So I have been busy between work and doing the Hangtime Media events all day Thursday and Friday AM. (Loved all the rides I got during down times, plus loved the Timber Mountain ride with one of the senior rehab guys, they did an awesome job, brand new conveyor belts and other behind the scenes stuff). So I couldn't work the Electric Eel event last week at SWSD. But Lisa and I headed down on Sunday for early morning ERT. It is an Awesome Shuttle Coaster, and a great ride.
Here is the BIG (or should I say
GIGANTIC) problem. The ride can only run one train, which has 3 cars. Each car has 3 rows of 2 seats. So 18 people, and about 3 minutes per launch, as you can't preload a second.... (For Maintenance, they have to remove each car separately). So that is 360 riders per hour, many up to 540 if they can get to a 2 minute turnover....)
So what to do? Well, the regular QuickQueue upgrade is not eligible for Electric Eel. But you can buy a ride specific one, just $15 per person. And to make it easy, SeaWorld was kind enough to place an ATM machine to see them at the entrance to the ride. And on a slow overcast Sunday Afternoon, I saw many folks buying them....
So will Disney follow suit at Galaxy Edge, maybe with a return time as an additional feature?