Well-Known Member
That's because there are were and are quite a lot of derogatory words hurled at basically all non-white people (and non-straight people), often when they were *simply trying to exist,* on a regular basis. This was much more common when there were fewer platforms and opportunities for historically marginalized groups to truly fight these words and concepts. Now it is better, but still not fixed by any stretch (see: increasing rise of homophobia, among other forms of hatred). Now, many of those words have been reclaimed by groups that were originally hurt by them, and that's fine. It's typical in and out group stuff you likely already experience in your friend group and as seen in lots of media-it's ok if WE make fun of our good friend Steve being a klutz, but don't YOU dare do it because you're not with us. Same principle.
And there is no real equivalent of those heavy slurs for straight white people, but straight white people also weren't removed from their land, brought over as slaves or cheap labor, had laws passed against what they could/could not do without their consent or representation, etc as other groups were. It's not really a hard "limitation," if it is even that, to follow. Just don't use slurs. Most people shouldn't find that hard.
And, again, is the concept of social justice truly bad? I'm not talking about the term "social justice warrior" that has unfortunately become weaponized and tainted to mean specific things, but the very idea of social justice. And if it is, what does that say about our health as a society?
I get it and yours and ravens comments are not the ones I object to or talking about. Social engineering can be good like programs that help disenfranchised groups relating to education and healthcare, etc.
But sometimes it goes too far - simple example is don’t “don’t judge a person based on their color”. Well if you were to turn on Joy Reid on MSNBC or many others of her ilk you will often hear terms like “another old white guy” to decribe someone - can you imagine that same comment directed to and about a person of color? Nowadays That term is weaponized and has specific meaning about what a person believes (racist) whether they do or not - does that help change hearts and minds or is it destructive? I can tell you that kind of talk is a big reason Donald trump (who I despise) has the power he has. Where is the outrage ?