Captain Chaos
Well-Known Member
I understand, if you are telling the truth and actually working on the project, you cannot post certain things... I would think your picture was one of them... Got to keep your identity secret right? Don't want to risk losing your job or contracts by talking about the project, right? And wouldn't posting the contract be in violation of agreements? Just asking...Completely agree 100%....time is the best factor in regards to work and also just to prove another point ill try to post a copy of the contracthave to do some digging at the office though
I know danlb is willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, and others don't like people being questioned about the info when they are looking for anything to make this ride sound better than it is, but truth is, as posted above, members have come here claiming to know this and that and have been found to be unreliable... Only certain members deserve and should get the benefit of the doubt: lee, Martin, WDW1974 to name a few...
Do you remember, maybe not since you are new, when someone came here and claimed to be a Disney Imagineer? Worked people into a frenzy with all this information he was providing... Only to be called out and proven to not be an imagineer... So again, forgive the questioning.. Until you are proven right or wrong, I'll remain skeptical...