I can understand where you might feel this way but I still feel the question was innocent and not meant to be divisive. I guess I'm giving
@mickEblu the benefit of the doubt.
Would the question have been taken differently if it was from a gay man? For example, my cousin who is gay, has a real issue with "over the top" (exactly his terms) representation of the gay community. We've had long discussions as I'm always concerned for him, his husband and his 2 sons and how they will be judged by others. He feels that the gay community pushes representation to the point of diluting the message, making it far less impactful, especially around events like Pride month. His opinion while he understands the intent, the message can cause more harm and create further division and he just wants to go about life and not be "highlighted" for the life he lives. Personally, I have zero issues with it and have more than my share of social media fights with fans in the hockey community that feel teams should stick to sports and not post anything around social causes.