Except there's no clear indication that any of this is actually harming children. There's been much gesturing, ranting, and foaming of the mouth over the past several years "for the children" regarding the way people dress, act, express themselves, acknowledge other people, and so on, with no evidence that any child is actually being harmed by any of this. Often in ways that insinuate that LGBTQ+ people are inherently predatory and looking to manipulate young minds. Maybe I'm a bad gay and I missed the meeting that stated otherwise, but more often than not the only message I've received from the queer community is "you can be whoever you want to be, and be happy however you want to be, as long as you don't hurt anyone else." Merely existing, to me, does not qualify as hurting anyone else. And if it does, than that says more about whoever holds that opinion than the person who is simply existing and trying to live their life.
Meanwhile, as all of this manufactured hysteria about children has been going on, there is/has been a seemingly a never ending barrage of this youth pastor or that being arrested for actually possessing inappropriate materials or acting inappropriately, in every way that phrase could possibly be insuinuated, towards minors, but people instead of reacting with the mass outrage and condemnation that behavior actually deserves, have instead been weirdly silent about that. Also seems to only be happening in gathering spaces associated with a particular faith. It's been "interesting" to watch how this outrage cycle works, to say the least.