The League of Dreamers - An Imagineering Contest


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Okay folks, we have a couple of announcements today. First off, I would like to remind you that your first part of Fantasyland is due in 2 days, along with anything else in Fantasyland that you would like to get approved this week. While it is not required to turn in anything besides the re-imagined attraction and the secret project tomorrow, we strongly advise you to turn in as much stuff as you can - especially the things that you feel might be rejected by the Board of Directors (so you can tweak them in Part 2).

Second announcement, I would like to introduce our newest team to the competition, made up of 5 players on the waiting list. Please welcome Team Odyssey!

Team Odyssey:

Pay in mind, however, that this team is not exempt from the previous challenges. They will complete the same amount of lands as everyone else, and they will do so on the same schedule. The only difference will be the fact that they will be expected to complete Fantasyland in one week alone. This also marks the last time that we will be allowing players to join without having another player drop out.

Good luck, Team Odyssey, your team will become active on Wednesday with the new assignment.

EDIT: If you are on Team Odyssey, please reply below so we know that you are on board.



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In the Parks
I explained in the other thread, but you are going to catch up later in the game. For now, wait until Wednesday, and you can work on the next land with everyone else.



New Member
Ok! TrevorA has placed me in charge for the day as he will not be on the boards. Since the project is due today, when you are finished with Fantasyland Part 1 you will be posting in a thread dedicated to the Fantasyland portion of the project (to be posted later)

If you have any questions either ask in your threads, this main thread, OR (best way) PM me them. And I'd be glad to help!

Cant wait to see what yall have come up with!


Well-Known Member
Ok! TrevorA has placed me in charge for the day as he will not be on the boards. Since the project is due today, when you are finished with Fantasyland Part 1 you will be posting in a thread dedicated to the Fantasyland portion of the project (to be posted later)

If you have any questions either ask in your threads, this main thread, OR (best way) PM me them. And I'd be glad to help!

Cant wait to see what yall have come up with!

I already asked Trevor in our FL-thread. You define a show as an attraction involving live actors. What is a show based on AAs to you, e.g. Tiki Room and SGE? A ride? A movie? Not exactly isn't it?


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In the Parks
Alright, week one is finished. As of right now, we have two complete projects turned in for Fantasyland. Just to let the other teams know, your Fantasylands will all have to be completed by the end of week 2, and your re-imagined attraction and secret project will need to be turned in ASAP. Please do your best.

Now, onto week 2. We're moving forward in time this week, to a time where the future is not so far away. This is a time where men and women take the Peoplemover to work (if they live in Florida :lookaroun), where trashcans can talk, and where a trip to space is like a walk in the park. Welcome to Tomorrowland.

I hope you all can remember your specified criteria, so we'll skip that portion for now. Let's move on to the re-imagined attraction, which will be none other than the Autopia, or the Tomorrowland Indy Speedway for the East-Coasters. You can change it however you please, just be sure to keep the central theme of the attraction intact.

Again, good luck Dreamers. This is shaping out to be one heck of a contest.

EDIT: By the way, Team Odyssey is officially working on Tomorrowland this week.



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In the Parks
Okay, we have five players to play on our newest team. Please welcome Team Earth Station!

Team Earth Station:
WDW Vacationer

For now, your team doesn't have to worry about Fantasyland; you will combine your ideas to brainstorm in Part 2. Just start with Tomorrowland for this week.

Good luck, guys. Here's our team list, in case you are lost in the shuffling

Team Odyssey
Team Earth Station
Team Symbiosis
The Future Corps
Team Communicore



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In the Parks
Okay, secret project time. In the spirit of Tomorrow, we want you to build a state-of-the-art, next generation dark ride. The ride itself can be about anything that you like, but we want it to be new and fresh, technologically speaking.

Some of you have already started a project similar to this. Good guessing on your part, get working on the rest of your Tomorrowland.



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In the Parks
Remember, Tomorrowlands are due tomorrow!

We will have your Fantasyland reviews done by tomorrow as well. Sorry to be so late about that; we will be more prompt in the future.



New Member
Also, remember what we need for project submissions:
-Description of Land
-Attraction/Shop/Restaurant List (with brief descriptions)
-Secret Project (In full detail-- Next-Gen Dark Ride)
-Re-Imagined Project (In full detail-- Autopia/Speedway)

You will post the project like last time in the appropriate thread (to be posted tmrw)

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