realize that the underwater theming is BETTER on the Little Mermaid attraction? For that matter...I'd have loved to see something where Mr. Ray taught us something about the Seas...and they could have used their little cartoons to their heart's content...but was since we don't have any integrity, how fast and how dirty can we wedge something we've already built into this old pavilion that we don't care about?
If I want to focus on the aquarium, I'll go to Miami SeaQuarium and save a bundle. Or I'll go to the Atlanta aquarium (again) which puts Disney to shame.
Ok. Fine. And?
When I'm at WDW, I'm thinking, "That's nice, but I can see aquariums anywhere." We spend a good amount of time in there. (Watch a shark go after a fish in front of children LOL.) But really, I want something special only Disney can provide. And there are comparable or better aquariums and zoos.
Sure. But this is about Disney's aquarium..this is a Disney discussion? The aquarium is a part of the cheap Nemo overlay right? Right. The aquarium doesn't concern me.
Snark and arrogance are valuable resources? What is this, opposite world?
No...don't twist crap around...there are people who are completely objective, knowledgeable, and highly snarky...and they are valuable resources. I cannot express to you in words how much I've learned from them.
I prefer optimism, reality, humility. I don't have to hunt for every inconsistency to impress people with my vast knowledge of Disneyana.
And you assume I do?...I was just swimming along minding my own business and I spotted a Bozo fish...had to spear it. and it wouldn't die!
Walt is gone. "The standard" is unrealistic, just like Apple is not going to be the same after a while has passed without Steve Jobs.
To half-a**ed quote Harry Potter...Walt Disney is never truly gone as long as there are those who are loyal to him...
And I'd go a step further and say...keep his fire burning...and NO that standard is not is legendary...and it still is there...whether or not they can measure up is only subject to time and leadership.
Hell, I can't even get people to work up to my standards in my little record store. When I'm gone, it's done for.
Sorry to hear's hard to find good record stores where I come from...ones with decent vinyls in good shape that aren't warped or scratched to hell...
I'm done here. There's no more argument coming from me...just know you're probably out-numbered...and that folks like me aren't out to be unkind or mean...but you will get called out...Mean?...that's definitiely your perception and not everone else's. And I'll tell you right now that I've been knocked on my butt a time or two on here...and I'm better for it. There's plenty of humility here sir...