Um, what era do you think we live in? Tattoos are no longer taboo or looked down upon by most corporations. In fact there are quite a few well known famous (even conservative) CEOs that have tattoos including Jack Dorsey, James Murdoch, Maureen Chiquet, and Marc Jacobs.
Coming from the tech world I can tell you that a large percentage of co-workers I've worked with either currently or in the past have tattoos. These are people from all different walks of life and cultures interacting with other coworkers and meeting with customers who can see their tattoos. And these are Fortune 50 companies where these people work and have their careers. Doesn't seem very limiting to me, especially someone who has a tattoo myself.
And given that
@Dear Prudence has I believe mentioned working in or around the music and film industry, you literally can't go 50 feet without running into someone with a tattoo.
So no someone with a tattoo or considering getting a tattoo is not lowering their worth or limiting their lifestyle.